Please Help Me, Teacher ~closed~


Eternal Brat
May 5, 2008

Michelle chewed on the top of her pencil. Her head ached due to the hang over she had from the senior year party. The mid term had begun at 8 am and of course she was late. It was her last year of highschool and she just wasn't getting this class at all. Her dark hair cascaded past her shoulders as her chest heaved while she released a heavy sigh.

It wasn't that Michelle was a bad student. No, she conquered all her other classes. Social Studies, Science, she was even passing math with at least a C. However English no matter how ironic that was; she couldn't seem to pass. The fact that she had a hang over was definitely not helping.

The bell rang and as all the students placed their tests on the instructors desk, she was the last to do so as she attempted to scribble in some answers. Quickly she hurried to his desk and placed the test in front of him.

"Um, sir? I've been having a little trouble with the lessons so sorry if the answers are like wrong." Michelle flashed her instructor one of her brilliant smiles.
Mr Morgan sighed as the bell rang, kids filing up to set their midterms on his desk. Another hellacious week of grading to look forward too. But that was the life of a highschool teacher. After all the reason he had become a teacher was for the summers off. He stood up and stretched his lithe 6'2 frame. His body as taught and muscular, his black hair short and slicked back lettin his cool blue eyes shine through his angular face

He looked up as one of his students approached his desk

Michelle was a gorgeous young lady. That perfect youthful body, the perfect smile, and unfortunately, the imperfect student

"Well Michelle I'm sorry then if your grade is bad" he told her simply, not letting his eyes wander over that prodigiously unbuttoned top of gets

"Maybe you should have put more time into this class then your hair"
Sighing, Michelle remembered why she hated this class. Her instructor Mr.Morgan was an asshole and a smart ass. She was allowed to be a smart ass, she was 18. Wasn't he like supposed to respect her or something? Besides, didn't he say that 'if you ever have any problems at all come to me after class'

He never specified that it had to be three weeks before a test."Hey, I'm only doing what you said sir. Coming to you when I have problems?" she rolled her eyes. "Alot of help that does me." She brushed her fingers through her dark hair.

"And it only takes a half hour to do my hair. That's not a lot of time."
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He smiled at her hair story

"Ok. Well I appreciate you coming after class. But it's a little late. I mean I can't help you with your problem areas after you take the test. It's before that matters" he told her as he stood up, grabbing the stack of papers. He glance out the window, seeing the mass exodus of kids and teachers from the school. It made him appreciate having his rom at the end of the hall, nobody ever walked by

"Ok. Well you got me after class. What can I do for you?" he asked with a sarcastic smile. An even though he tried, his eyes dipped down to that cleavage on display. That was the other reason he taught. The young supple flesh
She shrugged, "I dunno..."

Even though he wasn't her most favorite teacher, he was definitely the hottest. If she was into the whole seducing the teacher to get a better grade thing, she'd try it on him first. However that only happened in porno movies. Nothing cool like that happened in real life.

"Okay so maybe I'm having problems with the prepositional phrases and stuff.." Michelle admitted.

She pretended not to notice his eyes glance down. "But I really have to pass this class, I mean if I don't I won't get the cheerleading scholarship to go to college and do you know how pissed my parents will be if I don't get that scholarship. When are available for tutoring?"
"I've told you. After class is when imam available " he told wr as he packed his thing into his bag. Then he walked around his desk, sitting on it as he stood
In front of her

"I know it puts you in a tight spot. But I can't just go and change grades for
You. I don't think you realize how hard your going to have to work to get your grade up. I don't even know that it's worth my time. How do I know how dedicated you are" he said as he looked down into her beautiful cool eyes
Michelle rolled her eyes again, "I wasn't asking to get my grade changed automatically. *That's why I coming to you.." she gave him a 'duh' look."I'll put in *all the time it takes... Except for game days, I'm head cheerleader, I have to be there."

She pouted, "Besides dont teachers get off on students excelling in their class? How can helping me pass your class not be worth your time?"

