Palm Sync with Lit. ksmybuttons???


I Love Hineys
Aug 7, 2001
ksmybuttons does it, apparently. How do you like it? Can you get PM's on it? or just stories?

Explain it to me like I am a 4 year old.
Took forever to see this, sorry.

No, I am not sync-ing. I have Wordsmith, now, so I just move the stories I want to read to Word, attach to wordsmith and then sync. Nothing too fancy.

I don't get PM's, so I wouldn't know.

"nobody loves me, everybody hates me, think I'll go read porn..."
If you have a wireless Palm you can sign up and they'll automatically send you stories as they are posted. (It works in theory at least. I unsubscribed the same day I signed up so I don't know if it's still working..)

Other than that you get nuttin'. The Boards are browseable with the Palm's browser... No Boards, no PM's, etc..