Please help me be less nervous


Mar 4, 2003
I'm so nervous! Today my current bf and I decided that we will let each other see the other naked for the first time.
I know I have a nice body but I cannot calm myself down! I'm listening to music but it's not helping.
Do you have any suggestions?
Walk around the house nude for awhile. Get used to the feeling and freedom that being nude allows you. Stop periodically and check yourself out in the mirror. See with your own eyes how beautiful you are. Enjoy that feeling and be inspired to share it. Take some pictures of yourself (like with a dig cam), look at them and realize that is what he will be looking at. Regardless of what you look like, he will enjoy seeing you. Men (and women for that matter), rarely notice flaws.. if he didn't want to see you, he wouldn't be there!
Thank you!!!

capricious_chic said:
Walk around the house nude for awhile. Get used to the feeling and freedom that being nude allows you. Stop periodically and check yourself out in the mirror. See with your own eyes how beautiful you are. Enjoy that feeling and be inspired to share it. Take some pictures of yourself (like with a dig cam), look at them and realize that is what he will be looking at. Regardless of what you look like, he will enjoy seeing you. Men (and women for that matter), rarely notice flaws.. if he didn't want to see you, he wouldn't be there!

Thank you so much!!!:D I followed your advice, walked around nude and cheked myself out in the mirror (although I didn't take pictures... I don't have a digital cam) and I feel much more comfortable. Yay! I am so ready now! Only one hour and a half to go!
I was shy and nervous too.......when I was married I always hid under the blankets or we had sex with the lights off. I didn't like myself much. The marriage ended and I met someone else.....who told me I was beautiful, but it was so hard for me to believe it - until one day when he took some pictures of me dressed in stockings and high heels, and showed them to me. I'd never seen myself in that way before......"through the eyes of love" he said :)

It's still a bit hard to walk around naked in front of him, years of conditioning don't disappear overnight. But he will reach out and stroke me, and smile, and I do feel beautiful then.... :)
It Went Well!!!

It went well!! It happened kind of fast too... We got to my room, started kissing and undressed each other... he looked at me nude and then the doorbell rang!!! We had to put our clothes back on fast.
But later on that evening he said I had a perfect body. :D So sweet. He looked very good too!
PinkOrchid said:
Next time: Don't answer the door!!!

It was some annoying kid that kept ringing over and over and over... we had to stop that little %$#@$#%
For me, if I am that nervous for someone to see my naked, then I either don't trust them or aren't comfortable enough around them yet. I just wait and then when I am comfortable, bring it on! lol