
tell me your relationship with pain.

I would prefer my relationship with pain be of the "wave from across the street and then walk away" sort of thing. Apparently pain prefers it to be of the "sans lube without warning" variety. I doubt this impasse can ever be overcome.
I live with it as the result of a hard life. I know people who are much worse off than me, so I count myself fortunate.
the only kind i've had any real experience with is emotional
At times, I feel numb. I miss feeling something. A little bit of pain is better than nothing at all.
how much do you weigh?
have you ever done anything physical?

is this some weird round-about way of calling me fat?

i'm pretty sure it's possible to do physical activity without injuring yourself, and if you aren't able to either you -do- have a weight problem or you need to learn proper technique

i've experienced minor injuries but it's hardly to be classified as "pain" especially when compared to the real physical pain that people deal with every day
is this some weird round-about way of calling me fat?

i'm pretty sure it's possible to do physical activity without injuring yourself, and if you aren't able to either you -do- have a weight problem or you need to learn proper technique

i've experienced minor injuries but it's hardly to be classified as "pain" especially when compared to the real physical pain that people deal with every day

You know stalkers, they can't do or say anything directly.
I'm fortunate enough to have an objectively high pain threshold (had cavities filled and gave birth, both without drugs (at separate times)). I suspect a broken tail bone should have hurt more than it did. Nowadays it just alerts me to when there will be a very rapid change in the weather.
I have a high tolerance for pain, most notably after a c-section when the RN coming on duty noted no Demeral was given. All I felt was a throbbing.
I've had some injuries and some surgeries, so I'm familiar with pain. I don't particularly mind it. Chronic pain, however, is something I'd like to avoid, and I empathize with those who have to deal with it. Migraines must be a bitch. Also, I don't find pain to be sexy as some folks do.
oh i forgot about migraines!

when i was on the pill i used to get them every few months. but it's been a while now so i totally forgot about them.

having said that migraines, when they happened for me, made me want to cut my own head off.
I'm good with it.

I kinda have a black eye and there's a huge bruise on my knee.

It's nothing.
I have a fairly high pain threshold, so for me it is generally more a nuisance than sharp. I haven't particularly enjoyed it while experiencing it so far, but do get why some do...sometimes it is nice to feel brilliantly alive.

Pain received incidental to and whilst engaged in some sort of high risk-adrenaline fueled endeavor is very validating in some way.

Inflicting pain upon the appreciative was much much than I ever would thought. I was pretty conflicted about it when that first came, if I perceive the other person craves some intensity, I'll ease into some...if it is effective, I'll find the edges of their tolerance.

...purely for scientific curiosity of course.
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We started out as friends, ended up in bed together, but ultimately decided it wasn't working.

We still hang out, even fuck now and then, but nothing heavy.
Alright, I'll admit it - there was more to the relationship. I can't type about it though 'cause the memory brings a tear to my eye.
Pain and I are the best of friends.

There isn't a day that goes by that it isn't with me.

It's platonic though, I've not fucked pain.