People might think I have, but...


Well, that is lovely
Sep 20, 2005
I was on a vacation not so long ago. 3,800 driving miles over 7 days in the great American west - loooong hours moving at 90 mph with vast expanse all around. My mind wandered, as is often the case.

This time my wandering left me considering the many ways I talk about things that lead other to draw conclusions about my life experiences that just might by contrary to the actual facts.

At 65 I have enough years that people just might project all sorts of things into my history just to fill their idea of who I am - for what ever reasons.

For example, People might think otherwise, but my experience with marijuana is minimal - at most 3 joints. I do have extensive experiences with other ways to induce non-ordinary states of consciousness, but weed? Not so much. But when talking about the 60's and 70's I let set some peoples believe what they will.

People might think I have, but I have never been to a showing of Rocky Horror where the audience does all the silly stuff.

People might think I have, but I have never fully taken a hand in fisting. I left the active BDSM world before being penetrated by more then 4 finders up to the knuckles.

People might think I have, but I have had sex with men but never had a same-sexed long term lover.

People might think I have always been liberal, but I supported Berry Goldwater for about 6 months in 1964. :eek:

If I am with people that I feel a need to be accepted by, at times I let impressions stand if they are close enough to the truth that a fraud charge would never stick.

So, what is true about you that may differ ever-so-slightly with what others think you are about?

Tell us. You can trust us. We would never tell what is spoken here. ;)
People might think I have, but I have never fully taken a hand in fisting. I left the active BDSM world before being penetrated by more then 4 finders up to the knuckles.


Everything is RUINED!!!!

Good question but I'm not sure if I do this...

I mean I guess I let people think I'm more straight-laced than I am -- or I would but I don't think it comes up all that often.
Huh. I'll have to think on this.

The only thing that comes to mind, I've mentioned before.

People might think I love cookies, but when it comes to the actual food, I don't.

.. i can't think of anything else.