Ghostbusters 2016 sucked for none of the reasons they're talking about.


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010
GB16's humor is subjective. What's funny for some is not funny to others. There's no way you can make a film that's hilarious for everyone. Saying it wasn't funny is at best a tenuous gripe against the movie. Attacking the movie because it's a remake with women instead of men, is just downright stupid. The first 2 were all men. It's all like for like. The rule of doing all movies, gender flipped or not, is to make it good. And 'good' is eternally subjective for comedies. So all of the rage over that is based on tenuous reasoning at best.

GB16 sucked because of exactly one thing: the way they treated Leslie Jones's character Patty Tolan. They portrayed her to be the worst caricatures of a black woman. Without going into spoilers, they did her even worse than they did Ernie Hudson (Winston Zeddemore)'s character in the first two: there was no dignity attached to her portrayal at all. This is especially bad considering that while Zeddemore was the lowest of the Ghostbusters in the first 2 movies, that was 30 years ago. To do the same thing now to a black woman - making the black person yet again the only non-scientist in the group - is proof that the franchise has been stuck in time and has failed to get with the reality of recognizing competent black female characters. But they did worse, they took a step backward and made Tolan's portrayal even worse than Zeddemore's.

Republican Congressman Steve King would be proud of what they did with Tolan.

But while the movie sucked, Leslie Jones didn't suck. She worked with what the script writers gave her. Apparently the bullies who laid into her on Twitter failed to separate the actress from the shitty role she was given. Ultimately, though, it cost one Conservative Twitter user his account on there. Leslie Jones is at least going to go down in history for destroying a high-profile enemy.
GB16 sucked because of exactly one thing: the way they treated Leslie Jones's character Patty Tolan. They portrayed her to be the worst caricatures of a black woman.

Yes, they did. The writing for her character was terrible.

But to say this was the "one thing" that made it suck is fucking stupid. In typical fashion, you always manage to shit all over a valid point on the few occasions you make one. Idiot. :cool:
I find it amusing that most people in Hollywood are very vocal about equality, civil rights, BLM, etc, yet when it comes to the movies they write/produce/star in, they treat black actors like caricatures of something you'd expect from the 1930s cartoons.
The same thing happens with Asians too. They're all bad drivers and/or ninjas/samurais in movies. He'll even Sulu in the Star Trek reboot whips out a sword.

It's almost as if these writers, producers and actors are two faced, but surely not. They wouldn't just use things like civil rights to get attention. Not the good cocaine fueled people of Hollywood.
Yes, they did. The writing for her character was terrible.

But to say this was the "one thing" that made it suck is fucking stupid. In typical fashion, you always manage to shit all over a valid point on the few occasions you make one. Idiot. :cool:
No, it is correct to say that this is the one thing that made it suck. If you were half the son of a Tuskegee Airman that you claim to be, you'd understand why. But you're a complete mangina retard and a lying fraud so you don't. :rolleyes:
I find it amusing that most people in Hollywood are very vocal about equality, civil rights, BLM, etc, yet when it comes to the movies they write/produce/star in, they treat black actors like caricatures of something you'd expect from the 1930s cartoons.
The same thing happens with Asians too. They're all bad drivers and/or ninjas/samurais in movies. He'll even Sulu in the Star Trek reboot whips out a sword.

It's almost as if these writers, producers and actors are two faced, but surely not. They wouldn't just use things like civil rights to get attention. Not the good cocaine fueled people of Hollywood.
Flawlessly said. RoryN, take notice.