Pennsylvania Proud


Literotica Guru
Apr 26, 2002
Every so often, I find a Pa. thread and then it disappeats. I figured I'd start a new one lol. 35/m/York area, here. Looking to make some friends and if I find a nice girl that wants to join a couple for a threesome too, even better lol. Come on Pa' ers show your pride.
I try to get in on all PA threads when I see them, so I'll put my hat in this one, too. I'm a 29 year old married male from smack in between Erie and Pittsburgh. PM box is always open.
central PA here, married woman, been looking for a female for possible surprise threesome for hubby. not having much luck though. :(
Welcome to all the new posters on the thread, show our pride in the Keystone State.
I love chatting with people from my area! Lehigh Valley here.

Hey big guy. Guess we're neighbors. If I wasn't getting ready for the storm I'd invite you for a beer. Course I'm almost double your age so you'd probably decline but we could trade LV hot spots and such.