PF's house of horror (.. films)

Hitcher (both original and remake) are scary as hell. We’ve all been warned about the dangers of hitching 👍. If he’s not a psychopathic killer he might be an angel of death escorting you to the great beyond. Some of Serling’s endings are still creepy for me to rewatch. Right up there in the suspense pantheon with Hitchcock, Shamalan and DePalma.

“Going my way?” 😱🙀
I'm a big Hellraiser fan. More so of a Doug Bradley fan to the point that Cradle of Filth is one of my favorite bands as they use him for voiceovers quite a bit. Hell on Earth is probably my favorite, followed by Bloodlines.

I liked Rob Zombie's take on Halloween, though I wish he had been more motivated to do the second one. I do like his stand alone movies (House of 1000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects).

Never got into the modern jump scare or "found footage" movies.
I kind of enjoyed the ‘found footage’ of Blair Witch. The history/lore and online ‘biographical information’ made for an engrossing pre-movie experience. Nothing like a good ghost story (or witch story). I hadn’t seen any movie ever do that. It’s shaky camera 🎥 work still was headache-inducing but the getting lost, walking in circles and appearance of things that hadn’t been there before was really creepy and started out kind of boring and then cranked up. Ending was pretty scary. Didn’t care for the Cloverfield take near as much. Kind of felt like Blair Witch meets Godzilla. It felt intense and annoying with the shaky camera but less immersive.
I kind of enjoyed the ‘found footage’ of Blair Witch. The history/lore and online ‘biographical information’ made for an engrossing pre-movie experience. Nothing like a good ghost story (or witch story). I hadn’t seen any movie ever do that. It’s shaky camera 🎥 work still was headache-inducing but the getting lost, walking in circles and appearance of things that hadn’t been there before was really creepy and started out kind of boring and then cranked up. Ending was pretty scary. Didn’t care for the Cloverfield take near as much. Kind of felt like Blair Witch meets Godzilla. It felt intense and annoying with the shaky camera but less immersive.
Blair Witch could never happen again. It was in the early stages of the net where it could be used to advertise, but people could still be fooled because you couldn't search for a 100 other links to the story.
Blair Witch could never happen again. It was in the early stages of the net where it could be used to advertise, but people could still be fooled because you couldn't search for a 100 other links to the story.
I'd have loved to have been in the US when it was first bubbling to the surface. We (England) got it three months later as a really hyped release in time for Halloween, which made it too fake to enjoy in the same way 👎
I'd have loved to have been in the US when it was first bubbling to the surface. We (England) got it three months later as a really hyped release in time for Halloween, which made it too fake to enjoy in the same way 👎
I was here for it as the saying goes, it was great.
Conversely, I wish I was a few years older to have seen the hysteria the Exorcist caused on its release.
My parents went to see it, and I remember my mother sleeping with the light on for a few nights....and my father slipping out of bed when she was sleeping, grabbing the bed post and lifting it up and down.
I didn't get it back then except she was screaming bloody murder at him. Once I figured it out I was, dad...that was awesome.
Nice thread positiveflirt. I had a few movie threads myself back in the day. Lots of good ones here so thought I’d add a few more, though some may blur genre lines.

The Thing-both versions, Carpenter has some great stuff
The Exorcist
Evil Dead franhise
Let the Right One In
The Menu
The Omen
Jennifers Body
The Birds
The Descent
Dog Soldiers
Chopping Mall
The Last Voyage of the Dementer-new Dracula movie coming out and might make the list

And just today they were playing the Lake Placid movies!
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The Legendary Karen Black in Burnt Offerings

The guy driving the hearse scared the crap out of me when I was a kid

One of the most criminally under rated vampire movies.

Near Dark featuring Lance Henriksen

None of that pussy Annice Rice woe is me, no shiny Twilight Vamps, these guys were just batshit crazy and bad ass.

Ok crew, let's talk guilty pleasures. You know it, something cheesy/of questionable quality that you love nonetheless. One of my favourite horrors is a creepy sci-fi which became some kind of cult favourite: Event Horizon.

Is it bad? Nah, not really, it's a bunch of futuristic fun about a spaceship that goes missing fully helmed, then reappears years later totally empty.

It's very, very Alien. The finished product is as much sci-fi thriller as it is horror, but that's because the original cut they screened for audiences was rejected as too grisly and they cut back on a lot of the dark bits. It has a beautiful lack of regard for space, too. At one point a window smashes on the ship and a really strong breeze blows through. Classic. I could watch it weekly forever.

This thing is an example of being ruined by critics when it came out, but now has a huge cult following (Similar to The Thing)
When it comes to this movie they always talk about the lost ending that had several minutes the producers said hell no to. It no longer exists as wherever the stored the film it wasn't properly taken care of and spoiled

The scene is a vastly extended version of the 'hell montage" near the end where you see all the torture scenes. This one also included a bloody orgy with amputees and people covered in blood and mangled. They hired actual porn stars to do this scene because they couldn't ask any of the actual cast to do it. In my opinion I'm fine with it being lost because I'm in the "too much it too much" crowd and thought it was fine as it.

Here's a cool interview with actress Emily Booth who was part of the deleted torture orgy fest.

I'm a huge horror fan. Lots of great movies mentioned already! I love just about all of those posted.

So far nobody has brought up one of my favorite horror franchises, "Final Destination." I loved the first one when it came out. And when the second one came out, it totally blew me away! To this day, if I see a logging truck on the highway, I pull over!

FD 2 remained my favorite until the fifth one came out (the one with the bridge disaster at the beginning). That became my new favorite.
I'm a huge horror fan. Lots of great movies mentioned already! I love just about all of those posted.

So far nobody has brought up one of my favorite horror franchises, "Final Destination." I loved the first one when it came out. And when the second one came out, it totally blew me away! To this day, if I see a logging truck on the highway, I pull over!

FD 2 remained my favorite until the fifth one came out (the one with the bridge disaster at the beginning). That became my new favorite.
That first one comes to mind anytime I'm behind one of those trucks piled up with long pipes or logs. I change lines in a hurry
The long anticipated-or in some cases dreaded-Exorcist trailer has dropped. This is going to be a trilogy and done by the guy who did the Halloween trilogy(see dreaded). So I figure I'll link the trailer and see what other people think.

My opinion is if you played this as a straight up possession movie along the lines of the Conjuring universe I'd be more into it, but having to tie it to the original by using "Chris" who is now of course an exorcist herself....sighs. reeks of cash cow, that and being a trilogy I have to wait three movies for an exorcism? Burstyn is 91 so who says she even makes the filming of all three...

I'm a huge horror fan. Lots of great movies mentioned already! I love just about all of those posted.

So far nobody has brought up one of my favorite horror franchises, "Final Destination." I loved the first one when it came out. And when the second one came out, it totally blew me away! To this day, if I see a logging truck on the highway, I pull over!

FD 2 remained my favorite until the fifth one came out (the one with the bridge disaster at the beginning). That became my new favorite.
I was just talking about this with someone the other day. And yes the logging truck on the highway always makes me hope highway to hell doesn’t come on the radio.
I liked the 3rd one too
This film is an amazing trainwreck. So bad it's good. Horrible acting but some decent special effects for the monster.
I'd have loved to have been in the US when it was first bubbling to the surface. We (England) got it three months later as a really hyped release in time for Halloween, which made it too fake to enjoy in the same way 👎
That’s kind of a bummer. It was one of the first found footage films I remember coming out and it was totally believable