OOC: Pathfinder: Azalon


Literotica Guru
Sep 10, 2007
Recruitment is closed.

Sandpoint's mayor, Kendra Deverin, decided to make an attempt to a section of abandoned buildings in an unused section of the city in order to expand their prosperity. A large number of dwarven engineers were hired and went through most of the demolition of the old buildings when an unexpected find was discovered. A large cavern was unearthed beneath two of the largest buildings, inside which a large stone ring set into a larger stone pedestal was uncovered.

The stone ring looked very ancient, even older than the ancient Thassilonian tower known as the Old Light. Positioned around the stone ring, evenly spaced from each other by a foot of space, were ten unadorned steel sleeves measuring one foot square. A large metal plaque adorned the pedestal, reading simply: Azalon, Floating Worlds.

Renovations were halted so a pair of archeologists were able to study the artifact. A week past before anything of significance was discerned about the artifact, a small switch hidden beneath the plaque. Upon the pressing of the button, a low hum began reverberating from the pedestal, echoing throughout the chamber and beyond. A few seconds later the ring freed itself from the base, floating a foot above it. The metal sleeves glowed a bright blue as they slowly spun around the stone, maintaining the same amount of space between them. The sleeves soon reached a speed where they were forming a complete blue circle. A loud pop filled the chamber before a sheet of shimmering green completely filled the ring.

Three weeks of vigorous testing passed before the first group of adventurers went through. They did not expect what they found on the other side. A second portal was the exit point, identical to the first artifact in every way, except the plaque read: Thassilon. The portal was positioned in the exact center of a small island. A small grove of trees and grass were the only plant life dominating the island. What threw the adventurers off was the island was floating in the air, even with a white cloud bank as far as they eye could see in every direction. The sky had a purplish hue and a single red sun. A cool breeze constantly blew across the island, but the adventurers were unable to leave the island yet.

The dwarves who were hired for the renovations had their job shifted to creating an airship and cradle on the island. It took nearly six months before the project was completed. Nearly two thousand tradesmen, craftsmen, settlers, and adventurers volunteered to journey to Azalon in hopes of finding new lands and treasure.

The airship crew chose a random direction since no true guidance could be found, even the stars were in foreign positions. The airship stayed above the cloud bank, which was compared to a sea, completely solid and unbroken. Six months passed in the voyage before a break appeared in the Sea of Clouds. The Sea ended abruptly, revealing another floating landmass at a much lower elevation. This landmass was a extremely large continent, half as large as the Inner Sea landmass. The landmass floated above a world seemingly composed completely of water.

The first landing on the floating continent was a large pre-built city. A large floating dock jutted out from the edge of the continent, easily large enough to accommodate ten airships and had multiple warehouses. The city itself was a ghost town. Signs of habitation could be found everywhere, but no actual living creatures could be found. After leaving the first group of volunteers at the strange city, the airship returned to the portal for the next group of volunteers.

Setting: The party will be part of the second group of volunteers, heading out to possible fame and fortune.

The airship trip will take six months to reach the city, and that's where the story begins. However this leaves the arraignment of how the party members meet up while aboard an airship of 2,00 passengers and crew.

Will we have everyone meeting at sometime during the voyage, or will they miss each other completely until arrival at the city? Or a mixture of only certain members meeting before the arrival? I think it would be good to figure out so we aren't stumbling around at first. Work out how you think is best. This should help make cohesion as a group easier in my opinion.
[b]Name:[/b] Calare Long
[b]Age:[/b] 22
[b]Race:[/b] Kitsune
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Class:[/b] Rogue 4
[b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral Evil

Strength 	10	 (0)
Dexterity 	20	 (+4)
Constitution 	14	 (+2)
Intelligence 	12	 (+1)
Wisdom 		13    (+1)
Charisma 	16	 (+3)

[b]Size:[/b] 	Medium
[b]Height:[/b] 6'0"

[b]Total Hit Points:[/b] 44 

[b]Speed:[/b] 30 Feet 

[b]Armor Class:[/b] 
    Regular:     19   = 10 + +4 (Dex) + 5 (Mithril shirt)
    Touch AC:     14   = 10 +4 (Dex)
    Flat-footed:  15   = 10 + 5 (Mithril shirt)

[b]Saving Throws:[/b]
    Fortitude:		+ 3	= +1 (Base) +2(Con) 
    Reflex:		+ 8	= +4 (Base) +4 (Dex)
    Will:		+3	= +1 (Base) +1 (Wis) + 1 (Indomitable Faith)

