ORP anouncements

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I think I'm going back to my previous, though... Thanks anyway, Crys...

Pm, when you are saving a file in quark, don't you have other formats you can save to, or an export command or anything like that?
if it comes to nothing give me a file and let me try... but you should be able to export it to some kind of universal format...
lol crys, which has a ring to it? Evil Lord God? or evil omnicient being?

yep. chineese tail traps as it were....
*hits khadgar*don't ever mention thay again!i'm still washing off the glue!
Lauren.Hynde said:
I think I'm going back to my previous, though... Thanks anyway, Crys...
No problem, I actually liked your 'eyes' av the best myself ;)

I like Evil Lord God Khadgar, or maybe sexy Evil Lord God!
lol okay Crys. "Sexy Evil Lord God" it is! *grns*

oh, and a finger trap is that tube you put on your fingers, and you can't get it off unless you press it together? never seen those?
Yes Crys, the eyes are special, thank you for noticing... :rose:

But I think I'll give my bod some days to experience fame...

Pm, do you even have a PC or are you using a Mac?
*gasps* 20 minutes? good god. whats the world comming to?! actually. who thinks tonight would be good for a VC? (voice chat)
hey I'm willing to chat, same perdicment as Lauren though. i'm using a PC btw.
lol pm!

uh.... whenever is good lol now good for everyone?/
i'll make a room. you follow my directions, you'll be in. that simple
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