Pleasurable Business (closed)


Sweet submission
Jul 10, 2012

Name: Sandra Davison
Age: 28 years old
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130lbs
Body: Long legged, thin waist, d-cuped breast, bubble butt
Hair: Wavy shoulder length Red
Eyes: Blue
Degree: Masters in Business Administration

9 am

Sandra was on him as soon as he walked in the door. "Mr. Simms your 9:15 is here at 10 you have a tele confrence that should last til lunch. You are having lunch today with Mr. Henderson at Conisures. At 1:30 you have a meeting with marketing, the file is waiting on your desk don't forget it this time. After your meeting with marketing is complete there are correspondce that need to be dealt with. Also your coffee is on your desk. Once you get settled I will send in you 9:15 so maybe we can stay on schedule today."

With that she sat at her own desk sitting perfectly poised her red hair twisted back in a sever bun very light make-up and a conservtive powder blue suit. She had worked for Daniel Simms for going on 3 years and the man seemed to have no concept of time or business edicit what he was doing in his position she had no idea. He was almost always late or forgetting something and there where times when she wandered if he did it just to irk her.


"Daniel Simms office this Sandra how may I help you today?" Sandra said in a cool professional voice.

"Hey sweet cheeks it's Mark is Danny around."

"Yes Mr. Simms is in but he is preparing for a meeting he needs to be at in 15 minuets." Sandra tried to deny the man access to her boss.

"Just put me through or I'll call his cell phone and make him late." Mark knew she was always on Daniel about being late.

She patched him through without a word to him or her boss. "It's not like he's not going to be late anyway now." she muttered to herself and went back to work typing out some papers Daniel would need to sign later.

5 pm

"Mr. Simms there are still 3 correspondence you need to read and sign if you leave we will have to deal with this first thing in the morning." And of course he kept walking out the door she swore the only time that man knew was end of business day. Just as well she had things to do tonight as well. She neatly organized everything so it would be ready to go first thing in the morn..... no today was friday so it would have to wait til Monday, just fucking great.
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TGIF was running through Dannys head all day, I had been a busy week, non-stop meeting and a few late nights. He couldn't wait to get home, crack open a beer and watch TV all night till he finally passed out. Sure there was still some work to do but it was quitting time and he was done. None of this was to the delight of his secretary Miss Davison.

She had started working for him about 3 years ago and she was great. At doing her job that is. Other than that, she was kind of a dud. One of the reasons he had hired her was that she thought she was going to be hot to look at every day. He thought she had just dressed very plain for her interview and that soon after her skirts would be getting shorter and neck lines would be lower. But thats not what happened.

Mrs. Conway had retired from her job as his secretary at age 64 and even she wore more revealing clothes than Miss Davison. Long skirts down past her knees, 2 inch heels on a good day and blouses almost buttoned up to he neck. All of the other managers at his level had hot little secretaries that knew how to "take care of thier bosses" but not him. Danny was stuck with, as the other guys called her "The Nun with the Bun."

He had tried to get her to loosen up but she was just too cold. Once he even tried to get her drunk at a company party but she just had a sip of wine and was off. It's not that Danny was unatractive himself, 6ft 2 and about 215. He had played football in college and still kept in pretty good shape. He was still a bit of a frat boy at heart, one of the factors that ended his marriage a few years ago.

So he was off to chill at his bachelor pad for the night. That was unless one of his buddies called or a client was in town. That often happened more than not. Plan one thing and end up with a totally different thing.
At 6:15 Sandra walked in the back door of Naughty's. She threw her suit case to the floor yanked her bun from her hair and gave a Rebel Yell. Everyone jerks around and started laughing greeting her enthusiasticly. She was one of the "house moms" and also a star attraction. Here she was simply known as Rebel. After returning everyones greetings she sat at her station to get ready for her first set. She would dance to 3 songs and they would all have something to do with her name. It was the DJs was of introducing her for the night.

She parted her hair put it up in pig tails darkened her makeup so she looked made up instead of natural. She put on her Rebel flag bikini with her ity bity cutoff jean shorts and left them unbuttoned and unzipped. Lastly she slipped on her 8" heels. By the time 7pm rolled around and her shift technically started she was dressed ready to go and had just downed her first shot of the night.
Danny had just settled down on the couch with ESPN on the TV when his phone rang. He looked at the number and knew who it was. Tank and Skeeter from college. He knew if he answered it that he'd be out till tomorrow morning. But if he didn't, he'd be here watching freaking Sportscenter all night. What the fuck!

"DAN THE MAAAAAAANNNN" was all he could hear from the other end of the phone. It was Tank's big voice. He could make long distance calls without even using a phone! They planned to meet at thier regular bar, O'Neals, and then go on from there.

