Peeping over the parapet.....

and this time...

Labia and anus tan just the same as everywhere else.

In the previous photo my legs were not splayed. The intention was to showcase my plump labia so my anus is just slightly hinted at by a slight parting of my buttocks.


The intention was to drive us insane with lust!
It worked!
My girlfriend did the same, but it was covered with thin black bathing suit.
no no...

You really should pay attention and make sure your girlfriend stays naked!


She never was naked to start......
I WISH I had a girlfriend to take to a nudist beach.
Oh wait. Did that on Mykonos one summer........
I love this last shot. It really gives a great prospective of your bum and lips! They look great!:kiss:
The beach vs the studio

Do you find it to be a different experience being nude at the beach/in a public setting vs being nude at the photo club? Do you prefer one over the other?

Very difficult one to answer. The studio is very special for its raw sexuality - the aim is to see and be seen and the setting is somewhat on the edge of "normal" behaviour. The beach is what you make of it - the display can be very chaste and asexual or it can be very directly sexual.

Studio sessions rarely exceed two hours, and for me, if the session is good, that means that for ninety minutes or more I am poised right on the edge of having an orgasm. You might think an orgasm would be enjoyable, but for me, staying right on the edge for as long as possible means an even more spectacular climax when I am at home reliving the high spots of the session.

On the beach the thrill builds more slowly - in the studio there is someone looking, photographing and wanting every second, but there is much more slack time on the beach.

Beach photo from the archives: end of term trip to the seaside. The teachers wanted to go off to the pub, which was fine by us, because we wanted to go into the sand dunes and see what happened!

Pamela showing her tanlines in the sand dunes

Ringing the changes

Yes your avatar is quite striking. Everything about you is quite striking; great stories, phenomenal physique and a lush forest to get lost in. The young Pamela and the mature Pamela comparisons are exquisite, a fascinating documentary of a beautiful girl, now a beautiful charismatic woman.

My vote is for the current avatar unless something more striking turns up. Do you have any pics from this summer?

Thought I try a change, at least for a while.

Any views or votes?

Is this your job Pamela? It all sounds sooooo exciting... are you studying modelling? I am such a horny curious man... married and drooling at the sound of it all! Does the wetness show at the end of a session - or before? And your nipples, Pamela? Do they give the game away?
Most of the above!

Is this your job Pamela? It all sounds sooooo exciting... are you studying modelling? I am such a horny curious man... married and drooling at the sound of it all! Does the wetness show at the end of a session - or before? And your nipples, Pamela? Do they give the game away?

I think most of the points you ask about are covered in the thread. It's a long read and you may need some time to cover it all!

Thanks for the great message.

Maybe this will interest you for a few moments:

Subtle display - Pamela's rear view in the studio

Pamela :D
We are so blessed to have Fred on the thread.

We all wish for your recovery.
I think most of the points you ask about are covered in the thread. It's a long read and you may need some time to cover it all!

Thanks for the great message.

Maybe this will interest you for a few moments:

Subtle display - Pamela's rear view in the studio

Pamela :D

Pamela I think that your Anus is just as sexy as your Labia Both are things of beauty that I would give equal attention to if given the chance Like the new profile pic Hope your having a good day
Thought I try a change, at least for a while.
Any views or votes?

'S another facet of a woman's beauty. That it happens to be a personal photograph of your individual beauty heightens its appeal: after all, a direct dialogue between the viewed and the viewer is anything but usual outside of tacky webcam shows where the cynical disport for the slavering.

So, uh, yes. It's as enchanting an image as the last one was, and as the next one will be, too. :)

But talking about your avatar is not the reason I'm posting now. I'm actually doing so in light of the news of the death, aged 90, of Helen Gurley Brown.

She was born into a Western Society still weighted with the pious cant of Victorian hypocrisy, one in which people didn't talk and certainly didn't fuck but instead had intercourse, social or sexual. Brown came along and helped change all that repressive tweeness, aided by the fortuitous accident of co-timing and the contraceptive pill.

As time went by, she found ever more influential platforms for her views, and with the Editorship of Cosmopolitan was finally able to garner and then expand an audience of women (and men) with whom her abiding principles resonated like a clarion call: freedom of thought; freedom of will; freedom of physicality; freedom of spirituality.

She's gone now, and will be missed by many. But the evolutionary change in our understanding and appreciation of human sexuality that Brown helped to progress continues on in many a different place, and many a different way.

Turns out, one such way is an illustrated Internet chat board thread called, of all things, Peeping over the parapet, authored and led with a Brownesque wit, fluency, and intelligence. It's as joyful and joyous as Brown was and, in its unassuming way, just as rich in that same exuberant humanity.

