Pain Killers


Literotica Guru
Feb 2, 2002
Do they work on emotional pain? Is that why people get addicrted to them? I hurt my back the other day ripping the tub out of the bathroom wall (not out of rage but remodeling...well i was pissed because the previous idiot used screws). Lately, I have been feeling really down...well iI took some old pain killers from the last time i hurt my back to sleep and a funny thing happened. As I was lying in bed, listening to the rain, I all of a sudden starting feeling good, everything that seemed to be fact I even felt very optomistic about all my worries of late. Is that what happens on pain killers or was it a coincidence?
I don't think so, unless the painkillers contained codeine or something of the sort. It wasn't a tranquilizer like valium, was it?
Certain painkillers can make you feel damn good.

I have lived on many of them.

But it doesnt last. And when you come down,you go way down.

I cried alot.

And no one understood why.
I loved Tylenol 3 and morphine when I was hospitalized. Since I was pregnate they woldn't prescribe me any which is a good thing. Considering how I got in the hospital in the first place.
patient1 said:
I don't think so, unless the painkillers contained codeine or something of the sort. It wasn't a tranquilizer like valium, was it?

hydrocodeine....500 mg...
need to take my ass to the crib and drop the baby off
Cause them niggaz at the corner sto' been lookin at me for too long
Starin like accidents on highways, high days are better than sober ones
Don't be biased, but I know it has to come
So I put two in the sky to let them know I'm babysittin
Y'all don't know nothin bout Big Boi cause that nigga steady dippin
It ain't over (why that, why that) till the bitch open her mouth up
and sang...
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lovetoread said:
Certain painkillers can make you feel damn good.

I have lived on many of them.

But it doesnt last. And when you come down,you go way down.

I cried alot.

And no one understood why.

I understand why.....
Most painkillers affect areas in your brain which also include emotional response centers. Usually this produces a dulled effect which of course helps emotional pain. Class 2 narcotics can be very effective in drowning out depression on a short term basis. Be careful though, these drugs can grab you by the tail. I suggest you ask your general practitioner about an antidepressant if you continue to have the blues. Better yet, take a walk and get some sunshine, go spend time with friends. These are the most successful ways to battle depression.
SilvaTungDevil said:
Most painkillers affect areas in your brain which also include emotional response centers. Usually this produces a dulled effect which of course helps emotional pain. Class 2 narcotics can be very effective in drowning out depression on a short term basis. Be careful though, these drugs can grab you by the tail. I suggest you ask your general practitioner about an antidepressant if you continue to have the blues. Better yet, take a walk and get some sunshine, go spend time with friends. These are the most successful ways to battle depression.

You're no fun, what are you like a preacher or something?Remember this is the porn board, we are already going to hell.
You're no fun, what are you like a preacher or something?Remember this is the porn board, we are already going to hell.

Hey relax guy! I do most of my preaching from Hell. But if you don't like it here's some naked girls to help wash it down.
need to take my ass to the crib and drop the baby off
Cause them niggaz at the corner sto' been lookin at me for too long
Starin like accidents on highways, high days are better than sober ones
Don't be biased, but I know it has to come
So I put two in the sky to let them know I'm babysittin
Y'all don't know nothin bout Big Boi cause that nigga steady dippin
It ain't over (why that, why that) till the bitch open her mouth up
and sang...
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OK, you passed the lickmiss test. I think I know that girl 2nd from the left, thanks.

Mrs. Garrett says naked girls are cool!
