Playing the Dumb Card

Nope, I don't have anything to say about this. :D
Not only women play the dumb card, lav; I deal those bad boys out to my superiors whenever I can. I wouldn't, however, use it in a non-professional setting. There's no reason to.
I've always found the Knave of Hearts to be a good counter play to the dumb card.

Fuck'em and leave'em.


Actually, I play dumb--a lot.

I feel that people react better to me if they think I'm a regular guy. If I use too many big words, people tend to percieve me as hostile and distant. In addition, one really needs to communicate at a level that others can understand--so one could say that I often appear less intelligent because I don't want to confuse anyone with unfamiliar concepts.

The Marines has a pretty strong anti-intellectual element in its culture, so I quickly learned to dumb down to make myself less threatening and/or geeky.

In my current mileau (college crowd) I find myself being "taught" things that I already know by some women, because I wish to encourage them to display some intelligence.

Actually, I'm finding that I tend to gravitate towards people who are smarter than I am. I'd consider myself a Beta who prefers to hang out with Alphas--to use the parlance of Brave New World.

So when I find myself talking to the equivalent of Deltas, I find myself throwing in caveats like "I heard that..." before information that I actually know quite well, and saying things like "I found out an interesting word that means..." as if I just recently discovered this stuff rather than knowing this stuff for years.
I have done it at my shop before.

I will slip into my texas accent a little more and generaly talk less edemcated like :D

People don't like mechanics that are smarter then they are it scares them.
lavender said:
Have you witnessed women playing the dumb card before? You know where they dumb themselves down to deal with a man?

I hate it.
It annoys me.
It drives me fucking batty!


I dunno, dumb girls are so hot.
Azwed said:

People don't like mechanics that are smarter then they are it scares them.

I'd change that to some people don't like people that are smarter than they are- it scares them.

And I'll admit to having "dumbed down." Sometimes it makes things easier, some times it is for entertainment- mine. And sometimes it is just to not scare people, same as Azwed. In a relationship? Nope, won't do it.
Sadly I noticed my step daughter started doing this. I asked her what made her do it and she said very simply "Boys dont like a know it all"

She was 8.

Needless to say I asked her if she thought I was smart, she said yes, I said well Daddy likes me and I am smart. So she does it a whole lot less now.
I've seen it. It makes me sad.

How insecure does a guy have to be to feel that he has to be smarter than the woman he is with in order to feel good about himself?
RawHumor said:
I've seen it. It makes me sad.

How insecure does a guy have to be to feel that he has to be smarter than the woman he is with in order to feel good about himself?

This is why Beefcake rules.

Personally I've done it, but for totally different reasons, like putting some asshole off his gaurd before I take him apart.
I've had to dumb myself down for women, way more than I've had to for men. More women I know can't handle a woman that is stronger or more intelligent than they are.

They get catty and immediately go to the passive aggressivism.
Kitte said:
Sadly I noticed my step daughter started doing this. I asked her what made her do it and she said very simply "Boys dont like a know it all"

She was 8.

Needless to say I asked her if she thought I was smart, she said yes, I said well Daddy likes me and I am smart. So she does it a whole lot less now.

LMAO Is that all it took? I should have tried that one my girls!
i think though that a lot of women/people come to literotica for different reasons ... sometimes they don't want to debate politics or be deep about anything

does that mean they are dumbing themselves down ?

i also think that you won't find a man to admit that he likes women who dumb themselves down ... but im sure a lot of men would prefer women on here who are more flirty and don't get into the political debates

but again maybe thats because they come to literotica for flirty people not for political debates ... does that mean they like women that are dumb ? ... i dont know
I've dumbed myself down considerably socially. I've done it a time or tem most of my life.

The point is that someone who is intelligent and articulate about any number of issues isn't very welcome in most conversations. Hell, I've even done that here, just to stay vital in a conversation.
bknight2602 said:
LMAO Is that all it took? I should have tried that one my girls!

She is a daddys girl. It means alot to her that Dad likes smart girls. and there was a longer conversation of course...but I just didnt feel the need to type it all out. lol
flirting isn't playing dumb. It can be quite technical, and to play it properly, it takes a lot of wit, intelligence and reparte.