Well done, Pamela. The appeal of this thread is not about the images, delightful though they are. Not about the words, either, enchanting though they be. It's about the totality. Long may you and Peeping continue to thrive.
All I can say is thank you

'S another facet of a woman's beauty. That it happens to be a personal photograph of your individual beauty heightens its appeal: after all, a direct dialogue between the viewed and the viewer is anything but usual outside of tacky webcam shows where the cynical disport for the slavering.

So, uh, yes. It's as enchanting an image as the last one was, and as the next one will be, too. :)

But talking about your avatar is not the reason I'm posting now. I'm actually doing so in light of the news of the death, aged 90, of Helen Gurley Brown.

She was born into a Western Society still weighted with the pious cant of Victorian hypocrisy, one in which people didn't talk and certainly didn't fuck but instead had intercourse, social or sexual. Brown came along and helped change all that repressive tweeness, aided by the fortuitous accident of co-timing and the contraceptive pill.

As time went by, she found ever more influential platforms for her views, and with the Editorship of Cosmopolitan was finally able to garner and then expand an audience of women (and men) with whom her abiding principles resonated like a clarion call: freedom of thought; freedom of will; freedom of physicality; freedom of spirituality.

She's gone now, and will be missed by many. But the evolutionary change in our understanding and appreciation of human sexuality that Brown helped to progress continues on in many a different place, and many a different way.

Turns out, one such way is an illustrated Internet chat board thread called, of all things, Peeping over the parapet, authored and led with a Brownesque wit, fluency, and intelligence. It's as joyful and joyous as Brown was and, in its unassuming way, just as rich in that same exuberant humanity.

Well done, Pamela. The appeal of this thread is not about the images, delightful though they are. Not about the words, either, enchanting though they be. It's about the totality. Long may you and Peeping continue to thrive.

Thank you, Starbourne, for the fulsome testimonial. I had never thought I could bear comparison with Helen Gurley Brown but I have to admit that I have always admired her as great advocate of liberal values and attitudes.

Thanks, again.

Thank you, Starbourne, for the fulsome testimonial. I had never thought I could bear comparison with Helen Gurley Brown but I have to admit that I have always admired her as great advocate of liberal values and attitudes. Thanks, again. Pamela

Comparison's inevitable. Brown understood only too well how the feminine narrative can beneficially change the lives of others (women and men alike) when told with honesty and intelligence. I appreciate, the intention of your thread isn't remotely polemic, yet in celebrating an individuality freed from the shackles of cultural and social conditioning it's very much consistent with the Brownesque ethos.

Put it this way. In answer to bra-burning 1960s 'sisters' furious at her refusal to endorse their fevered prosyletising, Brown remarked that Society doesn't change because the odd barricade or two happens to be brought down. It changes, instead, when a pebble is sent skimming with the lightest of touch.

As here. Nipple effect, ripple effect: a feel-good thread that thanks to your photographs and stories says a lot more about human sexuality than I initially realised. (Apologies; I can sometimes be far, far too slow on the uptake.) ;)
Well spoken..

Without sexual pioneers like Helen Gurley Brown we might not enjoy sites like Lit.

Ms Brown helped open women's minds to sexual freedom. Yes, women do

LOVE TO FUCK...It is not just men.
You're so right, prop69. Love to fuck / to love / to live / to laugh / to think / to just, well. . . be. This thread really does communicate the joy of being free-spirited and, er, photogenic, too. .. ;) We can't all aspire to being the latter but the former's well within reach, regardless of age or gender.

Thank you, Starbourne, for the fulsome testimonial. I had never thought I could bear comparison with Helen Gurley Brown but I have to admit that I have always admired her as great advocate of liberal values and attitudes.

Thanks, again.


Parapet.... castle... appropriate for a Queen.

But, who's peeping... us? or you?

As for Ms. Brown, in honor of her and Cosmo, perhaps you could list the top 100 ways you enjoy making love, and the 100 ways you love making love to lovers.... It was those little notes on the covers that usually got me to look inside. Honesty and communication about the pleasures of sex, and the fact that women were reading them, while men were feeling guilty about "reading" Playboy. (Perhaps the top 100 things you enjoy doing alone....... sex or otherwise... and perhaps a list for 100 male lovers and female ... We will be very patient about seeing if you finish a list.) Oh dear... and no mention of you showing a picture. This is an odd thread!
. . . As for Ms. Brown, in honor of her and Cosmo, perhaps you could list the top 100 ways you enjoy making love, and the 100 ways you love making love to lovers....

Only the top one hundred??? You sure you're not being just a little too conservative in your ask, just4friends? ;);)

Quiet mutterings in the background.

Must keep my ear to the wall.

:cool: Pamela :cool:
ok ok...

Only the top one hundred??? You sure you're not being just a little too conservative in your ask, just4friends? ;);)

I thought by starting high.... we might get... 10? Cosmo usually has huge lists. I don't want to waste Pam's time with making up things that aren't for real.