Peeping over the parapet.....

.......although you are on the right lines.

When I started posing nude I didn't have any real hang ups about myself, but I did have a fear that maybe the photographers would not be quite as eager to see absolutely all of me as I was to show it all off.

This was when things started to take off.......

Realising they were keen to see everything

do you know how hot this thread is to read, how unbelievably gorgeous YOU are?
Well, since you asked. . . I like all that you've posted, especially your gorgeous bush. Perhaps a gallery of untrimmed all the way to as bare as you've ever been. And I'm an inveterate nipple adorer, so if you'd like to accommodate that wee fetish?
Snorkelling follow up

A case history to demonstrate the erotic potential of snorkelling with less than complete equipment, describing an event which proved to unexpectedly eye-opening for a couple of friends.

I was on the beach with my boyfriend and a couple of other male friends. After a few whispered discussions with my boyfriend we agreed to suggest to our guests that we should all strip off completely.

I had no qualms about being nude in front of them, but he had needed a bit of persuading. Eventually I got my way, on the condition that I didn't get the others too excited.

What he meant by that was that I had to keep my legs together. He did have some justification - the evening before he had watched while I had trimmed quite closely arond my vagina and anus, so he knew that my opportunities for display, either intentional or accidental, were considerable.

Once I had stripped off I behaved very demurely and my boyfriend visibly relaxed. After a while we decided to go snorkelling, and that was when I unwittingly failed to live up to the agreement I had made.

The problem was that we had no fins - only snorkels and masks. If you have ever tried snorkelling without fins you will probably understand that the easiet way to move around is breaststroke - like a frog, legs wide open, then closed.

I set off in all innocence, followed by the others. What I didn't realise was that our two male companions had very quickly spotted the opportunity open to them, and were following very closely behind me, with their eyes fixed constantly on the erotic display in progress between my legs.

It was only when my boyfriend explained later that I realised just how explicit my show had been. Once in the water my inner labia had unfurled, and they were moving in time with each stroke I took.My vagina was doing likewise; open - closed, open - closed.

And, just to put the icing on the cake, the coolness of the water had had a dramatic effect on the muscle tone in my anus.......

Our two friends came out of the water grinning with delight, each sporting rather more than a trace of tumescence.

So here, for your edification, is a photographic record of the beginning of the underwater display, which was to feature Pamela's Pulsating Vulva:

Pamela prepares to amaze and delight

There has been a very gratifying response to my snorkelling story, both on the thread and in PM's. It seems that many people can relate to the story, and a good few would like to give it a try!

Thinking about it all reminded me that there were other photos taken after we had come out of the sea. When he realised that our two friends had now seen as much of my body as he ever had, my boyfriend had a complete change of heart - it soon became clear that he no longer wanted to keep me in purdah.

The first I knew of it was when I was standing on the beach drying off. The others were already sitting down and I was aware that all three of them were taking advantage of the low viewpoint to look at me. I wondered if my boyfriend was going to be annoyed, but much to my surprise he said "that's a great view, Pam. Worth a photograph!"

I took that as a clear invitation to show off, so I replied "that's fine by me".

Here is one of the photos - you can just see the snorkel still in my left hand.

Pamela drying off after snorkelling

not being someone who speaks french, i decided to run your 'de rien, bonne chance' phrase through google translate. imagine my surprise when i received the translation, "kidney, good luck" until i realised i had spelled something wrong... :eek:
Par for the course!!!

not being someone who speaks french, i decided to run your 'de rien, bonne chance' phrase through google translate. imagine my surprise when i received the translation, "kidney, good luck" until i realised i had spelled something wrong... :eek:

Sometimes these supposed "aids" to understanding actually make the babel worse. Kidney is actually "rognon" in French.

Thanks for sharing the fun, and thanks also for visiting my thread. I hope you keep returning.

Sometimes these supposed "aids" to understanding actually make the babel worse. Kidney is actually "rognon" in French.

Thanks for sharing the fun, and thanks also for visiting my thread. I hope you keep returning.


oh god, you must be kidding. how could i not?
So good to see you back, Pam.

What a beautiful bush. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks as always for sharing

Absolutely right - I did describe a spontaneous orgasm during a studio session with the small group of boys I had been "tutoring" in photographic techniques. We had been through darkroom techniques - developing, enlarging, optical adjustments etc, and the subject which seemed to come next was studio technique - cameras, lenses, films, backgrounds, lighting, props and all the rest.

