People don't seem to realize the impact of open shores immigration


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
At this late date in American history, with the tens of millions of newcomers who have already flooded in over the past 40 years, it amazes me that people don't realize how much harm is caused by mass immigration.

We take ~ 3 million newcomers, legal and illegal, every year, year after year after year. Now, Republicans and their Democrat friends, along with the media, want to actually increase that number even more. Again that is year after year after year after year. Unlimited numbers of illegals, who know full well they will never be deported and will eventually get in on the next amnesty, will join an unspecificed number of even more legals on top of the 2 million legals who already arrive every year, year after year after year.

Yet, the mainstream public only views this as a "fighting the hate" issue to stop the "intolerance" of the few lonely voices who dare say anything critical about this human tidal wave.

There is no greater issue facing the future of the country than how many newcomers we allow. Nothing has more impact to transform the country in countless ways. And nobody seems to care.
We have taken more newcomers over a longer period of time during the current wave of immigration than we did during the previous biggest wave from 1890 to 1920. I believe it could already be twice as many. Its now gone on longer, at higher numbers, than at any time previously in our history.

Its still not enough though. The Republicans and their Democrat friends feel we aren't allowing enough newcomers every year. Rand Paul wants to increase it even more.
Uh..., ruse...

The Tribal Elders would like to talk to you about that never before in history crap...
We don't have enough engineers for the high tech industry. What's the solution? Improve our education in math and science? Have special programs to help college students succeed in engineering majors? Restore some moral values in the lazy indolent youth to promote better grades? Nope, let even more immigrations come to take even more engineering jobs while our unemployment rate goes up even more. Rand Paul wants to increase our H-1 visa quota even more, beyond the tens of millions already here. Its not enough for American business as it is. :rolleyes:
You have two choices in a competitive environment.

Let labor in or see jobs emigrate.

You are conflating immigration with illegal immigration.
That's right. We should secure the borders with landmines, guns and razor wire.

Ships should patrol our coasts and immigration police should tail visitors to be certain they leave on time and without selling anything before they go.

We need to lock this place down tighter than Albania and keep it pure.

Then we'll have paradise on earth.
There is no greater issue facing the future of the country than how many newcomers we allow. Nothing has more impact to transform the country in countless ways. And nobody seems to care.

Actually, in a decade or two, you as well as the rest of the West will have a retired baby boom generation, a workforce crisis on your hands, and a desperate need for even more immigrants than now.

What you need is to stop being stupid about illegal immigration. Streamline legal immigration, from citizenship process to guest worker programs, and open it up for many more. The demand to sneak in, or to overstay when the visa expires, will be rendered marginal.
Much of the rest of the world is filled with overpopulated shit-holes like Mexico.

America is the land of opportunity and space. Until it becomes an overpopulated shit-hole.

Canada is next in line.
Every one of those immigrants needs to eat and have a place to sleep. Every one is a new customer for American goods and services.
At this late date in American history, with the tens of millions of newcomers who have already flooded in over the past 40 years, it amazes me that people don't realize how much harm is caused by mass immigration.

We take ~ 3 million newcomers, legal and illegal, every year, year after year after year. Now, Republicans and their Democrat friends, along with the media, want to actually increase that number even more. Again that is year after year after year after year. Unlimited numbers of illegals, who know full well they will never be deported and will eventually get in on the next amnesty, will join an unspecificed number of even more legals on top of the 2 million legals who already arrive every year, year after year after year.

Yet, the mainstream public only views this as a "fighting the hate" issue to stop the "intolerance" of the few lonely voices who dare say anything critical about this human tidal wave.

There is no greater issue facing the future of the country than how many newcomers we allow. Nothing has more impact to transform the country in countless ways. And nobody seems to care.

What countless ways?
That's right. We should secure the borders with landmines, guns and razor wire.

Ships should patrol our coasts and immigration police should tail visitors to be certain they leave on time and without selling anything before they go.

We need to lock this place down tighter than Albania and keep it pure.

Then we'll have paradise on earth.

Not quite, there a significant internal sweep of the house that needs to be done.;)
At this late date in American history, with the tens of millions of newcomers who have already flooded in over the past 40 years, it amazes me that people don't realize how much harm is caused by mass immigration.

And what is the nature of that harm? (N.B.: The mere presence of massive numbers of immigrants here is not, in and of itself, a form of harm.)
We need more people dependent on the government, open the gates!
If you honestly feel that the government will be giving out more cheese in the future, then get into the cheese business and pursue a government contract. Fucking duh.
Familiarize yourself with these terms: mortgage, lease, deed, loveshack, rent, homesteading, whorehouse

Are they moving into your upstairs bedroom?

people with armies say where people can live and how, but what gives them the right.
If you honestly feel that the government will be giving out more cheese in the future, then get into the cheese business and pursue a government contract. Fucking duh.

^Yellow-neck cheese-head. :)