She flashed him another dazzling smile then proceeded to beg,"Please Mr.Morgan I really need your help."
He looked at her, her sass was just barely acceptable

"Fine. I'll look over your test and work as grade tonight. Tomorrow be ready for several hours here after school" he told her as he finally yielded
She was right about how students doing well reflected
On him. But If he recalled correctly her cheer leading definitely came
Out in her writing too

"and yes it is important for me
That you do well. But it's also important for
You that you do well. And I'm glad you don't expect an instant grade change. Because that doesn't happen" he told her as he slung his bag over his shoulder

"Alright now out with you. And I will see you 5 minutes after the bell rings. Oh wait. You have practice don't you. Well Inexpect you here straight after that" he said with a no nonsense voice

"Tomorrow is your one shot at showing
Me what your grade is worth to you "
She grinned widely and nodded eagerly,"Thank you SO much Mr.Morgan you're the best!" She made her way out of the classroom with a giddy look on her face.*

The next day Michelle walked in the classroom barely making it on time just as Mr.Morgan began started taking roll. Taking a seat in the back since she was late, she took notes during his lecture well, tried to.

Class seemed to go by fast or maybe she was too caught up daydreaming about all the college parties she would go to. She hurried off to cheerleading practice but returned shortly after having no time to change.

Taking a seat in the front, she smiled. Her green uniform skirt rising but she tugged it down to keep from doing so.

"Im ready whenever you are."
He couldn't help but notice the spaced out look on her face as she came to class the next day. Sure she appeared to be taking notes, but she wasnt even aware of a word he was saying

So the class ended and he began to go over grades. He had looked her work over the night before, and he had freshmen who could write circles around her

Her grades were horrid and honestly he would have to fudge the numbers and she would have to ace the tests to get a C

Finally he jerked his head up as she came into his room. Her cheerleader uniform still on

"Don't you guys practice in something else?" he asked as he looked her over. Her glistening body had a fine sheen if sweat over it as he looked at her

"Yiur not gonna be comfortable in that. We have a lot of work to do. Go ahead and change while I go over your grades

He began to list off her scores, very curious to see what she would do. He didn't even know of she had anything to change into. And he didn't care. The whole idea was to see what she would do, see where her instincts drove her here
She lifted her eyebrows and then looked down at her cheerleading uniform."Well, it's not that long until the next game.." Michelle shrugged,"Whatever." She headed to the bathroom and changed into her jeans and white blouse, what she'd been wearing that day. The jeans hugged her firm thighs. The blouse was nothing special it was buttoned up all the way.

She stuffed her cheer uniform back in her backpack and headed back to the classroom."Better?" She took a seat and crossed one leg over the other as he seemed absorbed in the papers in front of him.*

As she waited, she pulled out her notebook, doodling on it as she waited for him to say something.*
He smiled as she came back in her blouse and hip hugging jeans. That skirt had been too muh of a distraction

"Alright. Here it is. Your grades are horrible. You will have to arrive to axe everything to make a D" he told her frankly, after he had sat in quiet lettin her sweat. He popped up and walked to where she sat, looking down at the doodles

"Explain to me how this isn't a waste of my time" he said with a small growl, looking at the doodles

"Jere we are supposed to study, and any time without direction you turn to this" he said gesturing to the paper

"It's hard to take you seriously. You seem less than sincere"
Michelle attempted to hide her notebook as Mr.Morgan stepped up to the desk but it was obviously too late." dunno.. I mean I AM taking this seriously...,sort of,"

Seeing the look of anger on his face she sighed and looked away trying to hide her flushing face."I"

She bit her lip and brushed her fingers through her dark hair. "I mean I could give you a blow job." she teased making it obvious that it was a joke by laughing.

Seeing the look on his face she turned the color of a sheet."I'm joking!"
He was amazed at wr answer

An intrigued, now she was talking

"Well I am not laughing. But your obviously not taking this serious. It's just a waste of my time" he said as he reached down and grabbed her notebook, tossing it to the ground

"I wouldn't even pass you if you did give me a blow job. Even if it was te most amazing I'd ever had, an that is very unlikely" he said standing there. His eyes slid over to her snugly buttoned top, glancing down her shirt

"And yet again you don't even take that serious. If you were that top wouldn't be buttoned so much. Just more half assed answers and lazy attempts" he Sao as he walked away and sat back down at his desk, shaking his head
Her jaw dropped at his response.Was he...serious? Wasn't even considering what she just suggested... Which was a JOKE unethical or something? "I am good at giving blow jobs thank you very fucking much!" she crossed her arms against her chest.

