"Paycheck Fairness"?


Literotica Guru
Jun 27, 2010
..."Paycheck Fairness" and so-called equal pay fairness.

...is a plan being pushed for the President's second term by progressive groups behind Obama's first term agenda, so says Aaron Klein in his new book, Fool Me Twice.

Originally, “equal pay” legislation, such as the 1963 Equal Pay Act, had the goal of ensuring women would not be paid less for doing the same jobs as men.

The current progressive concept of equal pay, “Fool Me Twice” relates, would give the government sweeping powers to require employers to compensate workers according to an artificial calculation of a job’s “value” rather than what the private market is willing to pay.

So, what say you "fair"-minded statists?

Should the government determine what's "fair" pay and then legislate it, enact it, and enforce it for all?

You could say he was a commie, but they prefer the term "progressive" now. :cool:
...is a plan being pushed for the President's second term by progressive groups behind Obama's first term agenda, so says Aaron Klein in his new book, Fool Me Twice.

So, what say you "fair"-minded statists?

Should the government determine what's "fair" pay and then legislate it, enact it, and enforce it for all?


Hell no man they need to do what that conservative lady Pelosi proposed and just cut every american born with an XX sex chromosome pair a 10,600 check every year for existing. You know damn well government checks = equality!!! And 2+ trillion a year is no biggie....don't be cheap, not with your daughters future on the line. :cool:

On a serious note, I always find it funny how the left seems to need vast amounts of cash for 'equality' legislation...or civil rights legislation...neither of which cost a fucking thing. If there is money being provided, regulated or manipulated in any way by a civil rights/equality bill then you are being lied to and ripped off. It may cost quite a bit more than cash to enforce it (emancipation, suffrage, civil rights moment etc) but the bill itself should not encompass trillions in welfare/jerk off money sponge gov programs.
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