Opinions on the Rape fantasy


Really Experienced
Sep 27, 2002
Okay, I wanted to ask,

I know Literotica doesn't allow Non-consentual fantasies, but they don't seem to care what happens four or five threads down.

My question, Would you personally approve a rape fantasy in your story, or do you consider it utterly abhorrent.

(Personal note: It HAS happened to me in RL, M/M, but for some reason I still find the fantasy appealling....)

Rule 2 Chyoo guidelines

2.You may write on almost any subject. We do ask that you not write stories on bestiality,
underage sex, or extreme violence during sex. Power plays and non-consent fantasies are one thing, but killing or violently abusing someone during a sexual act should be avoided.

As you can see, non-consent fantasies are in fact allowed. It all seems to be a question as to the level of violence that occurs during the story.

Personally as a fantasy I do find the subject exciting. I've included non-consent in threads I have written for other authors and one of my two stories, Hell Inc. includes non-consent scenes. I did however put in the story guideline that I wouldn't accept threads that went too far and included maiming or snuffing.
Cool, thanks for the feedback.

Just wanted to know I wasn't outta line.

I've never been one for the non-consent fantasy. My favorite sexual fantasies have always involved people who crave sex, who need it desperately, who want it and wholeheartedly throw themselves into it. When my sex partner behaves like she can't wait and really loves it, I'm on cloud nine. The idea of someone who doesn't want to makes me go flaccid faster than the image of Janet Reno in a string bikini.

I have written a mind-control story, and this I find exciting, even though in a way it's non-consent. The thing is, there's no such thing as a magic amulet that turns women on, and since it's a purely fantastic idea my usual turn-offs don't get activated. I think if the story involved drugs or brainwashing to achieve this end, I wouldn't enjoy it, because those things do exist and can be use to control someone against their will.

The need I have for a partner who wants it carries over into other things. I don't care for bondage, because even if the bondee is perfectly willing and excited about it, the symbolism of non-consent is still very much there. When I've done this in real life, I find it's necessary for my partner, as the one tied up, to constantly give me indicators that she's enjoying it and wants to do it. I'd therefore make a lousy Dom. And I had a hard time enjoying "making out" with one of my girlfriends in high school, because she made it very clear that she was saving herself for marriage and the knowledge that she didn't want to go any further kind of killed it for me. I actually asked her once to just pretend she wanted to, with the full understanding that I knew what her position really was and I wouldn't go any further than what I knew she really wanted, but she wasn't willing to do that and so the physical side of our relationship remained dull to me.

Anyway, getting back to the point - I know very well that just because someone has rape fantasies, that doesn't mean they'd ever consider carrying them out. Hell, I sometimes imagine what it would be like to be able to clear away rush-hour traffic with a rocket launcher, but that doesn't mean you should be afraid to drive in front of me.

To conclude: I just can't enjoy the non-consent thing.
Personnally, I draw a line between "rape" and "non-consensual".

The idea of hurting, of pain is present in "rape", while "non-consensual" is more likely to get the... "victim" angry and such, but not traumatized in any way. As an example, in one of my stories (Lara Croft: Escape from the Temple), the heroine eventually has to give handjobs/blowjobs to a group of men to save her life. She is disgusted, but the next thing she does is plan her escape. No traumatism or anything, nothing worse than a bad taste in her mouth for now.

Ok, the line between "rape" and "non-consensual" is quite blurry and one could find arguments to the effect that there is no such line, but for me, there is one. :p While the "non-consensual" side of things is fine with me, I wouldn't approve a thread that has to do with "rape" (i.e. where the "victim" is truly hurt. More than a poke to his/her ego, if you want...).

I'd actually agree with you there, dude.

You've summed up my feelings pretty well. I just couldn't articulate them....
