Pam wants to talk Anne Heche crashing her car

Dude I am a bit obsessed with Anne Heche because I am a drunk headcase too. Also I once banged this girl who looked like Anne Heche and have never been able to get her out of my head. Also I just like saying Anne Heche.
I worked at the hospital in Fresno where she was admitted after she crashed her car in 2000 and was non coherent after.
I worked at the hospital in Fresno where she was admitted after she crashed her car in 2000 and was non coherent after.
Nice! That is rad AF. I want to be her chauffeur but I am too drunk and live across the country.
RIP I guess dont get ripped and do blow and drive like a lunatic like me and Ann Heche.

Ever see Six Days Seven Nights?

Pretty okay Anne Heche movie with Harrison Ford.
I finally did learn about this.

So much awful. And American inebriated driving culture is scary. It's like death is just an expected outcome for people.
Go to school.
Drive to the supermarket.
Have sex.
Get Chlamydia, and die.
I finally did learn about this.

So much awful. And American inebriated driving culture is scary. It's like death is just an expected outcome for people.
Go to school.
Drive to the supermarket.
Have sex.
Get Chlamydia, and die.
Ugh. They are keeping her kinda alive to harvest her organs. I don't object to the process, but the verb 'harvest' skeeves me a bit.