    Initiative modifier:      + 5     = +4 (Dex) +1 (Reactionary)
    Combat Maneuver Bonus:    +3     = +3(BAB) + 0(Str)
    Combat Maneuver Defense:  +17     = 10 +3 (BAB) +4 (Dex)

    Attack (handheld):         +3     = +3 (BAB) 
   Attack (missile):         + 7     = +3 (BAB) +4 (Dex) 

    Common, Sylvan, Elvan

Magical Tail ( 1 rank )
You grow an extra tail that represents your growing magical powers.
Prerequisite: Kitsune.
Benefit: You gain a new spell-like ability, each usable twice per day, from the following list, in order: disguise self, charm person, misdirection, invisibility, suggestion, displacement, confusion, dominate person. For example, the first time you select this feat, you gain disguise self 2/day; the second time you select this feat, you gain charm person 2/day. Your caster level for these spells is equal to your Hit Dice. The DCs for these abilities are Charisma-based.
Weapon Finesse

[b]Skills:[/b]                        Ability    Ranks  Class  Misc
Acrobatics Dex 10 = 4 + 4 + 2
Bluff Cha 6 = 3 + 3
Climb Str 2 = 0 + 2
Craft Int 3 = 1 + 2
Intimidate Cha 7 = 3 + 4
Diplomacy Cha 7 = 3 + 4
Knowledge (Dungoneering ) Int 3 = 1 + 2
Knowledge (local) Int 2 = 1 + 1
Linguistics Int 3 = 1 + 2
Perception Wis 5 = 1 + 4
Perform(dance) Wis 3 = 1 + 2
Profession() Wis 1 = 1 + 0
Sleight of Hand Dex 8 = 4 + 4
Stealth Dex 6 = 4 + 2
Swim Str 2 = 0 + 2
Use Magic Device Cha 5 = 3 + 2
[b]Favored class points:[/b] 
    Hit points 	12
    Skill points 	9

[b]Rogue Skills:[/b]
Uncanny Dodge
Sneak Attack +2d6
Trap Sense +1
Trap Finding
Bleeding Attack* (Ex): A rogue with this ability can cause living opponents to bleed by hitting them with a sneak attack. This attack causes the target to take 1 additional point of damage each round for each die of the rogue’s sneak attack (e.g., 4d6 equals 4 points of bleed). Bleeding creatures take that amount of damage every round at the start of each of their turns. The bleeding can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal check or the application of any effect that heals hit point damage. Bleeding damage from this ability does not stack with itself. Bleeding damage bypasses any damage reduction the creature might possess.
Slow Reactions* (Ex): Opponents damaged by the rogue’s sneak attack can’t make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
Indomitable Faith

[b]Kitsune Traits:[/b]
Low-Light Vision (Ex): Kitsune can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Natural Weapons (Ex): In her natural form, a kitsune has a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage.    
Agile (Ex) Kitsune receive a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks.
Change Shape (Su) A kitsune can assume the appearance of a specific single human form of the same sex. The kitsune always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. A kitsune in human form cannot use her bite attack, but gains a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to appear human. Changing shape is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as alter self, except that the kitsune does not adjust her ability scores.
Kitsune Magic (Ex/Sp): Kitsune add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against enchantment spells that they cast. Kitsune with a Charisma score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like ability: 3/day—dancing lights.

Tent, small
Fishing tackle
Rope, silk (50 ft.)
String (50 ft.)
Hook, grappling, common
Kit, grooming
Kit, rogue's
Mithril Shirt +1
Bag of Holding I
Ioun Torch
Short bow
Arrows, common (40)

[b]Gold:[/b] 1100g


Background: Calare was born on the island of Absalom, living there for the first eighteen years of her life. Her father was a well respected thief on the island, and she followed in his footsteps to learn the trade. She learned as much as she could from him, starting from her early childhood. She was a quick study of the kitsune way, combining trickery with thievery.

When she turned 15, she joined the thieves guild to be able to keep her skills at their best. Despite her skills, she did have a minor mishap on one of her jobs. She had been able to disarm a trap on a chest, but she accidentally triggered a hidden switch. A spray of acid shot from a niche on the chest, a small amount hitting the right side of her face. Before she was able to remove the acid, it cut a line down from above her eye to the middle of her cheek. Her right eye was injured as well. Despite attempts to heal the injury, a scar was left down the right side of her face. Though she could still see out of her eye, she wears a eye patch to hide the scars.

Like most of her race, Calare felt the itch of wanderlust after she turned 18. Packing up her stuff, she left the island of Absalom and has been wandering the land in search of adventure.

