Place your bets!!


Lord of the Morning
Mar 27, 2001
There is 4 flights from Atlanta before mine, I'm going to try to fly standby on each one of those flights what do you think my odds are?
Odds are very good. It is Sunday and not a heavy travel day.
Cheyenne said:
Odds are very good. It is Sunday and not a heavy travel day.

Thats what I needed to hear! thank you so much... Hope to talk to you all again sooner then later.
ps. Wish me luck :D

I'm getting on the shuttle over to the train station now.. I hope I can get out of here ealier

LordMagicMan said:

Thanks for the support. I'm home safe and sound.... Ahhh nice to be home

Good to see you are safely home MagicMan

Glad to see you made it home in one piece and even early
Nice to see that both of you made it home okay.

EastTnbbw, i have a question for you, did you or twysk have a glass in the van?

WWIV is about to erupt because a glass with lipstick on it was found in the back of the van this morning........
uh oh!!!!

morninggirl5 said:
Nice to see that both of you made it home okay.

EastTnbbw, i have a question for you, did you or twysk have a glass in the van?

WWIV is about to erupt because a glass with lipstick on it was found in the back of the van this morning........

tswyk did have her glass in the van :eek:
Thank goodness.

I thought so but wasn't sure.

WWIV can now be averted.

It was wonderful meeting you, maybe next time i'm in Tn we can have lunch or something.
thank goodness

Glad the war was averted....I was getting ready to head to the hills to

It was lots of fun meeting you too. Just let me know when you head this way and we can get would be great to talk some more
Re: uh oh!!!!

eastTNbbw said:

tswyk did have her glass in the van :eek:

Sorry, MorningGirl!!!! I meant to pick it back up, but you know how it can be on the back seat of the van...late at night...sitting between eastTNbbw and Erosman...

that pesky glass just slipped my mind!

lordy lordy....

tswyk said:

Sorry, MorningGirl!!!! I meant to pick it back up, but you know how it can be on the back seat of the van...late at night...sitting between eastTNbbw and Erosman...

that pesky glass just slipped my mind!


It was warm back there wasn't it, tswyk?

I think most of us have made it back home now. It was great meeting you tswyk. And I want y'all to notice, I'm not a virgin on here anymore :D