Overused Words that need to be retired

The new “montage” Harris word is “JOY”…

Be on a sharp lookout! Our brainwashed should be using it any minute around here.

Abccbsmsnbcnbcnprpbs….you know…the Ministry of Information are all on board. Or as we like to joke…State Run Media…
Nawww I like it
Perhaps strange, odd, peculiar, bizarre, absurd, outlandish, curious,
You get the point. Switch it up every two weeks. Use the same and any new clips with the word of the week
Good for you maybe.
Nah good for your Daddy Vlady too…

He was on that helicopter with the Orange Jesus too right?

Weird how Ukraine is now fighting back.

He showed you how to really use a couch, he showed Just Dull but he missed some steps.

He showed you how he is as smooth as a dolphin when he took you out to ride his horse with him, he was usually shirtless around you right?

And Vlad semen is your favorite flavor of milk shake, Daddy Vlady just kept giving it to you! Makes that Shamrock shake a distant second.
ByteMe sounds like a word that needs to retire.
Was the Orange Jesus on a helicopter with Quintin?

So tough to determine what folks look like.

I understand with all you racists that everyone looks the same… so easy to paint with the broad brush.

Let’s retire all of your (carbon boy) assurances that you know anything.

Which one of these cops are your sons? My guess is the one on the scene first.

At least it didn’t end with these nervous wrong cops shooting up the place. @Rightguide knows Daddy Vlady handles things like this different, sends like 20 guys for a job like this…. But his folks are busy with troops from Ukraine causing them trouble.
Maybe another here…

Doesn’t ask the white guy for his ID at all…

So I guess the words to stop using…

Law and Order… especially for clearly MAGA racist trash! It’s just code for keeping non-whites in check and in their place.
I got my rights to do anything I want to do, I’m a police officer.
A good collection of words to get rid of…
Still not used enough, racist cops needs to keep being used since clearly there are some issues there.

1998 Toyota… steal that shit!
