People who have handguns / pistols


mmmm rope...
Feb 12, 2012
Do people who buy hand guns normally spend time learning how to maintain them or fire with accuracy?

If they don't put in regular range time or some form of target practice, do they realise their chance of hitting anything if they fire it is practically non-existant?

What's the point of having a weapon you can't use properly? What are they going to do, bludgeon someone to death with it?

Is there some kind of mandatory yearly practice time to maintain the licence or anything?

Please note, I'm not talking about rifles used in hunting or culling, just handguns.
Do people who buy hand guns normally spend time learning how to maintain them or fire with accuracy?

If they don't put in regular range time or some form of target practice, do they realise their chance of hitting anything if they fire it is practically non-existant?

What's the point of having a weapon you can't use properly? What are they going to do, bludgeon someone to death with it?

Is there some kind of mandatory yearly practice time to maintain the licence or anything?

Please note, I'm not talking about rifles used in hunting or culling, just handguns.

One Bruce Willis movie is the equivalent of 6 hours at the shooting range.
Do people who legally buy hand guns normally spend time learning how to maintain them or fire with accuracy?

If they don't put in regular range time or some form of target practice, do they realise their chance of hitting anything if they fire it is practically non-existant?

What's the point of legally having a weapon you can't use properly? What are they going to do, bludgeon someone to death with it?

Is there some kind of mandatory yearly practice time to maintain the license or anything?

Please note, I'm not talking about rifles used in hunting or culling, just handguns.
Do people who buy hand guns normally spend time learning how to maintain them or fire with accuracy?

If they don't put in regular range time or some form of target practice, do they realise their chance of hitting anything if they fire it is practically non-existant?

What's the point of having a weapon you can't use properly? What are they going to do, bludgeon someone to death with it?

Is there some kind of mandatory yearly practice time to maintain the licence or anything?

Please note, I'm not talking about rifles used in hunting or culling, just handguns.

Mandatory training or licensing? No. There are licenses required in most jurisdictions for a concealed carry permit, but other than a rudimentary background check, most areas a handgun can be bought by any adult-ish looking person with the money.

I know a number of handgun owners who do practice on a regular basis for the exact reasons you've mentioned.
For them, gun control means dropping the intended target with the first shot.
Maybe and maybe not.

I don't even remember how old I was the first time I fired a rifle.

I started shooting pistols when I was eight years old... back when I had really good eyesight I squirrel, rabbit and bird hunted with a Six shooter .22cal.

I've rolled coke cans at twenty-thirty feet with pistol and rifle at the hip.

When I tested for my license the first time I had not fired a pistol in eight years and a couple of match shooters barley had a tighter grouping.

My partner at the range had never fired a handgun at all and managed to pass with decent score.

I saw a woman who didn't even know how to load one put six rounds in a gallon milk jug at fifty feet.

No...I'm not buying it.

Now having said that it does help a person to be more confident with regular practice.
My handguns have LaserMax sights. Where the red dot is, the bullet goes. It really is a slick sighting system.
If they don't put in regular range time or some form of target practice, do they realise their chance of hitting anything if they fire it is practically non-existant?

Well, that's a matter of range -- at 3 feet anybody can hit anything -- which makes handguns the perfect tool for resolving domestic arguments! :)
That might be considered cheating.

If you have to use the weapon for protection, your heart is beating through your chest, your hands are shaking, you are scared...I want to make sure I hit what I aim at under those situations. Plus, when people see the beam at night, any sane person will think twice.
Well, that's a matter of range -- at 3 feet anybody can hit anything -- which makes handguns the perfect tool for resolving domestic arguments! :)

That's just simply not true. Life isn't a movie. People regularly miss at close range. With a handgun just the slightest shake can take you off target.
If you have to use the weapon for protection, your heart is beating through your chest, your hands are shaking, you are scared...I want to make sure I hit what I aim at under those situations. Plus, when people see the beam at night, any sane person will think twice.

^^^^^^What he said^^^^^
If you have to use the weapon for protection, your heart is beating through your chest, your hands are shaking, you are scared...I want to make sure I hit what I aim at under those situations. Plus, when people see the beam at night, any sane person will think twice.

The best sight in the world does not compensate for stress. You can miss with a laser just as easy as iron sights.
And there is no beam, only a dot.
The best sight in the world does not compensate for stress. You can miss with a laser just as easy as iron sights.
And there is no beam, only a dot.