After a quick shower and a new set of clothes, Danny was out the door. He met his buds at the bar and they went straight for the shots. After 6 or 10 or 13 rounds they decided that they needed to see some breasts. Actually Skeeter said that he needed "To see him some titties" so off they went in search of a strip club. Soon they found themselves paying the entrance fee to Naughty's.
Rebel aka Sandra was on stage for her second set of the night and was down to nothing but a pair string bikini bottoms and another pair of 8" heels when she thought she saw Daniel. Yes she knew his name was Danny but she knew calling him Daniel pissed him off so she stuck to her verison whenever it was approriate to use his first name. As she watched the 3 guys make there way to a table she never missed a step as she worked the pole like a long lost lover but she never took her eyes of the group when the light hit just right she saw indeed it was her boss.

He was probably hammered already and would never reconize her she could have fun with him tonight and by dawn he would never remeber she was there. Yeah this would be fun. As the last song ended she stepped down pulled the tube dress back on and made her way the long way around so she ended up behind him. Covering his eyes with her hands she leaned down and whispered in his ear.

"Daniel Simms you have been very very naughty."
Well Skeeter sure was getting his titties in this place. 3 stages all going at the same time, girls on tables and even a few private rooms. There were hot girls everywhere! The 3 friends were looking to get a table up close to the stage. Danny was about to spot one out when all of a sudden.... darkness. Did the lights go out in this place?

Then he heard a whisper close to his ear "Daniel Simms you have been very very naughty." . This whisper was then interupted by his buddies shouts of "WWWWWWWOOOOOAAAHHHHH!!! DAMN Danny, you've got to see the hot piece of ass thats behind you!!" Tank exclaimed.

It was a combonation of shots and shock that made Dannys head spin a bit. He had no idea what was going on. Someone in here knows his name he thought? What the....
"I'll give you give you 3 guess Daniel and if you get it right I'll give you a prize." Sandra whispered in his ear winking at his friends.

"Let me know if you need a hint but be prepared each hint has a price. So what you say Mr. Simms?" She put an emphasis on the his last name as another free hint.

She pressed her breast against his back. Watching as his friend's looked on at his delima.
All Danny could figure right now was that some chick was playing with him. He could also feel a nice set of tits on his back and the smell of sweet perfume when she whispered into his ear. His mind raced, as good as it could at this time to figure who this could be. All he kept hearing from his buds was that "she's fuckin smoking hot dude!. Big help that was.

In a drunken blurt, he said "OK I got it.. I got it. It's either Sally... Amy... or..HAHA dudes!! check it out... MY EX!! HAHAHA!!"

All 3 drunk guys laughed all over themselves with that one.
"Tsk, tsk Mr. Simms always slacking off never taking anything serious. But since your obviously drunk I will give you one more guess and if you are smart enough to get your Masters maybe your smart enough to ask for hints this time before you loose the chance of a life time." She purred.

She nibbled his ear moaning softly to let him know exactly what she ment by that. "Think about it Daniel Simms." This time she said his first name as she would at work. Obviously the man was drunker than she thought and if he kept this up soon her game would be over.

"Use your business mind Mr. Simms."
Again his mind raced. But then it hit him. Like a baseball bat full of sober right on the head. Without even thinking he said "No fuckin way!! Are you kidding me??" His mouth almost hung open for a few seconds as he ran the clues through his head.

"Miss Davison????"

His eyes were wide open now but he still had hands over them. He had told his buds about her so even they were in shock with that guess. Tank said "Dude, you told us that Davison chick was a cold looser... this chick is SMOKIN!"
Sandra removed her hands from his eyes and slid around him to sit in his lap. "In here my name is no longer Miss Davison. My name's Rebel a pleasure to meet you."

She held her hand out for the other 2 as if she where a queen waiting on them to kiss her ring. "What brings you boys to this fine establishment tonight?" She contined talking to his 2 friends ignoring him. Waiting for him to get over his shock she would make him eat the cold looser comment.
The only thing that could come out of his mouth was "What the fuck???" When his eyes adjusted to the new light he saw a sweet piece of ass sitting in his lap. Her tits were big but not overly huge. Her ass seemed to fit perfectly in his lap. When he looked up he saw beautiful bright red hair flowing down a soft and sexy neck. This was Miss Davison??
Danny tried to shake the cobwebs from his head. He was almost completely sober after this shock. Almost too much of a shock. Again he looded down to see a sexy woman on his lap whowas MISS DAVISON!
Sandra laughed at him "What you think just because I'm professional and act professional, just because I do my job right to make you life easier it make me a cold fish? I been working here longer than I've been working for you and trust me baby this pays better." She wiggled her ass against him to see if that would help set his brain in motion again he seemed kinda stuck. She didn't know rather to be amused or insulted.
As she wiggled her ass on him something happened that never in a million years he thought would< This shock was almost as big as the first one. But right now, Miss Davison, the Ice Queen from work was getting him hard! While not a full blown hard-on, he did feel the beginings of one. And in his drunken state, it probably wouldn't take much more to get it really going.

"So why didn't you ever tell me about this plae... with you in it??" Danny asked her. "why didn't you tell me you would be fun to hang out with? You always have turned me down when I asked if you wanted to do ANYTHING social?".
She smiled and leaned leaned over to kiss his cheek. "I never told you because it's not proper talk in the office and if you knew half the things said around the secretarial pool you'd stay on the straight and narrow too but thanks to me they think you do so you can thank me later. As to why I always turned you do down..... well you always asked on a work night."