I guess you know where we are going .......

...... if you want to learn studio techniques you need a model......

So I became both teacher and model.......

What sort of modelling did I like best, and what sort of modelling did I know best?

Those boys did have a rather unusual and privileged education in both photography and biology. Put in a nutshell, they were all virginal and rather innocent. Perhaps I should exclude one nameless boy from that description, because his greater knowledge of anatomy seemed to stem from a rather close relationship with his sister - I never chose to get to the bottom of that one.

Having studied biology to a high standard, I was pretty well aware of my anatomy, so when our studio sessions got under way I was more than happy to further their knowledge of the opposite sex, at the same time as helping them take better photographs. It may come as a surprise, but one of the questions they asked was how girls pee. Since I had no clothes on at the time it seemed best to show them.

Once they had their attention focussed on that area, it seemed almost inevitable that the subject of the clitoris would come up. In a previous session they had already seen and photographed some fairly close views of my pubic area, and as we discussed their photographs it became clear that they had mistaken my inner labia for my clitoris.

Never one to miss an opportunity to tell the full story, I allowed their inspection of my urethra to develop into an expedition to find my clitoris. Unlike some girls, my clitoris is fairly discreet and well protected within my fleshy labia. I was certain they couldn't have seen it during the earlier session, so I lay down and teased it out for them to see.

OK - if you haven't got the story line by now, there must be something wrong!

They inspected my clitoris, I liked the feeling of holding it on view and nature took its course.

Three boys witnessed their first female orgasm. As to the fourth, I think I may have been beaten to the post by his sister.

Pamela: the pose that caused the problem

If willing would be curious to know to the best of your recollection, what was your reaction, and what was their reaction and response to their first "close encounter of the intimate kind"

You are a delight to read and enjoy your pictures you share. Thank you and WOW so sexy


Thank you

Ms Pamela:

I must echo the words of those before me on your thread... You are an amazing and erotic creature. Your honesty is refreshing, and your pics and stories leading up to the pics are just so arousing.

Thank you and please if there is anything you'd like shared from us, it's only fair that you ask given the gifts you've graced us with!

:rose: :kiss: :)

Peeping over the parapet..... Index

Need a index

Lady has ok it.

Here's the water........ p1

Pamela shy and uncertain p18

Does this look about right? p23

Obeying instructions! p27

Strategic omission of knickers 1 p43

Strategic omission of knickers 2 p46

Pamela Tanning her Perky Bottom

Pamela Bristling! p52

Knickers off and into the sun p62

Knickers off and turn over! p66

Trying to get over one of my early hang-ups p73

Realising they were keen to see everything p76

A glimpse into the inner regions p84

Pamela ready for action p109

Close encounter of the personal kind p116

Relaxed in the club studio

Anything but relaxed on the beach

Pamela Opening Up

Keep looking, more to come! p176

Marco's first view of my pubis Pamela hairy with protruding labia Marco's view of my labia and orifice Marco's view of protruding labia p221

Pamela's clitoris - labia arranged by the photographer p223

Pamela's stretchy labia p227

My nude debut in the club studio p236

Trying to pluck the courage to give them a frontal view p238

Starting to turn round - side view, pubic hair just showing p239

Maybe Pam will have even more to show us........... p243

Pamela scared witless trying to hide her pubic hair from the photographers who had probably already guessed that she had some p251

Pamela prepares to amaze and delight p252

On open view for the first time: Pamela puts on her most intimate show for the club photographers p257

Pamela firing up the studio p261

Pamela: the pose that caused the problem p267

Pamela's French Trim Side View
Pamela's French Trim Rear View p270

Pamela drying off after snorkelling p279

page 12 post 297

You asked if it isn't too hairy for us... No for some it remind us of days of pasted.. of when we were growing up and the first hardon caused by the veiw of a few pussy hairs show thru her white pair of panties OMG

Thank you. hairy or not you are a lovely lady.


Pamela First Time in the Studio - Scared Witless

Pamela showing her bum to the photographers, too scared to turn round!

New edit of an earlier photo. It was taken in the first few minutes of my very first nude session for photo club members. A couple of minutes before I had been posing in a bikini, with no thoughts at all of taking anything else off; I had often posed in swimwear at what we jokingly called "portrait sessions", so I don't think the photographers had any expectations either.