Kitsune Appearance

Human Appearance
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[b]Name:[/b] Ceana
[b]Age:[/b] 19
[b]Race:[/b] [url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/humanoids/changeling]Changeling[/url]
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Class:[/b] [url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk]Monk[/url] ([url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk/archetypes/paizo---monk-archetypes/martial-artist]Martial Artist[/url]) 4
[b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral Evil

Strength 	8	 (-1)
Dexterity 	18	 (+4)
Constitution 	12	 (+1)
Intelligence 	12	 (+1)
Wisdom 		21/22    (+6)
Charisma 	16	 (+3)

[b]Size:[/b] 	Medium
[b]Height:[/b] 5'7"

[b]Total Hit Points:[/b] 40 

[b]Speed:[/b] 40 Feet (Monk)

[b]Armor Class:[/b] 
    Regular:      23   = 10 + 6 (Wis) +4 (Dex) +1 (Monk) +1 (Dodge) +1 (Changeling, NA) 
    Touch AC:     21   = 10 + 6 (Wis) +4 (Dex) +1 (Monk) +1 (Dodge)
    Flat-footed:  18   = 10 + 6 (Wis)          +1 (Monk) +1 (Dodge) +1 (Changeling, NA) 

[b]Saving Throws:[/b]
    Fortitude:		+ 6	= +4 (Base) +1(Con) +1 (Resilient Trait)
    Reflex:		+ 8	= +4 (Base) +4 (Dex)
    Will:		+10	= +4 (Base) +6 (Wis)

    Initiative modifier:      + 6     = +4 (Dex) +2 (Reactionary Trait)
    Combat Maneuver Bonus:    +10     = +4 (Monk level) +6 (Wis)
    Combat Maneuver Defense:  +30     = 10 +4 (Monk level) +6 (Wis) +4 (Dex) +6 (Wis +1, Monk)

    Attack (unarmed):         +10     = +3 (BAB) +6 (Wis) +1 (WFoc)
    Attack (Flurry of Blows)  + 9/+9  = +4 (Monk level) +6 (Wis) +1 (WFoc) -2 (Flurry penalty)
    Attack (missile):         + 5     = +3 (BAB) +4 (Dex) -2 (Shakey Trait)

    Damage (unarmed):      1d8+1d6+10 = 1d8 +6 (Wis) +2 (Changeling) +2 (WSpec) +1d6 (Amulet, acid)


    Resilient (+1 Fort Save)
    Reactionary (+2 Initiative)    

    [url=http://eberronunlimited.wikidot.com/flaw:free-spirited]Free-Spirited[/url]: Half carrying capacity, double armor check penalty
    [url=http://eberronunlimited.wikidot.com/flaw:shaky]Shaky[/url]: -2 to hit on ranged attacks

    Guided Strike*
    [url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/improved-grapple-combat---final]Improved Grapple[/url]
    [url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/power-attack-combat---final]Power Attack[/url] (-1/+2)
    [url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/weapon-focus-combat---final]Weapon Focus[/url] (Unarmed Strike)
    [url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/weapon-specialization-combat---final]Weapon Specialization[/url] (Unarmed Strike)

[b]Skills:[/b]                        Ability    Ranks  Class  Misc
    Acrobatics         +11 =   +4 (Dex)   +4     +3
    Climb              + 3 =   -1 (Str)   +1     +3
    Diplomacy          + 9 =   +3 (Cha)   +3     +3 
    Escape Artist      +11 =   +4 (Dex)   +4     +3
    Perception         +17 =   +6 (Wis)   +4     +3     +2(Changeling) +2(Alertness)
    Stealth            +11 =   +4 (Dex)   +4     +3
    Sense Motive       +15 =   +6 (Wis)   +4     +3     +2(Alertness)

[b]Favored class points:[/b] 
    Hit points 		4
    Skill points 	0

[b]Monk Skills:[/b]
    Unarmed Strike
    Flurry of Blows
    Stunning Fist: Target must succeed on DC 19 Fort save or be stunned for a round (4/day)
    Evasion: No damage on successful Reflex save
    Fast Movement: + 10 feet
    Maneuver Training: Use Monk level instead of BAB for CMB and CMD
    Pain Points: +1 on critical hit confirmation and Stunning Fist DC
    Exploit Weakness: Check gives +2 to hit and bypasses DR for the round 
    Martial Arts Master: Monk levels count as Fighter levels to qualify for feats

[b]Changeling Skills:[/b]
    Daughter of an Annis hag: +1 to melee damage
    Natural Attack: Retraceable Claws 1d4 damage/give +1 to unarmed damage
    Natural Attack: Retraceable Bite 1d3 damage 
    AC bonus: +1 to natural armor
    Darkvision 60 feet

    Amulet of Mighty Fists (Corrosive, +1d6 acid damage)   5000g
    Earring of Wisdom +1                                   1000g
    Linen Tunic
    Leather Pants
    Leather Boots
    Belt with Pouch
    Bag slung over her shoulder
    Hospitality papers

[b]Gold:[/b] 1g


*New Feat:

[b]Guided Strike (Combat)[/b]

[i]You use your intuition and ki rather than brute force to deliver devastating unarmed attacks.[/i]

[b]Prerequisites[/b]: Wis 13, base attack bonus +1, Improved Unarmed Strike.