Actually, where I used to live there was a beam outside because of the moisture. It was very cool and I was surprised by it. Inside, there is mostly a dot, but you see dust floating through the beam and it sparkles. I do not know what it looks like looking toward the gun or from the side, just down the sight and there you see more of the beam than just the dot. But you are right about stress.
Actually, where I used to live there was a beam outside because of the moisture. It was very cool and I was surprised by it. Inside, there is mostly a dot, but you see dust floating through the beam and it sparkles. I do not know what it looks like looking toward the gun or from the side, just down the sight and there you see more of the beam than just the dot. But you are right about stress.

A beam can only be seen under certain conditions and never perfectly. No one in their right mind would ever actually want it to be seen unless they were playing Die Hard 7: Die Like a Little Bitch Because a Beam of Light is Pointing Right Back at My Sorry Ass.
The best sight in the world does not compensate for stress. You can miss with a laser just as easy as iron sights.
And there is no beam, only a dot.

Yeah, but you can drive your cat crazy chasing it! And then shoot him! :)
You do not need a 'License' to buy and/or own a pistol within the United States.
You do have to pass a standard "back ground" check IF you are purchasing from a DEALER.
During sales between Private Citizens, YOU DO NOT have to have any back ground checks at all, nor do you HAVE TO re-register the gun. That is left to the buyer and their wishes.
Any one carrying a Pistol or Hand gun, MUST have it clearly visible AND UNLOADED in any public venue's; and at Gun Shows they make you "Lock the barrell" while attending. ( and if you are brazen enough to carry one in plain sight, expect to get harassed a great deal by LAW Enforcement and Business owners).
Obtaining a Concealed Pistol Permit, which allows you to carry a weapon upon your person and within your vehicle ( while the magazine may be loaded, a round CAN NOT be chambered) requires full finger printing and a further back ground check with the F.B.I. and cost about $60. US dollars ( higher or lower depending on your state).

Now speaking about intruders or otherwise and your aim; If you miss at/under 3 feet...
you should forgo the pistol and get a sawed off shot gun.

If you think firing a weapon is is as easy as point and pull the trigger...
Stop watching movies/televison and go to an indoor firing range, they rent you pistols and ammo to practice with.

I think all persons who are True Gun Enthusiast and responsible gun owners enjoy practicing their aim.

And why do any of us want to own a hand gun/rifle?

Firstly: I was raised around weapons from the time I could walk. Fired my first at 8 years old and haven't looked back.

Secondly: Law enforcement is not readily availbale in MANY area's of the United States. Yes you can dial 911 an hope that an officer is in your area... Or you can ward off trouble as you wait.

Thirdly: There are many disruptive critters that run amok in many area's of the Untides States. If they are threatening you, your property or your Livestock... you have the right and I feel responsibility to put that threat down.
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The best thing about those laser sights is that after you run out of bullets, you can switch to "kill mode" and go all Capt. Kirk on their ass.
Obtaining a Concealed Pistol Permit, which allows you to carry a weapon upon your person and within your vehicle

I don't know about that. In GA you don't need a carry license to have a weapon in your car. It's considered an extension of your home.
You do not need a 'License' to buy and/or own a pistol within the United States.
You do have to pass a standard "back ground" check IF you are purchasing from a DEALER.
During sales between Private Citizens, YOU DO NOT have to have any back ground checks at all, nor do you HAVE TO re-register the gun. That is left to the buyer and their wishes.
Any one carrying a Pistol or Hand gun, MUST have it clearly visible AND UNLOADED in any public venue's; and at Gun Shows they make you "Lock the barrell" while attending. ( and if you are brazen enough to carry one in plain sight, expect to get harassed a great deal by LAW Enforcement and Business owners).
Obtaining a Concealed Pistol Permit, which allows you to carry a weapon upon your person and within your vehicle ( while the magazine may be loaded, a round CAN NOT be chambered) requires full finger printing and a further back ground check with the F.B.I. and cost about $60. US dollars ( higher or lower depending on your state).

Now speaking about intruders or otherwise and your aim; If you miss at/under 3 feet...
you should forgo the pistol and get a sawed off shot gun.

If you think firing a weapon is is as easy as point and pull the trigger...
Stop watching movies/televison and go to an indoor firing range, they rent you pistols and ammo to practice with.

I think all persons who are True Gun Enthusiast and responsible gun owners enjoy practicing their aim.

And why do any of us want to own a hand gun/rifle?

Firstly: I was raised around weapons from the time I could walk. Fired my first at 8 years old and haven't looked back.

Secondly: Law enforcement is not readily availbale in MANY area's of the United States. Yes you can dial 911 an hope that an officer is in your area... Or you can ward off trouble as you wait.

Thirdly: There are many disruptive critters that run amok in many area's of the Untides States. If they are threatening you, your property or your Livestock... you have the right and I feel responsibility to put that threat down.

Wrong. Plus there is not much use to carrying an unloaded gun.