Pet Peeves


Sensual Siren
Oct 8, 2021
Name a pet peeve you have.

Men who message me with fake platitudes who then talk about their playmates on here. Tacky! If you would not do that in real time, don’t be disgenuine or share it in a discussion with your current chat partner unless requested!! 😅❤️👅💋

1. Amateur porn when they leave the TV on in the hotel room. It’s unnecessary background noise. You are posting it to a porn site on the intent. Turn the fucking TV off !

2. Newbie virgin Swinger single males that just don’t get how it works or their purpose in the dynamics of sharing a hot wife or a Stag / Vixen couple.

3. When I order a coke a cola and they only serve Pepsi products.
Sunday drivers
Slow walkers
Slurping coffee
Loud yawning
Bad grammer
Write/pronounce my name wrong
People who right on red through a red right arrow (which coincidentally is on when people have the walk light)