[b]Benefit[/b]: As long as you are fighting unarmed you can replace your Strength bonus with your Wisdom bonus to determine melee to hit chance and damage as well as Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense.

Monks can choose Guided Strike as one of their bonus feats.

Ceana sports the hallmark physical attributes of her true race. A tall slender woman with almost unnaturally pale but flawlessly soft skin and smooth raven black hair falling all the way to her hips. But even among her own kind her beauty would be outstanding, her face sporting the delicate, almost angelic features, high cheek bones, a perfectly proportioned nose and a pair of large, dreamy eyes. That impression is completed by her toned, well shaped limbs leading up to her trim and firm small behind, and her outstanding breasts, almost unfittingly large and plump for a frame so frail. The only feature an acute observer might find distracting are her eyes, the right one a shining blue, the left one a sparkling red.

Usually when a hag plants her offspring it is a smooth affair. Unsuspecting and loving parents raise the girls as planned. But sometimes things go wrong, like when a learned foster father draws the right conclusions at the sight of mismatched eyes and immediately shuns the perceived parasite. Which is how Ceana ended up in the temple orphanage. Not all was as it should be behind the high walls of the church, and the poor girl had a harrowing early childhood that shaped her for life.

At the age of eleven she was finally able to run, but her flight brought her straight into the arms of Ternos. The old scoundrel made a living by organizing children of the streets into criminal gangs, specializing in theft and burglary. And while Ceana's retraceable claws - a perk she wisely kept hidden - made her fingertips too insensitive for pickpocketing or locksmithing, Ternos soon learned to appreciate her sharp eyes that so effortlessly pierced the night. Which made her ideal for standing watch on their nightly break ins.

It was on one of these heists that she picked up the book. The target had been the mansion of some rich and eccentric collector, and each pair of hands was required to haul the valuables from his vault. The tome, bound in old ruined leather, lay on one of the shelves, considered too much trouble to turn into coin by the gang. It was mere gut instinct that made her pick it up, and in the following days it revealed itself to be a remarkable treasure. It turned out the tome - once one had managed to fight through the partially incomplete or withered pages - had a very valuable content. After the apparently purely esoteric opening chapters it delved deeply into how to mobilize the inner reserves of ones body and - much more relevant for the physically weak girl - how to turn them into a means of very efficient self defense. In secret she began with the described exercises, and a secret she kept the learned abilities to be unleashed at the opportune moment for maximum benefit.

That moment came five years later. One day Ternos' behavior towards her changed. The differences were barely noticeable, since the old scoundrel was indeed a practiced liar, but Ceana had lived amongst his ilk for many years and had had ample opportunity to study their ways. So she immediately knew she was in trouble. This information gave her the decisive edge when he came for her three nights later. Ternos apparently had struck a deal to sell her to some old and sadistic pervert who was quite smitten with the unearthly beautiful girl, but that girl proved far more militant than he had anticipated, and it was not her freedom but his life that ended. Knowing very well that her time in the city was at an end she was already thirty miles away by sunrise, and she did not stop there.

From there on she stuck to what she had learned, depending solely on her own and her acquired talents to make a living. Until she met Mae. That other woman, a mountain of muscle about twice her weight strangely enough turned out to be a rival for the favor of Lord Geron. The noble fancied himself as a connoisseur of exotic women, and as such had set his sight on both of them. Ceana did not mind trading small favors for a life that for a change would be comfortable and free of tribulations, and she feared the wild barbarian would be able to force her out of the deal. As it turned out, though, Lord Geron was more than willing to support them both. As it happened he also lost interest in both of them at about the same time. Mae and her, however, had grown quite friendly with each other in the meantime, and it was something of a bonding experience when they cooperated to show the noble that it can be a very bad idea to scorn two women just like that.

Now the two traveled together, and found that their skills complimented each other will. Ceana also made a new experience, she learned the power of trust. For the first time in her life she had a partner from whom she for some inexplicable reason did not fear betrayal, and having her back covered thusly felt very strengthening.