She shrugged and told them "boys plug your ears we need drinks." She counted to 3 giving them time before she let loose a rebel yell. The bar tender looked over at her to see what she needed and when she made a circle over the table he nodded.

"I hope ya'll like Jack becasue one of ya'll are paying for this round." She smiled and leaned back against Daniel.
A drink would be good right now Danny thought. And boy did he need it. His mind just couldn't wrap around the fact that she was a stripper. Though he had never seen her body, he could tell that she was in good shape. But a stripper??

As Sandra moved around a bit more on his lap his cock started to grow a bit more. Thats all he would need now. Getting a raging hard-on because of his secretary now turned stripper!

The shots came and the all downed it. By now the office conversation was getting a little boring for Tank and Skeeter. Thier minds and eyes wondered elsewhere. All around them were hot women in different stages of undress so they had a lot to look at. Danny was fine looking at this woman in his lap.
After taking her shot and watching the other two get distracted she turned her head to Daniel. "So nothing to say? I can leave if you want it's not like every other guy here wouldn't pay big bucks to be in your seat right now."

She ment to hold good on the threat too while she wanted to play her game she was also at work. She Half rose from his lap looking back to see what he would decide.
He quickly set her back into his lap as she started to raise. "No no... you don't have to go" he said overly rushed. Funny thing though, as she got up his eyes got a quick look at how big her tits really were. And aslo the few seconds that she was up allowed even more blood to rush to his cock. He didn't realise this untill she sat back down again.

Danny could see that many men were already undressing her with thier eyes. Before he knew it, so was he! Then he started thinking if she actually went in the back for the private show?? NO flippin way!

"Wait a minute" he said... "Is this like some candid camera type show or something??"
She smiled as he pulled her back down to sit in his lap. Whenever she sat again though she noticed a little something extra joining her, and wiggled against it. She leaned back against him thinking to herself that he sure did seem in a hurry to make her stay.

"Is this like some candid camera type show or something??"

She sighed. "No Daniel I actually work here. I am a stripper well technically I am one of the lead strippers. I have worked here for 6 years, everyone here knows me as Rebel. Can we be over the shock of it and have some fun now?"
This is when Danny's mind went into overdrive!OK, fine. His Ice Queen of a secretary is a stripper who's sitting on his lad and starting to give him a hard-on. He was drunk and she wanted to "have some fun". Those were the facts as he knew them. All of which didn't make any sense except for the fact that he's drunk.

Danny looked over to his buds but they were in La La land looking at all of the half naked women parading around. Just then, he got a whiff of her perfume. It was that cheap stuff that strippers use, but combined with the smoke in the room and his state of intoxication, smelled like a fucking hot woman! He then glanced down again to get another glimpse of her big tits being held in by just a tube of fabrick. DAMN!!

"So ummm... what kind of uhhh .. fun did you have in mind?" he asked her.
She clapped and bounced on his lap. "Yeah you finally got your train back on track. Now we can party and maybe if your lucky I'll let you buy a private dance. "

She leaned in and nibbled on his earbefore whispering "And if you get me a few more drinks I might take you home with me or let you take me home." She leaned back smiled and wiggled her ass against his erection.
Danny quickly ordered a few more shots. The thought of finally seeing her is a sexual way went right to his cock and before long, he had a full on erection in his pants. He could feel it finding a nice place right between her ass cheeks. Many a time he spied on her in the office as she had to bend for something. But more times than not. she was wearing something that just kind of covered her ass and didn't allow it's shape to be seen. Now the short tight dress she was wearing left little for the imagination. Her ass was tight and firm and just the perfect bubble shape.
They had a few more drinks and she toyed with him just a bit. Just enough to keep him interested. Once in a while she would let the side of her tit rub up against him, almost right at his mouth. He could see her nipples pressing through her top. Again whenever he tried to steal a glimpse at the office, her dang collers were all the way up to her neck.
Sandra was actually having a good time. Danny wasn't so bad to hang out with if only she could get him to be more professional at the office they might actually get along. She kept an eye on the stage knowing she would have to go up one more time but until then she was having a grand time.

Finally she was up again so she stood kissing his cheek and explain "I'm up after this girl I need to go change when I get done maybe you'll take me back to a private room?"

She walked back to the dressing room and changed into a nurses outfit with thigh high white leather boots. Just as she rose her into started playing and the DJ intodunced her with a flair she stepped onto the stage.
Danny couldn't keep his eyes off of her ass as she walk away back stage. Her legs went on forever right up to that perfect ass. He got another drink and was watching the girl on stage as she finished her act. Her big tits were bouncing as she jogged off the stage, they were huge!

He couldn't believe that he was about to watch Sandra...or ummm Miss Davison...or ummm Rebel or whatever her name was STRIP! The music started pumping and out she came. Dannys jaw almost hit the ground when she came out. Strutted was more like it! In high heeled thigh high boots! From the second she stepped on the stage she owned it. And once again the blood ran right to his cock.