"And even if I was considering giving YOU blow job... Which I'm not... If im not doing it for a grade; I'm not doing it at all. Besides, I don't think unbuttoning my top or sucking your cock....which is probably small anyways, is hardly taking school seriously. This isn't a porno."*

Though she had to admit to herself that the idea of giving her sexy instructor a blow job was a serious turn on."Besides, just cuz I'm a cheerleader doesn't mean I fuck anything with a cock." she lied.
He smiled at her tirade. She was covering et ass

"Exactly. But you won't put in the time or the thought either. Hell sex would be to easy for you, and even then I bet I'd do all the work" he told her with a grin as he stood up

"And believe me. Insults an dirty work are as much a part of the real world as anything else. Cheerleader" he told et wih a grin as he sat on the front of his desk

"And I won't let you get off so easy. Maybe assignment by assignment. But you'll have to work for that grade" he said crossing his arms in mock immitation

"and let's be honest. My dicks not small. Not like the stuffing in your bra"
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"Says every guy with a small cock." she muttered, seething on the inside. He was standing, well sitting there berating her sexual prowess and her intelligence! She glared at him. "Youre like what 30,40? Youd probably be greatful to get your cock in a young tight pussy even if you did all the work." She paused to let that sink in then said"So I'll do the work. I don't appreciate being mocked because of my grades in ONE class."*

She shook her head, "I came here to get tutored not belittled. I am doing well in all my other classes." So obviously he was doing something wrong or ... The fact that all her other teachers were old women could've had something to do with it.*

"Where do I start, sir?" she mocked."Or should I find help elsewhere?" she could probably find some geek to do her homework if that was the case."And these..." She grasped her tits angrily lifting them up,"Are SO real. God you're an ass..."
The end of her tirade was particularly fun to watch. He had simply let her insults slide over him as she ranted. But watching her tiny hands grab those plump tits, well that ja been nice

"it starts with no doodling. It starts with actually trying. An if you do so well in all your other classes, then the fault is with you" he said as he looked down at her, unable to resist

"And this" he said as he grabbed his cock, "is so big" he sai in a voice, that was meant to break the tension. But he wanted a little vindication

"Sp what's it gonna be. You gonna unbutton your blouse or give me five written examples of the passive voice" he asked, loving this real world
She stiffened as her eyes followed his hand as he grabbed his crotch then gasped sharply at his request, unbutton her blouse or answer a question. Michelle chewed on her bottom lip and then took a deep breath.*


Jeez wasn't he explaining that in class?
She didn't know! She wasnt paying attention. Sighing as knew that what she was about to do she would regret.*

She took her notebook and wrote.

She slept with the quarterback.

Mr.morgan stared at her.

Michelle hates cats.

He stared at Michelle's tits.

Are we done yet?

She pushed the notebook towards him.
He glanced down at her list. He smiled as he read maybe she had laid attention. Either way this methods may work. Then he read the last one

" sorry but the last one is wrong." he said with a grin. Happy with her work

"Not bad though. Alright now, same deal as before. And just so you know, you don't have to write the truth" he said with a grin. "Now give me the opposite of passive", and he nudged her desk, "Or lose a button"
"Ummm the opposite? So...not passive voice?"

She blanched and then hit her lip. She shuffled through her notes but most of them were hearts or little swirly circles. "Fuck..." she hissed then smiled innocently." I think I might've missed that lesson." figuratively speaking of course but he didn't need to know that.

Sighing, she unbuttoned one single button.
He smiled as he watched her play his game, the blouse coming a little more open, he smiled

"Alright then. What about past participles? Write
Out 5 of those" he said as he shifted, standing in front of her at his desk still, but his eyes climbing up her blouse as she focuse in her pad. He had been kind of shocked that she had complied so easily. All cheerleaders were such sluts
Past participle, hm...

She frowned and got a thoughtful look on her face.

She hated doing this.

This was so lame.

The football players won the football game

Resistance WAS futile.

He was so fucking hot.

She looked up at Mr.Morgan and grinned and pushed the notebook towards him again.
He chuckled as he read the last one

"Alright. See you can do this when you got something in the line

"Now give me a couple sentences with some adjunct descriptives in a narrative" he sai as he glanced over at her shirt. Thinking it was time for a button to come free. There were only five on her entire top. Let's see how far he could take her

"Yoi do know what that means?" he asked with a snide tone, pushing her buttons
The smell of his cologne had totally invaded her mind. Damn, why did he have to be so gorgeous? She almost consented to letting him undo her top. Almost."Of course I do!" she said indignantly. Michelle bit her lip. "Um...I DO know this..." she stammered reaching for her notebook and flipping through it.

Damn it, no notes!

She'd just have to make it up.

Descriptive. She just needed to be descriptive right?

Her skirt flowed in the wind.

She liked to wear her hair in a curly style.

He played the guitar fast.

She ran fast.

My tits are 34D

Again, Michelle pushed the notebook towards him.