Hence when the voices started to appear, beckoning her towards the east with the sweetest promises of power and riches, and when her gut instinct told her that following them would be a bad idea and moving as far away as possible the best way to escape the mysterious calling, she did all in her power to convince Mae to join her on the trip through the mysterious portal into Azalon, even if it cost her almost all her savings.


<under construction>
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As long as KattDClaw still agrees to it I would stick to the old backstory where Mae and Ceana knew each other even before the trip. In regard to whether and whom they got acquainted with on the ship I am rather flexible, as long as good suggestions are forthcoming. :)

Six months are a long time...

Btw, were there any special rules enforced on the ship, like all weapons had to be deposited etc?

And a big thanks for the big effort JK.
Probably regarding rules towards weapons, they're allowed to be carried, but they have to remain sheathed at all times. If they were used, they would be confiscated until arrival.

If you want, go ahead and post your kinks and such to be played with. Might help to encourage a few of the more evil ideas to use during the adventure. I'll try and post some ideas I have for stream-lining combat and the rolls, when applicable.
[b]Name:[/b] Lucius
[b]Age:[/b] 19
[b]Race:[/b] Human
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Class:[/b] Sorcerer (Infernal bloodline) 4
[b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Neutral

Strength 	9	 (-1)
Dexterity 	16	 (+3)
Constitution 	14	 (+2)
Intelligence 	14	 (+2)
Wisdom 	        12 	 (+1)
Charisma 	20	 (+5)

[b]Size:[/b] 	Medium
[b]Height:[/b] 6'0"

[b]Total Hit Points:[/b] 24 

[b]Speed:[/b] 30 Feet

[b]Armor Class:[/b] 
    Regular:      17   = 10 + 4 (Mithral chainshirt) 3 (Dex)
    Touch AC:     13   = 10 + 3 (Dex)
    Flat-footed:  14   = 10 + 4 (Mithral chainshirt)

[b]Saving Throws:[/b]
    Fortitude:		+ 4	= +1 (Base) +2(Con) +1 (Cloak of resistance)
    Reflex:		+ 5	= +1 (Base) +3 (Dex) + 1 (Cloak of resistance)
    Will:		+6	= +4 (Base) +1 (Wis) +1 (Cloak of resistance)

    Initiative modifier:      + 7     = +3 (Dex) + 4 (Improved initiative)
    Combat Maneuver Bonus:    +1     = +2 (BAB) -1 (str)
    Combat Maneuver Defense:  +14     = 10 +2 (Bab) -1 (Str) +3 (Dex)

Attack (Mace, light): +1 = +2 (BAB) – 1 (Str)
Damage (Mace, light): 1d6-1
Attack (Longbow mw): +6 = +2 (BAB) +3 (Dex) +1 (Masterwork)
Damage (Longbow) 1d8-1

    Common, Infernal, Draconic

Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus when you use Bluff or Diplomacy on a character that is (or could be) sexually attracted to you, and a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of any language-dependent spell you cast on such characters or creatures.

    Magical lineage (Fireball)
Benefit: Pick one spell when you choose this trait. When you apply metamagic feats to this spell that add at least 1 level to the spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell's final adjusted level.    

Effect: You take a –2 penalty on Will saving throws against charm and compulsion effects if the creature creating the effect promises wealth or power.

Improved initiative
Craft wondrous item
Reach spell
Martial weapon proficiency (Longbow)

[b]Skills:[/b]         Ability    Ranks  Class  Misc
Bluff		+12/13 = +5 (Cha) + 4 + 3 (+1 charming)   
Diplomacy	+12/13 = +5 (Cha) + 4 + 3 (+1 charming)
Intimidate	+12 = +5 (Cha) + 4 +3
Knowledge (Arcana)	+9 = 2 (int) + 4 + 3
Spellcraft 	+ 9 = 2 (Int) + 4 + 3
Use magic device +12 = 5 (Cha) + 4 + 3

[b]Favored class points:[/b] 
    Hit points 		0
    Skill points 	4

[b]Sorcerer skills[/b]
Bloodline Arcana: +2 DC charm subschool spells (Bloodline)
Corrupting touch: cause a creature to become shaken with melee touch attack) (bloodline)
Eschew materials
Infernal resistances: Resist fire 5, +2 on saving throws against poison (Bloodline)
Bonus spell (bloodline)

[b]Level 0[/b]
Detect magic
Read magic
Ghost sound
[b]Level 1[/b]
Charm person
Color spray
Ear-Piercing Scream
Protection from good (bloodline bonus spell)
[b]Level 2[/b]

