Passing a budget.


Non-Prophet Organization
Apr 16, 2006
After 5 years of the GOP calling for a budget, there is finally a budget that has passed both the House and the Senate. The conference committee required to eliminate the differences between the two bills has been blocked by the GOP.

Effectively stopping any progress on a budget reconciliation.
Eh... the Budget is just a political hammer each side uses to one-up the other side - like the debt ceiling. It doesn't do anything but lay out a big picture of how money will be spent, but it doesn't actually authorize anything.

You mean adults have stepped into the room to remind the children in the Democrat party, that the party is over, right?

I expected just this sort of bullshit spin from one if the usual suspects. This is just pure obstructionist bullshit intended to perpetuate the "Democrats still haven't passed a budget" idiocy we've seen from the rwcj crowd.

Now that the House and Senate have passed budget resolutions the GOP is trying to impede reconciliation between the two versions by committee, the 'regular order' insisted upon by the GOP.

This just proves, once again, that Republicans aren't interested in solutions, just obstruction at all costs.
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Why is that, do you suppose?

It's been their M.O. since they lost the majority. Drag their feet on any and all legislation, even on those they proposed and which which they agree in an attempt to paint the majority as "do nothing".
What you are struggling to avoid saying, is your considered belief that the Republicans, the House majority, need to knuckle under to the Democrat budget because the Democrats are after all are two thirds of the government. They should throw out the Constitution and let the Democrats in the Senate decide what's best for America. That about it?:rolleyes:

No, I expect them to do their job. Form a committee and hammer out an agreeable budget and get it done.
The GOP has screeched for "regular order" for years. Now that its proposed they pull a 180.

Surprised? I'm not. Even discussing the possibility of compromise sends the GOP into paroxysms of fear that their die hard Teahadist base will revolt.
So the dems doing nothing for 5 years is cool. The opinion of a MOTrolljanitor means so much. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Surprised!
Congress should not be paid until the budget is passed, resolved and signed.

No congress critter should have more that three 'aids' and no 'aids' should be lobbyists.

There are no differences in the party labels, it's just eyewash for the dumb asses that worry about talking points and ignore results, or lack of same.
No, I expect them to do their job. Form a committee and hammer out an agreeable budget and get it done.
The GOP has screeched for "regular order" for years. Now that its proposed they pull a 180.

Surprised? I'm not. Even discussing the possibility of compromise sends the GOP into paroxysms of fear that their die hard Teahadist base will revolt.

Yeah I saw this. There are no words for hypocrisy of this magnitude.