OOC: X-men The Legacy of Xavier needs more players!

White Queen

Long Live the Queen!
Feb 20, 2002
The thread X-Men: The Legacy Xavier is in need of more players, currently the only characters taken are:

Xenia ( original character )

If you are interested in joining check the OOC thread for a small introduction into the story. here in a link for that thread:

OOC: X-Men The Legacy of Xavier
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It is a promising thread. Anyone who ever wished for a thrill in their "X-Men" lives...please do join.
I saw the word Russia, saw one of the characters needed help getting there and then I thought "Cheesy Poofs" which was no good, but after that I thought "Collossus"!

So what do you guys say?
Spasebo! I've done my research on Piotr Nikolaievitch and I can't believe that nobody's got dibs on him already!
You have an X-Men thread and no Cyclops?
Is that even legal?

Looks like I'll have to step in. Stand aside, fellow mortals...
Welcome Poohlive, actually the absence of cyclops is being noticed, to the point of thinking my charcter ( Psylocke ) should take the lead of the team. Welcome to the thread. :)
Hmmmm.... We seem to already have Rogue and Psylocke. Off hand I think that would leave Jean Grey (nice triangle with her, Logan and Cyclops) and Storm.

Would love to write with you Morwen, drop me a PM if you want to discuss a possible character other than the two obvious ones and I'll be happy to do some research for you.

Incidentally, would someone already participating like to give me a hook into the storyline? I've got every reason to be in Russia (visiting my little sister, of course) but no such reasons to be where y'all are now!
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Hmm....the last post was in November....of last year.


Alright then, its a new year and here's the resolution: MORE PEOPLE SHOULD POST, AND ALOT OF THEM!!! lolz Okay, maybe that was too harsh...but eh.

Story...in 2002, a war began between Mutants and Humans....aparently mutants were not needed said someone (don't ask me) so...the war of the world began and....the mutants losing. Humans have found technology to their side and used it well. In the war, the X-Men were destroyed....along with Xavier and Magnetus. No one knows who is alive and who is not.

Five years later, some X-Men were still around...and they're trying to survive...but not really knowing for what. They have no leader and no cause but to hide. So...the ones that are around (apparently not posting) are trying to save whatever mutants are still alive. They got a message that there are mutant children in Russia that are being experimented for the humans as their future militia; like the existence of Wolverine but worse.

Archangel (me), who gave up on everything; to have his wings back, joined the side of Apocalypse as the Fourth Horsemen, Death. But seeing...what happened to Xavier, he left and felt that it is his fault...so now he will try to relive Xavier's dream. So it is called "Legacy of Xavier".

Unfortunately, yes, Cyclops isn't around for the X-Men...but that was my plan to use him later on....but some ravishly angered bear broke into my house and took him as his hostage...along with the Beast. ;) But I trust the Silly Bear. He's good at what he does...not saying that sometimes they are good....

Well...we still need more people for the thread and please, we need the old players to come back and continue...

Thank you all.