Ring of sustenance (2500 gp)
Mithral shirt (1100)
Cloak of resistance (1000 gp)
Masterwork Longbow (375)
20 Arrows (1 gp)
6 potions cure light wounds (300 gp)
1 potion of invisibility (300 gp)
1 potion of cure light wounds actually containing acid (10 gp)
Everburning torch (110 gp)
Outfit, explorers
Outfit, Courtiers with jewelry (80 gp)
Signet ring (5 gp)
Wax (1 gp)
Skeleton key (85 gp)
Sorcerer kit (8 gp)
Medium tent (15 gp)
Money (110 gp)

Background (1.0 might get adjusted in near future)
Ever since he was a small boy, Lucius heard a female voice in his head. At first the voice was a friend, later it started to guide him. It seemed that if he followed the instructions of the voice he just happened to be at the right place, at the right time. When puberty hit him, images joined the voice, often in the form of dreams. A beautiful naked woman talked to him, caressed him, and promised him things. Power, riches, women and indeed as Lucius grew older he became handsome and the arcane power ran through his body.

Although he was happy with his friend, Lucius wanted to understand it and started to study his family history. Most of his family members were blessed with magic and good fortune, but as he read more he found out that one of his forefathers had made a deal with a female devil. The exact details of the deal were unclear, it mostly seemed to be that the devil helped the family and in return the family would help the devil.

Lucius enjoyed life and learned to use both his magic as his looks to move forward in life. Always he craved to gain more power and then when this quest came along, the voice told him to join on that. He wasn’t sure if it was for his benefit or that finally the devil’s true plans came in view, but Lucius joined.

Lucius doesn't see himself as evil or as good, he just is willing to do what it takes to move forward in life.

Lucius is a very handsome young man and he knows it. He is not very muscular or big, but with his 6 foot height and looks his presence in a room is always very clear. A clean shaven face that displays his ever present smile very well. His eyes seem to be silver, with small spots of gold. His brown hair is somewhat longer than that of the average man, but always appears freshly combed.

Normally Lucius is dressed in a decent courtier's outfit. Nothing that invites criminals to come and rob him, but decent enough to mingle around people with money. Currently however Lucius is dressed in a simple explorers outfit.
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Here is a map of the island the party will be going to. It may look strange, but it's going to be explained soon. I can either lay it out here, or IC when the time comes. Let me know what you guys think.
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I don't think Lucius knows any of the other people around before getting on the airship, but I am sure that in six months time, he might have gotten to know a few of the female characters a bit better if people are interested?
Alright, here's a list of things I plan to do in order to try to stream-line the dice rolling stuff.

-Dice rolls will be left to the players thru the honor system, unless there is something I have to roll. I don't expect to see constantly rolled 20's. And a 1 from time to time won't hurt, much.

-If something mundane IC needs to be rolled, I'll try to give the DC like this (DC 15) somewhere in the post. If you know the DC of an action you are trying to do, go ahead and roll it. Post it IC as (DC # - result #) and how ever your character might react.

-I'll try to stream-line combat as much as possible. Enemy AC will be posted at the end of the first post marking the encounter. Posting in combat will be followed by the Initiative order. I'll keep track of enemy HP and post their stuff, of course.

-Adding in the sex stuff I'm not completely positive on how to handle that yet. I wouldn't mind a little input on that part.

Hopefully these methods will help to take care of doing Pathfinder as a thread -based group. Give me any other possible suggestions if you think they can help.
Well I am now posting my character. Try to keep it simple and make sure not to overbear yourself with rules and regulations.

EDIT: And I think that Kerloch in these six months should have managed to put up a small shop or maybe gained a permit to work as an alchemist. While also having a nice connection with the more accepting women of the town, well not every woman but more then a handful.

Name: Kerloch Ashbringer
Age: 18
Race: Kobold
Gender: Male
Class: Alchemist
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 

Strength 	10	(0)
Dexterity 	13	(1)
Constitution 	12	(1)
Intelligence 	18	(4)
Wisdom 		14	(2)
Charisma 	12	(1)

Size: 		Small
Height: 	3'2"

Total Hit Points: 36

Speed: 30

Armor Class: 16

    Touch AC: 16
    Flat-footed: 13 

Initiative modifier:	+ 1	= +1[Dex]
Fortitude save:		+ 5	= 4[Base]+1[Fort]
Reflex save:		+ 5	= 4[Base]+1[Ref]
Will save:		 +3	= 1[Base]+2[Will]
Attack (handheld):	+ 4	= 3[Base]+1 [Dex] +1[Size]
Attack (missile):	+ 4	= 3[Base]+1 [Dex] +1[Size]
Combat Maneuver Bonus:	+ 2	= 3[Base]-1[Size]+0[Str]
Combat Maneuver Defense:  + 10	= 10[Base] -1[Size]+0[Str]+1[Dex]

