Other websites to post science fiction stories?


Jan 8, 2019
I am an author who has written two erotic novels (posted here) but mostly my novels are scifi with scattered erotic scenes. https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=4837524&page=submissions

I get some feedback posting here chapter by chapter under "non-erotic" but am wondering is there any other place like literotica where I can post my science fiction stories chapter by chapter like this and also get feedback?
We can't really advertise other story websites on Lit. As far as I know, all other erotic story sites are much smaller than Lit, so you are unlikely to get more views and feedback there. Sadly, I don't know of any non-erotic Scifi board where you can post your stories and get decent number of views and feedback
Yes, to be clear, I'm not looking for another erotic story site, but a non-erotic one, so it wouldn't be a competitor. Thanks anyway.
Maybe someone will respond privately to this, but be aware of this Web site rule, posted in "terms and rules" below:

"Any post or PM made with the intent of promoting another site or a product will be removed."
Yes, to be clear, I'm not looking for another erotic story site, but a non-erotic one, so it wouldn't be a competitor. Thanks anyway.
Literotica has a nonerotic category, so it's competing with nonerotic story sites.
All right then, maybe someone can send me a private message! I am not trying to cause problems.
Why are you posting to non-erotic when there's a Sci-Fi & Fantasy category? The readership is one of the smaller ones on the site, but they're your target audience, and certainly larger than non-erotic. Only having sporadic sex scenes isn't a problem if you have a solid story going. Comments about skimming the sex to get back to the story are very common there.

Move the new installments of the story to where your target audience is here, and see if the response reaches a level that's satisfying to you.
The description of scifi is "Erotic tales set in futuristic or fantastic worlds." I just did a quick check and nearly every new story has sex in that particular chapter. I think I'm going to get low ratings for disappointing readers.
You can just say in the foreword that your story does not contain any sex and it should all be fine. RR is right, Sci-Fi & Fantasy has a small but enthusiastic readership and they will forgive the lack of sex if your story is good.
All right, I'll give it a try.

Remember that very few readers are going to jump into a story at chapter 8 or whatever. Number of views just goes down the longer a series runs. So you can’t really see the impact of moving to sci-fi without starting something new.
Oh, having something new to post is not a problem for me.
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One of mine as an example:


Right around 9k word chapters. There's a brief solo masturbation scene in Ch. 01, and then nothing more than hints until a sex scene in Ch. 05. It has one interrupted sex scene in Ch. 06. Averages 4.79, which is right in line with other stories set in that world that have varying degrees of sexual content.

The readership are first and foremost Sci-Fi & Fantasy readers. Scratch that itch properly, and you'll have no issue with a sex-lite story line.
It's just that MOST scifi stories have sex in every chapter, that was the source of my hesitation. But I will definitely give it a try with another one of my books next week. Thanks for the advice!!!