Perky and SaintPeter Doodle Literoticans


sarcasduck ruffleslut
May 20, 2001
First three up,

RubyFruit, Dixon Carter Lee and Laurel.

Post em, post em!!!

<this is all accomplished in between cyber and fone, we're talented like that>
Laurel is the glue that makes us stick. Well some of the glue. Have to wash my hands. brb.
Dixon has a goat-tee. lol And he's not fat.

I love the kitties around Laurel and the sybian addition was BRILLIANT!
How cute!!! Those kitties around Laurel are adorable.

Um...why is DCL dressed as Beetlejuice?
alexandraaah said:
I'm imagining both.

Perky is holding out on the fone sexxx with draaah.

I have to hold out on the fone sexxx with lots of people. I have a little cockblocker/strap on blocker in the hzzzzouse.
*bratcat* said:
I've noticed. You no longer care who you doodle with just as long as you doodle. It used to mean something to you.

At first it was just a taste of doodle. Doodle a little on the weekend. With friends. On holidays.

Now I cant stop doodling. I doodle at work, in my sleep, in the shower. I take Sharpies to bed and doodle on the wife's back while we do it doggie.

God help me.
*bratcat* said:
I don't knowwwwww....*sigh* need help. Get it quick before you ruin your life with of these days you are going to doodle the wrong one and your life will be ruined.

*bratcat* said:
I don't knowwwwww....*sigh* need help. Get it quick before you ruin your life with of these days you are going to doodle the wrong one and your life will be ruined.

Just one more. Then I will quit. Really. I mean it.