[B]Languages:	[/B]

    Improvisational Equipment


    Draconic Aspect (Black Scales: /5 Acid Resistance)
    Draconic Glide

Skill Name	Key Ability	Skill Modifier	Ability Modifier	Ranks	Misc.Modifier
Disable Device	 Dex		5 =		+1			+4	x
Appraise 	Cha 		3 = 		+1			+2	x
Craft (Trap) 	 Int 		8 = 		+4			+2	+2
Craft (Alchemy)  Int 		8 = 		+4			+4 	x
Stealth 	 Dex 		5 = 		+1			x	+4
Perception 	 Wis 		6(5) = 		+2			+2	+2(-1goggles)
Heal  		 Wis 		4 = 		+2			+2	x
Sleight of H.	Dex 		4 = 		+1			+3	x
Survival 	 Wis 		6 = 		+2			+4 	x
Spellcraft 	 Int 		4 = 		+4			x	x
Fly    		 Dex 		3 = 		+1			+2	x
Profession(Miner)Wis 		4 = 		+2			x	+2
Use Magic Device Cha 		4 =		1			+3 	x
Knowledge(Arcana)Int		6 =		+4			+2	x
Knowledge(Nature)Int		8 =		+4			+4	x


[B]Favored class points:[/B] (Alchemist)
    Hit points 	0
    Skill points:	0
    Bombs: 	4 (1/2 bombs for each point if I am not wrong)
Class Skills:[/B]
    (Su)Bomb 2d6
    (Ex)Brew potion
    (Ex)Throw anything
    (Ex)Poison Resistance
    (Ex)Poison Use
    (Ex)Swift Alchemy

[B]Race Skills:[/B]
    Ability Score Racial Traits: Kobolds are fast but weak. They gain +2 Dexterity, –4 Strength, and –2 Constitution.

    Type: Kobolds are humanoids with the reptilian subtype.

    Size: Kobolds are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on their combat maneuver checks and to Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
[B]Defense Racial Traits[/B]

    Armor: Kobolds naturally scaly skin grants them a +1 natural armor bonus.

[B]Feat and Skill Racial Traits[/B]

    Crafty: Kobolds gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (trapmaking), Perception, and Profession (miner) checks. Craft (trapmaking) and Stealth are always class skills for a kobold.

    Scavenger(Bonus): Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on Appraise and Perception checks to find hidden objects (including traps and secret doors), determine whether food is spoiled, or identify a potion by taste.

     Weapon Familiarity: Kobolds are proficient with all forms of Picks, and any weapon with the word 'kobold' in its name.

     Hatred: Kobolds gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against Gnomes.
Senses Racial Traits[/B]

    Darkvision: Kobolds can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.

[B]Weakness Racial Traits[/B]

    Light Sensitivity: Kobolds lives in darkness have caused them to suffer from light sensitivity.

    (Ex) Tentacle (It grows from his groin area and he has it reaching out through his sleeves or trousers when not warping it around his waist or when he's openly using it for alchemy or combat.)

    Explosive Missile (Make explosive missiles)

A[B]lchemy Formulas[/B]
Enlarge Person
Reduce Person
Ant Haul
Spider Climb

    Magic +1 Morningstar 		(-2000g)
    Leaf Armor (AC +3) 			(-500g)
    Blow Gun 				(-2g)
    Darts (Blowgun) x1000 		(-50g)
    Hammock x3 				(-3sp)
    Bedroll x2			 	(-2sp)
    Blanket 				(-5sp)
    Chair, Folding 			(-1g)
    Compass 				(-10g)
    Map 				(-50g)
    Horn Signal 			(-1g) 
    Star Charts 			(-200g)
    Gecko, Riding (C. Trained)		(-400g)
    Animal Feed x100 			(-5g)
    Saddle Exotic (Riding) 		(-30g)
    Wagon Light 			(-50g)
    Tent Medium 			(-15g)
    Trap Bear x10 			(-20g)
    Fishing Net x2 + x10 Hooks 		(-9g)
    Backpack Masterwork 		(-50g)
    Trail Rations x10 			(-1g)
    100ft Silk Rope 			(-20g)
    Alchemist's Lab (Portable) 		(0g)
    Bomb Launcher x50 			(-500g)
    Tar Bomb x10 			(-150g)
    Hip Flask 				(-3g)
    Oil (Anointed) x8 			(-100g)
    Oil (Lamp) x10 			(-1g)
    Explorser's Outfit 			(-10g)
    Swarmsuit 				(-20g)
    Oil Cardice x2 			(-100g)
    Waterskin 				(-1g)
    Barrel  				(-2g)
    Basket x5 				(-2g)
    Dilettante's Outfit			(-20g)
    [B]Kobold Tail Attachments[/B]
    -Sweeper				(-7g)
    -Spiked 				(-3g)
    -Long Lash				(-3g)
    -Razored				(-15g)
    -Sundark Goggles			(-10g)
Gold:	6000-4477=1523

