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back now lol Resident Evil is a great movie, but FULL of holes. main char's shouldn't even be there if you think about it, and the whole plot is taken off the games, which i LIKE! but the games didn't explain alot, and the movie explained even less

if there are still people here we can VC

You actually paid money to go see Resident Evil? Except for Alice and her shorts, the whole movie reeked of ripoffs, and NO GUNS...


Zircon said:

You actually paid money to go see Resident Evil? Except for Alice and her shorts, the whole movie reeked of ripoffs, and NO GUNS...



hey shut up the movie ruled!
most of the plot was utterly pointless, but it was a great "lets go kill everything" movie, and it didn't fall into the "one last person kills everything" situation although.... she did end up being the last lol after though.
:rolleyes: <rolls her eyes> :rolleyes:

Please if there is a Lit God save me from a fight ...
Havn't seen it yet. I'm waiting for it to come out on DVD so I can 'aquire' in through nefarious means.
*wicked grin*

damn rights Blaze, my supporter in aquiring things through not so.... legal means lol

hey, pirating is a harmless crime!
Khadgar said:
damn rights Blaze, my supporter in aquiring things through not so.... legal means lol

hey, pirating is a harmless crime!

then it shouldent be a crime!
Completely harmless.
(To my wallet, at least. The poor thing takes such a beating whenever I take it out to a real store to buy things...)

your wallet see's the light of day? good god man

you have to learn, like me. be a cheap bastard!
lol do what i do!beg my brother like a dog,and if that dosent work....kick his ass!!!!!
beg your brother?

uh.... what if you don't live with your family anymore? lol
...........then i beg the slut next door....what do yu think!i get a better job!
Slut next door?
My, we're just full of derogatory and inflamatory comments today, aren't we?

ok ok i get it.geez how would you like it if...........never mind...
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