All that changed when a I did a pose leaning forward, showing off quite a lot of cleavage - I forget what his precise words were, but one of the photographers paid me a rather fulsome compliment and hinted that he would like to help me unclip my bikini top.

Those few words were all I needed - I didn't take up his offer of assistance, I just whipped my bikini top off and stood in front of them topless. They were delighted, shutters were clicking like mad, and my mood changed from slightly frisky to all-out horny in a matter of seconds.

I am not sure whether the photographers were expecting things to go any further, but from that moment on all my thoughts were concerned with getting my bikini bottom off as well. What was holding me me back was the rather old-fashioned thought that they might be shocked if I actually did it - I had a reputation for being a "nice girl" at the club, and something in my upbringing was telling me that a nice girl doesn't suddenly strip off in front of unsuspecting people and expect them to look at her bottom, and her pubic hair, and possibly quite a lot in between as well.

That concern put a bit of a damper on my libido, and for what seemed a long time I put on a series of wooden poses and let them photograph my breasts.

I was eventually unlocked from my half-frozen state by the man who had flattered me out of my bikini top a few minutes before. I think he had probably tried the same technique with other models, but his words were exactly the reassurance I needed - "Pam, would you like to tuck your thumbs into your waistband?"

I needed no further encouragement - with all the attention now below my waist, and my thumbs provocatively close to my electrified pubis, nestling in my tangle of hair, I now had a clear go ahead to slide my bikini bottom down.

Still trying rather vainly to appear innocent about it all, I eased the waistband down a little and let them take some photos, but I didn't get the sort of response I was hoping for from the photographers. I think I probably recognised that they were feeling as uncertain about what was happening as I was - they didn't want to push me into doing something I might regret or feel ashamed about. Realising that I had to make the running, I decided to make them a rather explicit offer - I didn't look down, I did it entirely by feel - I eased one side of the waistband down far enough to give them their first view of my pubic hair. A couple of gasps of surprise told me I had made my my point. I don't recall exactly how things happened immediately after that, but I have a recollection of sliding the waistband down over my bottom and turning to show them my rear view before plucking up the courage to get on with what was now clearly the main business of the evening. As I turned round to face them again I was left in no doubt just how big a step I was about to take - the photographers now seemed very close, and more than half of them were down on one knee, cameras at the ready, strategically placed to get a very clear low-level view between my legs. I realised that I wouldn't be able to get my bikini bottom off without giving at least some of them a very clear view between my open legs, and I thought briefly of turning my back on them while I slipped it off, in the interests of preserving a bit more modesty.

I soon rejected that idea as being rather wimpish, and realising it was now or never, I decided I just had to get on with it. I slid down the front of the waistband and was gratified to hear several sharp intakes of breath as the full extent of my pubic hair was finally revealed, at least to those with the most frontal view. As I was about to begin to slide my bikini bottom down over my thighs I became very aware of how moist and aroused I was, and that gave me yet another thing to worry about - I knew from lots of detailed self-inspection that the view between my legs would now be an unruly tangle of moist hair and tumescent labia which I would be unable to conceal from the nearest photographers. Somehow I suppressed that thought and slid my bikini bottom down to my knees as quickly as I could. The photographers seemed to be entranced so I let off my guard for a moment, but within a moment or two I was brought back to reality by the sound of three or four shutters firing off. I knew immediately that I had inadvertently given the front photographers an absolute gift of a clear open leg shot of my tangled hair and labia - I had being working momentarily on ingrained habit - in order to get my bikini bottom off, I was now standing on one leg with the other raised high enough to slip my foot out, the way I always did when I undressed.

So, by the time my bikini bottom was lying discarded off to the side, I had degenerated into a quivering mass of embarrassment and confusion. Ever since the beginning of puberty it had always seemed a bit of a mystery to me how aroused female genitals could actually be considered a thing of beauty - I had had enough boyfriends to be sure that most of them would not have agreed with my view, but having just given a very graphic and unintended display of my engorged pubis to a group of photographers, I was in no real state to view the situation rationally. I didn't quite put my head in the sand but I did the next best thing - reasoning that my rear view was certain to be less embarrassing than my front view, I turned my back to the photographers and did my best to regain my composure.

Hence this photograph - I think the photographers were a little confused by my behaviour, but they did busy themselves taking photographs of my bottom while I slowly plucked up the courage to turn round and face then again.