Penis/breast size and self worth.


Mar 12, 2002
There is a thread on the How To board that has caught my attention.

The reason it caught my attention is because so often, there are threads written by men, asking what the average penis size is. Men ask what the average is, what's desired, they complain about a small penis, and are afraid that no one will love them with a small penis (if they're not a virgin, someone obviously did, and if they are, well then you need to try to succeed).

My point here is that so many men obsess about the size of their penis, and equate that measurement with self-worth. Women do this with their breast size, or with their weight. We let outside factors (like what Maxim and Chatelaine tell us) determine our self-worth, based on physical appearances. And I think it's wrong.

*cut and pasted from the thread:*

I'm not saying I don't understand this. I do. I understand that a lot of women believe they are only sexual in as large as their breasts are. A lot of women think that if they have small boobs, men won't find them attractive, and they'll be left standing there with the small-penised men. (they should have an orgy).

My POINT is that I think it's wrong to let yourself (men AND women) get sucked into that method of thinking. You're saying that 'it's just the way it is'. Why should you just shrug and allow things to stay that way? Why not find someone you can talk to about sex.. like on the boards here, and then learn that your sexuality is in your head, in your heart, not just in your body? There are outlets for frustration, and there are places to talk about things with anonymity.

Society dictates far too much, knowing that most of the population will listen. Society dictates to those with small breasts and penises that they are undesirable, that they are inadequate. Are you willing to let a whole bunch of people who've never SEEN you, never spoken with you, never met you, to dictate how adequate or desirable you are? And if yes, then WHY? For goodness sakes, you're worth more than someone's pre-determined judgemental opinion of you.

THIS is my point, ladies and gentlemen.

*end cut and paste*

I'd like to know your opinions, folks. What do you think about society's 'standards' for sexuality? Have you ever felt ugly or asexual because you have small boobs, or a small penis, or are too heavy or whatever? I'm curious... I'd love to hear your stories.
sanjuaneros said:
I feel very ugly, and undesirable for my small boobs.

Don't worry sanj, just do what I do! Every night before I go to bed, I rub and massage my breasts. Then I get out a rolling pin and smoosh them out on the counter, rolling merrily. For some reason this makes both my breasts and my penis grow!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder....I never think I am beautiful, but I know I have beautiful soul....:)

Hmmmm and some damn fine breasts too lol.....;)
I always find it interesting that Americans get bombarded with all these messages about having a perfect body and are being culturally brainwashed etc, etc, etc… yet we have the highest obesity rate in the world.
I fold my cock in half so it doesn't hurt too bad.

(I'm sensitive to a woman's needs)
Must I be the serious one here?

Of course, I guess.

I don't really know how to answer this from a scientific and non-emotional perspective.

I do feel less because I don't see myself as desirable. It doesn't help that I'm constantly comparing myself to the dicks (cocks, penisi, ect, whatever) I see on here and wherever.

The fact remains that it does tend to be somewhat less that uplifiting to know that some women will be too big, or too small, or what have you, for me. When all you want to do in your life is please the people you love, that can hurt.

Well, that's my 3 cents, adjusted for the Canadian dollar.

I should try that tonight.
SilvaTungDevil said:
Don't worry sanj, just do what I do! Every night before I go to bed, I rub and massage my breasts. Then I get out a rolling pin and smoosh them out on the counter, rolling merrily. For some reason this makes both my breasts and my penis grow!
Never said:
I always find it interesting that Americans get bombarded with all these messages about having a perfect body and are being culturally brainwashed etc, etc, etc… yet we have the highest obesity rate in the world.

...and that would be why?
because most NEVER measure up! Culturally, it's all about convenience here, not about inner beauty & peace... most thoughts are on MATTER ... most thoughts are EGO-DRIVEN
(non serious reply)

What if my breasts are bigger than an most porn stars and my penis is smaller than most "Howard Sterns"?

Whats my worth?

(serious reply)

I blame the porn inndustry and MTV

Cant watch mtv without the "clevage sisters" trying to out do each other on the boobs bouncing all over the place...

and you cant watch a porn without the man having a Louieville Slugger between his legs.....

If everyone watches Mr Rogers Neighborhood, we would ass be damn happy with who we were :)

While my penis is just slightly above average in size, my ego knows no bounds.

So no, I do not believe there is a corrolation between the two.
People don't like the idea that the perfect person for them might never give them a second look because they don't measure up. It makes us nervous.

I always find these issues annoying (me find something annoying??!! OMG!).

Telling people how they should feel about their anatomy is just wrong if you ask me. They will feel how they will feel. And until all of us have walked a mile in a smalled dicked/titted person's shoes, we won't know what they feel or why.

Do I think people that raises these issues have a legitimate issue/problem? Yes definitely. I'm not making light of that. But I don't think people here playing armchair psychologist are going to help them. They need to seek help from a professional... or the love a good partner who accepts them unconditionally. Until one of those two things occurs, they will always wonder and think about the problem and it will remain unresolved.

Just my two cents.

I've never felt ugly or asexual because of my small tits and I have no desire to have bigger ones. I like them just fine.
SilvaTungDevil said:
Don't worry sanj, just do what I do! Every night before I go to bed, I rub and massage my breasts. Then I get out a rolling pin and smoosh them out on the counter, rolling merrily. For some reason this makes both my breasts and my penis grow!

Oh man, yall are some funny people today!:D

Vixen, I agree with you. I cannot imagine thinking that my breasts define me or my sexuality. They used to in a negative manner, and still in some ways they do because I often feel a need to cover them. But to take it to the extent that they determine how my sexuality is or isn't, is something I can't fathom. My sexuality is in my essence, my heart and mind. My body is merely the vessel that aids in expressing it.
I have never worried about my breast size, or felt ugly because of it. I worry more about my weight. Actually I am obsessed with my weight. I think everyone is beautiful and I like people for their minds, but when it comes to me I just can’t seem to be like that.
littlekateyes said:
I have never worried about my breast size, or felt ugly because of it. I worry more about my weight. Actually I am obsessed with my weight. I think everyone is beautiful and I like people for their minds, but when it comes to me I just can’t seem to be like that.

Thats me! I am so accepting of others, yet cannot imagine that they would/could/should be of me.
Yes I think my tits are small. I grew up with cousins who are currently E/F’s depending. My 13 year old niece is a double DD me? I’m a measly D so yes I think they’re small -compared to them. When we get together to talk about bras & boobs & junk I feel like the flat chested girl who doesn’t even need a training bra and is complaining about how her breasts hurt when she runs.

Do they define my sexuality? No.
I wear a D cup. It's nice, but when I'm working, they can seriously annoy me. I always seem to get paint on my shirt, because they're just there, hanging out, in the way of stuff on sawhorses, or whatever, and then I reach for something and get paint along the inside of my arm, from reaching past my chest. Sighhh.

They're not as sensitive as I'd like, but nah, they've never been my sexuality. I really don't understand men's fascination with them.
I'm not self conscious about my size, and don't put anyone down for their size. No point in doing any of those school yard games.