Playing with Fire - Open


Virginal Temptress
Apr 13, 2013
Mia did her best NOT to look like the nervous wreck that she was. This whole idea Cliff had was absolutely ridiculous. There was no way that Brant would believe that they were a couple. The three of them had grown up together from the age of 11 or 12 years old. Cliff and Mia had gone to the same private school in town while Brant came from a blue collar family, his dad a local carpenter. They couldn't have been more different but they bonded quickly. As accepting as their families were the other kids in town were the direct opposite.

Brant usually caught hell for not being up to par for the fancy pants idiots. It had broken her heart to see what it did to him. He grew more defensive and even a bit more angry every year. Mia also felt very drawn to him from the beginning and Cliff had even teased her about having a crush on Brant. It became something more than that when they in their sophomore year when she heard the rumor that Brant had slept with Megan Bijoux, the town debutante. The pain had been unbearable and she couldn't deny those feelings anymore, confessing to Cliff one day in the back of the gym.

She knew he would never feel the same for her and her attraction to him had become very obvious. Mia swore Cliff to secrecy and buried it as deep as she could. Over the years they drifted apart, Brant becoming a lawyer while Cliff worked at his father's advertising company. Mia started a florist shop in Main street all on her own, wanting something that came from her own hard work. They got together occasionally but Brant had become a little more hostile towards her for some reason that she never understood which usually had her in tears whenever he was in town. The last few times he came by she had offered up a string of excuses to try to get out of seeing him. She still loved him and it hurt to see that cold look in his eyes.

There was no getting out of seeing him again. It was Cliff's birthday and they always got together for that at the old diner where they used to hang out as kids. It had been their favorite spot and the waitresses had dubbed them 'The Trio'. She sat there next to Cliff in her white sundress, wondering exactly how she was going to deal with the storm that was coming her way.
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“Just stay strong. This will work.” Cliff whispered to her as she watch Brant walk up to the table. Nothing had changed for her, the attraction still as potent as ever. Those eyes still haunted her in her dreams at night when she was lonely. Often she had woken up in a sweat, aching so badly for him. Mia did her best to paint a smile on her face as he approached the table. She could do this. “Look who’s here.” Cliff chuckled and stood, offering his hand to his old friend. “Nice to see you back. “ Mia stood as well and gave him a light hug. For a moment her eyes met his and she almost faltered.

“Ok, enough of all this mushy stuff. I’m starving. Mia, honey, you want the usual.” There was something in the tone Cliff used that was different. “Sure but I want apple juice instead of soda.” They always had the same thing when they came here. The owner had made a joke out of it when they were kids. Cliff would have a hot dog with chili and onion on it (yuck, I know) with fries, Mia had one of Mr. Turner’s famous burgers with everything on it and a salad on the side and Brant usually had scrambled eggs with bacon, a hash brown and toast. It had always been his thing to have breakfast in the middle of the day.

Mia was grateful Brant said nothing about that statement. She wanted Cliff to explain their new situation to him. It would be too awkward for her. She saw Cliff walking up with Mr. Turner and she offered the elderly gentleman a tight hug. “Not too tight, Missy. I’m an old man.” She giggled. “You will never be old to me.” Those bright blue eyes danced with humor. “I hear you and Cliff are an item now. I’m so glad to see you with someone finally. Cliff is a good boy. If he gives you any trouble, just send him to me. I may be old but I can still put him over my knee.” Mia paled and looked at Cliff who shrugged. One of the waitresses must have heard them talking and said something to the man.