Planning a romantic evening together


Literotica Guru
Nov 14, 2000
Planning a romantic evening together

It has been so long since I have planned a sensuous,
romantic evening. I remember talking to my girlfriend
on Monday about the upcoming weekend. Planning our
time together.

Sometimes a package deal at the Marriott which included
tickets to a popular play. She loved the wear her black dress
over her great body, with matching heels.

Sometimes to the mountains, on a cold weekend. Plenty of
apple or cherry firewood to burn in the one room cabin.
Long walks followed by long soaks in the tub.

Do you have a favorite romantic weekend to share?? ;)
Our honeymoon. Now that I think about it, was it romantic? or just sex filled?

Actually we stayed at a hotel in the mountains, overlooking a lake, with 3 volcanos surrounding us... That was pretty nice.
I prefer the winter weekend getaway to the nearest ski resort for skiing, hottubing, drinking, and quality fireside time.
lobito said:
Our honeymoon. Now that I think about it, was it romantic? or just sex filled?

Actually we stayed at a hotel in the mountains, overlooking a lake, with 3 volcanos surrounding us... That was pretty nice.

For me, the honeymoon was so full of things to do, by the
time quiet time rolled around, we were both too exhausted to
give each other our full attention.

It was a nice beginning however.

WOW! 3 volcanos, sounds like Hawaii. LS
Gunner Dailey said:
I prefer the winter weekend getaway to the nearest ski resort for skiing, hottubing, drinking, and quality fireside time.

You get my vote. There is something so relaxing about a
glass of wine and a crackling fire. LS.
I've never had a romantic weekend *pout*

Romantic to me would be the person I'm with arranging for someone to take my kids overnight.. then us staying in my bedroom, only leaving for restroom breaks and to bring food in. We'd have books, movies, candles and us all to ourselves.

*sigh* I'm easy to please.
lickerish said:
I've never had a romantic weekend *pout*

Romantic to me would be the person I'm with arranging for someone to take my kids overnight.. then us staying in my bedroom, only leaving for restroom breaks and to bring food in. We'd have books, movies, candles and us all to ourselves.

*sigh* I'm easy to please.

Hey, great idea.

I have memories of a similar situation. We were struggling
to keep saving and saving. This is a great idea.
Thanks for the memories.

I hope you can work it out. Sounds very sensuous.
(Your pouting does too). LS.
I'm torn between two: The week in Maine on Peaks Island. Rainy days spent in front of the fire working puzzles, making fresh lobster for dinner, even the damn rooster across the street that was noisey as hell in the mornings.

Or the four day weekend in Vegas, winning big at the slots in the MGM...the perfect warm sunny days and beautiful lit up nights...both were pretty fantastic experiences...

Both I hope I can top soon...and maybe get it right this time. heh
dreamer0919 said:
I'm torn between two: The week in Maine on Peaks Island. Rainy days spent in front of the fire working puzzles, making fresh lobster for dinner, even the damn rooster across the street that was noisey as hell in the mornings.

Or the four day weekend in Vegas, winning big at the slots in the MGM...the perfect warm sunny days and beautiful lit up nights...both were pretty fantastic experiences...

Both I hope I can top soon...and maybe get it right this time. heh

I have too run soon, but wanted to reply to your post.

I spent one of the best times of my life in Bar Harbor. Also
spent a couple of days at White Point Beach in Nova
Scotia at an old hunting resort. In the middle of July
it was 50 degrees in the evening, so we had to burn
a fire each night. Had a porcupine living under our
cabin. Couldn’t sleep the first night as the waves from
the Atlantic kept crashing into the rocks. The noise
was deafening.

Never been to Vegas. There are soooooo many
relatively inexpensive packages to look over.
The shows would be great. A trip to the dam would
be fun. Lots of history there.

See y’all later.
