Percentage of women v men


Literotica Guru
Feb 5, 2017
I am trying to work out how many women are on here as majority of the post are by men and very few replies are by women
im guess that it’s 99% men
There are a lot more women here than it appears. At least 90% of the women I’ve chatted with privately either don’t post publicly at all, or posted just a few times when they joined. It can be pretty overwhelming and disheartening to be a woman on a porn site. The onslaught of gross and entitled men pushes most of us into hiding. I’m thick skinned and jaded, so it runs off my back. I’m also not looking for men, so I don’t have to weed through the messages trying to find a prince among the toads. I somehow lucked out and found an amazing man here before I started openly participating (I liked his posts, and approached him privately) . I post publicly because it shows my personality and allows women that are lurking to approach me privately if they like what they see. If I weren’t looking for that, I’d go back to just lurking and reading (and cringing) and no one would know I was here, either.

If you want to find women here, you need to show them a reason to want to speak with you. ‘ I am a man and I exist’ isn’t going to get you anywhere.
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