

Jul 2, 2002
i am in pain


i just got back from having a coil fitted and it fucking hurts

thank you

NOt a highly recommended method of birth control. It initiates a low grade infection response near the cervix. There is a high probability that the ovum will NOT adhere to the wall of the uterus because the uterus is exuding all kinds of agents to get rid of the foreign body stuck at the cervix.

The other down sides are that in certain positions the guys' erection will hit the coil resulting in MUCH MORE pain for both partners. In fact (for the guy) it feels like there's a friggin Kebbler Elf up there taking whacks at the tip of your erection with a teeney machete. Not fun. I still remember bucking over and watching the blood oooze out the end of ma dick like there was a piranha up there *CHOMP* !!! She acted like she'd been kicked in the nuts. Bad scene.

Also, just from my experience, it makes the girl taste like 5 day old tuna salad....

MR.GGG said:
NOt a highly recommended method of birth control. It initiates a low grade infection response near the cervix. There is a high probability that the ovum will NOT adhere to the wall of the uterus because the uterus is exuding all kinds of agents to get rid of the foreign body stuck at the cervix.

The other down sides are that in certain positions the guys' erection will hit the coil resulting in MUCH MORE pain for both partners. In fact (for the guy) it feels like there's a friggin Kebbler Elf up there taking whacks at the tip of your erection with a teeney machete. Not fun. I still remember bucking over and watching the blood oooze out the end of ma dick like there was a piranha up there *CHOMP* !!! She acted like she'd been kicked in the nuts. Bad scene.

Also, just from my experience, it makes the girl taste like 5 day old tuna salad....

:eek: :eek: My Goodness , this soooo doesn't sound healthy . Damn.
DAMN!! No wonder she's in pain. I really hope it gets better and doesn't cause serious problems but personally I would have gone for the easier stuff like the pill or the patch.
Oh my...ouchie. I was just at my doctor today discussing birth control. I don't think this is one method I'll be considering! Actually I couldn't have anything that's put in me and stays there for any length of time [iud's etc.] Is this something different from the 'ring' birth control?

Hope you start feeling better soon.

God, this post brought back some awful memories. I had an IUD inserted for birth control. The fucking doctor put it in with no pain killer. They said it would hurt a little......yeah right, he stuck it in and I just about passed out from the pain, soaked with sweat. They told me to lie on the table for a while until it passed. It was just as bad when they took it out.
The newer coils also have a slow release birth control
hormones similar to testosrone in that improve the
overall effectiveness.
on the plus sides this will make a woman want more,
and will stop periods full stop in some women

on the negative aspect acne and hairness are possible drawbacks.

I also found the same elf with an icepick problem That GGG had.

My wife had it removed after a year.


actually re the coil/iud....

i have a severe allergy to the pill (all types) and condoms are unsuitable. i have no choice re using the coil as my ideal form of contraception. caps are not good due to requirement to have forwarning of sexual activity, i can't do the cpill, or the patch or the injection or anything that puts hormones in me.
the pain has died down, my periods may be heavier as a result, but ultimately it is worth it for me.

i don't sleep around, i can't have hormones (hence copper coil rather than others), i'm in a steady relationship.
the coil has a 98+% success rate.

i consulted 3+ independent doctors/health profesionals before hand. i also spoke with others who have had the coil... they were all +ve. the only down side to me having the coil, belive it or not, is that i have not had kids yet - so it is this not the first choice of contraceptive, though as you can see it is the only reasonable option availiable to me.

so far as elves and ice-picks are concerned... my partner is away this weekend, so i'll let you know :)

Well no wonder it hurts--I thought doctors usually preferred installing those things after you'd had a kid.

I tried them and they didn't work for me. I kept ejecting them, from the littlest copper 7 to the biggest ram's-horn coil that was on the market. The last and biggest caused an early miscarriage and after that I just gave up.

Condoms unsuitable--how? Unsuitable as in latex allergy, or just unsuitable for the usual reasons, i.e., your man won't wear them, they take away from the warmth and texture of his cock and make it feel artificial? Which?

I'm surprised, Mr. GGG--the part about the man being stabbed with the thing. All the authorities swear that a man isn't supposed to feel it. My first husband swore he could feel the monofilament tail they attach to the thing so it can be pulled out, but I thought he was just being a princess (as in the Princess and the Pea) because he didn't want me on BC in the first place.
Hello_Kitten said:
Oh my...ouchie. I was just at my doctor today discussing birth control. I don't think this is one method I'll be considering! Actually I couldn't have anything that's put in me and stays there for any length of time [iud's etc.] Is this something different from the 'ring' birth control?

Hope you start feeling better soon.


What about trying Ortho's the new birth control patch. It works well. Put one patch on per week. They also stick pretty well, which is rather important in this situation :).....

Good luck on whatever method you choose.
Argh!! it won;t let me paste.

Unsuitable as in I dislike them, also if/when they split i have to take the morning after pill/have a cap fitted. my partner is fine about them, i'm not. i want to make love with him, not with a piece of rubber. there are no sti's to be concerned about.... (anyone who wants to question that is actually questioning their own sexual cleanliness in this case ok, i have been tested, i was his first sexual partner... end of story), i just don't want to get pregnant is all

ps : read this site :,12712,180663_183688,00.html

as explained.... how the iud works is not clear.

PPs: GGG... where did ya gain your info?