OOC: Team of Misfits

I've only seen one so far.

Tell me what you think of Oberyn Martell? I'd let him stab me, giggity.
He seems pretty epic thus far. As I'm so far behind in the books I don't know much of him but the conversation with Tyrion outside of the brothel gave him points. I'm not going to quote because I'm not a spoiler, but...well said.

Was that encounter in the first episode this season? XD I think it was but they blur together when I save them up and watch em back to back.

And I'm totally not surprised, Katt.

It's all about Peter Dinklage for me. <3
It was the first episode. Only one I saw. To say anything more would ruin it I feel.

Oh and don't google.wikipedia anything. I did that once. Ruined a lot of shit for myself.

Ah so you like the Dink? The Dink goes in the pink? Or maybe the stink? I won't judge. Much.
Judge away!

Dink goes anywhere he damn pleases.

/grins stupidly and drifts off to dream world.


Oh yeah, I stay away from looking anything up online relating to Thrones. I've even had to nix certain friends from appearing on my social media feed because they're notorious spoiler assholes and I often save up episodes before watching them.

Think I weeded them all out over this last Walking Dead season...

/fingers crossed!
Stupid spoilers.

/me foams at the mouth in rage.

Alright. I'm better now. Everyone's making me look bad now, I need a Roni and Kayne post, stat.
Get to work, slacker!


...Speaking of.

/looks at paperwork on desk.

I guess if I'm not sleeping I should at least be productive.


♪♫ Being an adult sucks ♫♪
Kayne's post was completely irrelevant. I'm sure I coulda done something productive with her...but..
Hey guys. Finally at my intended destination and practically the first thing I did was bonk out for twelve hours.

I'll get up a post within the next few hours.
ok finally able to get back online. guess it's time for Ron and Roni to grab some clothes then head on back with their loot. He He can't wait to see everyone's faces when that stuff rocks up. Hmm maybe it should just go in Ron's room. LOL
Hey. when I am having a bad trip I take a step back and think "Whelp....At least I don't live somewhere crappy like....Parts of Nevada."
Gotta leave a big tip for the delivery driver.

Next they can go to the strip club and make it rain.
Wrong? Maybe.

But I fully endorse plans of collecting shiny things.

/is disappointed that she can't find a clip or meme involving Reese from Malcolm in the Middle and the shiny box.

...Probably be pretty entertaining, too!
Just spent the last thirty hours getting rid of every fucking spider so I can sleep.

Since only about two of them weren't Black Widows or Brown Fiddlers.

Also all the shiny!!!!!
I have the utmost faith that you got them all! Get some sleep :D

/applies pyrethrin to the perimeter.

Safe for reals!
Not a bad video...if you like being educated!

/boos and throws popcorn at Katt.

For serious though you don't need to convince me. I actively foster webs outside of my house - you know, catch baby grasshoppers and such and throw them in there. Because I dislike insects and am pretty neutral on arachnids.

Don't like em in my house, still. But I don't need to kill them: I have cats for that.

EDIT: Also, sadly, I should be off to bed. Good night~

Dream of spiders!