Pathological liar dumped me


Jan 19, 2003
I want to thank all the people who responded to my threads last month concerning the pathological liar I was dating.

This week she asked me to "borrow" $100 for her electric bill. I got online and looked up her account, she hadn't paid on time once in the past year. Her power had been disconnected in June and she is currently 90 days in arrears. I printed it out and confronted her with it and she flew into a rage and kicked me out.

I wrote another poem which is my first submission for publication at Literotica, I will edit this post with the link when it is published, in the meantime here it is:

Hot Pants

Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how do you pay your bills?
A hustle here, the tip jar there and selling little pills.

You liked to ride my pogo stick, it made you scream for joy,
Since we broke up I wonder now if I was just your toy.

I’ll never forget the time we spent in your bed making love,
If I find out that I'm still clean I will thank God above.

You live your life from hand to mouth, no money in the bank.
I can’t believe I fell in love with such a lying skank.

20 Feb 03
Mona said:
YAY!!! :nana:

Now, let your life begin . . .

I absolutely agree. Now, take care of yourself until the RIGHT woman comes along. :)


With Indianapolis Power and Light you must have an established PIN or the last 4 of the social security number to access account info. I told her I needed the last 4 SS# to make a payment (she lied to me so many times I felt no guilt for this, sorry if that offends your morals).

I was 98% certain that she would dump me the first time I confronted her with evidence that she had lied to me. I was right. I rather wish it hadn't happened so soon though, the sex was absolutely the best I've had in 20 years.

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Henry, sounds to me like you did the right thing. As you say you thought she'd dump you wehn you confronted her with her lies, and dump you she did.

Grieve all you have too(every relationship that ends takes time to get over) then move on and be positive. :D