OUCH! This really kinda hurt...


Really Really Experienced
Aug 25, 2002
Got my first terrible feedback today... And it was accompanied by a terrible vote :(

This message contains feedback for: sachiaiko
About the submission: Love At First Bite?
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


of all the entries in the halloween contest, yours didn't only bite, it sucked. Who do you think you are? "gods"... another trite newbie

I just felt the need to get it off my chest I guess, it kinda hurt reading that and seeing the terrible vote, ya know? I dunno... :sighs:

I *know* i shouldn't care! I was voted third place, thats pretty good for my first try, but it still stung! ::chuckles::

Some jealous writer most likely.......


Sweetheart....we ALL get horrible (anon) feedback. Trust me, I've certainly had my fair share. But you can't let one nasty rotten little feedback get to you honey...most likely, it was another writer who was jealous that your story did well, and his or hers didn't.

Afterall..."yours" was voted in third place...and that's pretty damn nice! There were a lot of very talented writers who submitted stories...but the readers liked yours well enough to put it into the top spots.

So shake it off kiddo.......get those ole' creative juices flowing again, and write something to arouse Thesandman....<wink>

I remain,

Heh, thanks hon, I appreciate your support. Your right, of course, it was likely some one who was jealous and took it out on Anonymous feedback and bad vote. It still kinda stung though. But you are absolutely right! And I am still writing, I just have to think of all the *wonderful* feedback I’ve gotten instead! Soooo :hugs and kisses: Thanks hon.

Egads! A vamp story that sucks!

eww how vampish! it sucked! sorry but i'm still giggling here. obviously the anonperson is missing dining. *wink*

my thoughts:

onto/on to

okay the above few words are words commonly not seen whilst using a spell checker. they were all spelt correctly in your story, however 'then' should have been 'than', in my opinion. a spell check program will not pick these kinds of mistakes.

i enjoyed very much your story. if you choose to write more of Shade's adventures, i for one would like to read them.

perhaps your annonymous emailer would have been worth listening to had he/she indicate specifically what his/her problem with the story actually was.

most of all, congratulations on your placing :) fantastic first effort and keep writing!

wildsweetone :rose:

Apart from the fact that whoever wrote the critique didn't have the gonads to sign a name, the criticism, of itself, is useless. :(

Even an ‘Anonymous' complaint can convey a legitimate point, if s/he/it has one. Careful reading of the critique, as posted, reveals that it is a ‘NegaNon.' :confused:

A NegaNon is the opposite of a PosiNon. I know about those, because they get used a lot in advertising. ;)

A PosiNon is a Positive Non-Inferential statement. You say nothing, but you say it positively.

Ex: Coke! It's the real thing! :cool:

A NegiNon is just the opposite, a Negative Non-Inferential statement. You say nothing, but you say it negatively. :eek:

If the critic, or the critique, had any ground not motivated by bile, the writer was unable to elaborate upon it. :rolleyes:

That makes your critic the lousy writer. :D
Not to get all excited and too my own horn here, but this has helped some people. "Dealing With Negative Feedback." We all get it eventually. And there's as many ways to deal with as there are people who get it. The best thing to do is find out what works for you and gives you the best piece of mind and the best shot of confidence.

I ignore anything anonymous. If somebody wants to tell me I suck, they can damn well let me know who they are. If they lack both the courage and decency to do that, then I couldn't care less what they think.
What do they know? Read over all the good feedback you've got for that story and wonder at the marvels of democracy. I usually get about 20 "You rock" comments to 1 "you suck." So it's like voting for the Green Party, nobody really cares about the minority opinion.

At least that's what I tell myself.

The Earl
Prolly someone who felt that *they* should've won...or who never had the balls to write and put themselves out there in the first place. Anyone who gives constructive criticism usually is willing to admit to it by giving their email.
I got my first negative feedback last week, it does sting at first. I agree with what everyone else hee has said, it was probably someone who thought they should have won. I read the story last week too and I liked it, I love vampire stories. Keep writing and don't worry about the cowardly anon's.

My Stories
As Quasi pointed out, even anonymous feedback can be helpful, but this particular one wasn't, Sach. I agree with everyone else. Sounds like sour grapes. And from a writer who's "been around," since he or she made special note of your newness.

Too bad the anonymous critic can't manage a story as good as yours after being at it for a while, eh? Probably has to do with their cowardly nature.
If I had got a third place on my first story on Lit, (or any other story for that matter - VOTES PLEASE :rolleyes: ) a piece of negative feedback even if it was signed would not phase me.

The best thing to do with feedback like that is hit delete especially if it is "anonymous" - I got one yesterday -

"To short of a story" signed by anonymous.

I might have taken some note if they could have constructed a simple sentence.

Note there is a difference between negative feedback and critical comments that you should take on board and sort out.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:
The second story I submitted got a major piece of negative feedback, but on the whole other people said that they thought it was a good story even if it lacked in eroticness (is that a word? it looks odd) and only featured 2 orgasms.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering when they're going to get around to putting up my latest submission! I turned it in last week and it's still pending!
othre side of the coin

I guess I have been luckier than most.

Oh, yes, I have had my share of vindictive 1 votes, for sure. I bitch and moan about them with the best of you.

I've had one off putting e-mail. It was pretty lengthy. I had written a tongue in cheek piece on bisexuality, perhaps not quite politically correct. A lesbian reader took umbrage with the intent of the essay. Unfortunately, as with most nasty notes, she remained anonymous.

I would have liked to respond and tell her I meant no disrespect and wished she could have retained a sense of humor as she read it.

I started to withdraw the piece. Laurel PM'ed and said she thought the How To was pretty funny.

So I got over it.

I guess that's my message. Let's get on with the game and have fun. Isn't that why we are all here?

If someone is stupid enough to critizise me, I take that as a sign that the person in question is much too stupid for me to care about.
Of course, you guys are all correct. My intent is certainly to continue writing, I wouldn’t stop because one out of like 30 pieces of feedback was negative and childish. I think mostly what came up for me was the need to get it off my chest cause if I didn’t I’m afraid I’d get all self-depreciating, ya know what I mean?

It makes me so happy to be a part of the lit community as a fellow author! I love the support you all give each other, and now to me as well, and I am dedicated to passing that along to all of you and adding my two cents in the feedback center as well.

One of the things that really urged me to post was this board and you all who post on it. The truth is for the amount you all help each other you fight fairly infrequently, at least from what I’ve read, maybe I just see the good stuff, but it’s the good stuff that stuck with me. I appreciate you guys.

It's Bogus

That ciriticism you got was nonsense.
You can always tell by the fact that no specifics of your story were mentioned at all. No doubt the person just gets off on flaming people and probably has a stock poison pen letter ready that he send out to get his fun. just as there are people who automatically grtade every story they read a 1, just for grins.

It doesn't mean a dmaned thing.

hey sachiaiko been meaning to offer my congrats for a few days now, but have been lazy.

And as my cantankerous old grandpappy used to say, "Don't let the bastids get ya down."
That's what it's all about sachiaiko.....

Being there for everyone else. Even Thesandman has his good and bad days...and it's nice to have a place to vent occasionally!

So........feel free to vent on me anytime! I rather like all that heavy breathing! <wink>

To sleep.......perchance to dream - William Shakespear

I remain,
In admidst all the nice feedback I got for "The Ice Cream Cone," (my thanks to all the people who gave me the nice feedback and who seem to be high-rating it) was a letter someone wrote about Survival, Chapter I, in which I basically questioned the assumption that Lot was truly too drunk to know that his daughters were having sex with him. Scolded me for questioning the word of God.
