OOC: Team of Misfits

Yeah looks like waiting on a Wolf post for awhile.

Get some sleep. Sleep is the best.
Sorry for inactivity.

I'm just really busy right now. But I'll try to get a post up today.
I finally posted. Covered the basics, and now Ruby is getting a view of Sparks showering. Of course she doesn't really understand she's doing anything wrong......

...And now I'm off to do stuff. Probably won't be around much today.

You guys have a good one if I don't talk to you later!
Three hour drive home. Little sleep last night, and an energy drink.

I feel high and like I'm gonna throw up.
I'll be having a blast once we've arrived. It's a twenty seven hour journey that has been split over three days. I literally want to strangle someone right now.
I have this image of Bow set up with his big guns, sitting in a high up building ready to take a shot. Only to have Portal appear beside him, opening another 'window' to another target normally out of his range, but so close it's almost too easy. And so forth, bringing up targets without him even needing to do much moving.

Imagine shooting someone, and knowing that you were 100 miles away with an alibi. So efficient.

But, it may not be his way of doing stuff. In which case, that's cool.
Sounds like a good way of disposing of Jenkins body when he has an....accident...
I think if Bow is ready for a shot and Portal appears, he will most likely glance at her, receive another sensory overload and collapse :)

I did ask for the use of the portals as weapon and I have this idea of Portal setting up targets and Bow firing at them to calculate the effect the travel will have on accuracy.

Also if he touches a portal surface what will happen to him? Will his hand pass through to the other side, but his body remain on the one?
Of course not Death. He'll put his hand in and be sucked in as if a strawberry through a straw. The shot out the other side like a bullet. So make sure he has a knife in one hand.
That would be hilarious?

Bow grabs a knife. "Portal I need a missile."

Portal nods and with a strained look, creates a portal in front of Bow.

Bow proceeded to put the knife, holding hand inter portal and is sucked in, moments later he is shot like a canon ball right through his target.
Kit not only would that be funny, but it does remind me of Colussus and Wolverine's "Fast ball special"
I can see her being able to do something similar, with some high rise graffiti...but it would require a lot of trust, or some extra-dimensional tactics. One is possible, the other might be a little far fetched but I'd totally be up for it.

A. Get Bow on top of a designated building. Then have him jump off said building with knife in hand, head first. Have him land within a circle drawn on the ground by Portal, within a minute of having drawn it. Have that portal open up in front of said enemy. Bingo, high velocity Bow with bayonet charge! She can do this now.

B. Have bow run into a portal that opens up into an alternate dimension of high velocity stuff, then exit through a portal beside enemy. With time she might not even need the physical circle or containment, and I'd like her to be able to conjure a portal in thin air...but that's not till she's like 90% developed.
That's ridiculous and awesome.

Kayne could get on that sweet stabby action. That's her specialty. Well the stabbing part.
The X-Men have their jet, you guys get Portal. Cheap airfares and she hardly ever encounters turbulence. But there are no in flight meals or movies. Plus, she isn't combat so she needs to be sneaky and good at other shit like this I figure.
Portal has some awesome utility! I'm really digging the combo moves with allies - that's a must for in the main thread, I'd say :D

Also... How is everyone tonight?
And pizza.

Don't forget pizza.

Ohai Aon.

Head ache and cramps. It's Shark Week. You?
Aw, that's no fun :(

I'm mostly well, thanks! Been keeping busy. Less ESO than I'd like. But I'm content: I got to watch two episodes of the new Game of Thrones season this evening! <3