Pay For Porn?

Bob Peale

angeli ribelli
Sep 4, 1999
How many of you actually belong to a pay site like MILF Hunter, BIG Naturals, Sean Cody, Cum Fiesta, etc?

I was just wondering...a gazillion people share files, but who actually pays for them?
My monthly porno bill required me to take a part time job. I'm the chick at McDonald's who throws food at you because you're between me'n the porn.

I don't pay for it.
I do not pay for porn. I would pay for Literotica if it ever went subscription based, because it is smart, and not just porn. But I would not pay for a porno site.
When I can have it for free? Why should I pay for it? :confused:

I mostly desire good stories, and although I would prefer them to be illustrated, and Lit. are just fine.

Interestingly, porn is one of the few internet biz models that actually makes a good profit. I guess this is because there are enough people who want what they can find on pay sites but not elsewhere for free - or maybe these people are jsut so hooked that they need all they can (and/or are too dumb to find it elsewhere for free).
I don't pay for porn. I have an account on Streamload, and get just about ANY movie I want from friends.

** I used to be a major movie poster on about a year or so ago. I was ripping 10 - 20 movies a week, editing out the good scenes, and then uploading them to free online storages sites like Yahoo Briefcase. When the unlimited sites vanished, I quit the scene. But I still have a lot of friends who continue, and they send me on average, about 40 movies a week (full movies.) I download maybe 1 full movie a month...if that. I already have about 300 CD-R's full as it is.