Background: Kerloch Ashbringer has been an unique character for his kind. While most Kobolds find the surface world to be weird and frightening, and sometimes darn scornful with the bright sun, has Kerloch always been fascinated by the surface world. He was born of a mighty Kobold Clan called the Scorchscales, their leader, a half-dragon kobold by the name of Havash, had brought them much territory from the goblinoids and orcs within the underground caverns of their swamp home.

His tribe was strong and held its ground against most enemies, but Kerloch found the tribe to be very dull and even when young he spent most of his time reading and experimenting when other kobolds would play, train or go hunting. One day he got lucky and found a book on alchemy nobody in the tribe wanted as loot from a group of adventurers looking to kill the tribe, which they failed to do.

As he was well educated, for a kobold, he managed to read the book rather well and found himself fascinated by the formulas and mixtures of the tome. Just a week later he tried his first mixture and managed to create his first potion, it hadn't been a very big success as it had only made him glow green but hey even how minor it was something. After that he begun with vigour to experiment with formulas and bombs, it ended up with a lot of explosions, mutated kobolds, among them himself, and a very, very angry chieftain.

He was punished with cleaning up the mess he caused but it did nothing to deter his already eager mind from furthering his experiments. When he turned fourteen he decided to out of the blue leave the tribe for the surface, he had no clue why but he just felt a sudden need to leave for something far greater then a job as a trap maker.

He travelled to the surface with his tame giant lizard Frofro and began to journey the swamp. Of course as things have it a lone kobold riding on a giant lizard, in later years pulling a wagon, does cause some attention. He found himself attacked several times by adventurers, patrols, monsters and even other kobolds. But somehow his bombs always took care of them before it became too much of a worry. So he kept moving and though he was an adult he was never really one for mating, well he used to be that way.

He travelled through a deep elven forest, it had been about a year past his leave from the village and he had grown a lot stronger and cunning from those any months of travelling, exploring and fighting. He had even learned that to cause no attacks upon himself he had to dress up as a human, it felt a bit silly at first but when nobody attacked him for a month, well not humans or adventurers at least, he felt that it was at least useful and he even got a taste for fashion, cue shopping sprees hehe.

Anyhow, when he travelled through the forest he stumbled upon a group of ogres attacking a group of elven women, he hadn't really been interested in the fighting but he thought that the elves might be able to reward him if he saved them, ogres weren't known for keeping coin. So he threw a couple of bombs and beat an ogre to death with a neat morning star he found and the elves rewarded him. Though it had not been a reward he had excepted was he never the less very happy for the rewarding sex of a group of elven women taking his virginity.

Now a few years later he's an experienced explorer and traveller, he's even done a few odd job quests here and there but never as a group or a real adventure. He had grown more confident and self-assured of himself and felt that now was the time to preform a real quest, a real adventure. He just had to find a group willing to accept his charming kobold self among their rank.

Appearance: Kerloch is around 3'2" tall, he has a well portioned body that is lean and flexible. His hide is as black as charcoal and his eyes are pure green, he has a pair of horns sticking out of his skull, giving him a draconic appearance. Upon his chest area there are a collection of green coloured scars in the shape of claw and bite marks. He has a tentacle that gows out of his groin area that he hides beneath his clothings, or as a sash. But he uses the tentacle as an extra limb, giving him more hands for experiments potion makings and so on. His tentacle, when used, is most of the time slithered out from his sleeves or collar. As it is a tentacle it can be transfigured by his will to be used for mating, earning him the nickname Kerloch Twinrod by some female circles.

He wears a collection of exotic travellers outfits and dilettante clothings as it shows him to be a civilized kobold when amongst the surface races but also lets him be seen as an experienced traveller amongst his own kind.

IMG: (It's actually supposed to be black scales not red but use your imagination.)

Personality: Kerloch is a curious and eager person, he loves a good journey, new food, new people, new experiments and he also loves sex. He has a lot of eccentric behaviours that makes him a bit of an oddball, though for some reasons females find his behaviours adorable or cute sometimes. Inventive and imaginative he loves to experiment on alchemy and trapmaking to create new kinds of creations.

He once even tried to create a trap based weapon, ended up with a lot of bruises from the trap springing itself off the handle when he struck the straw dummy but he considered it a success with the fact that the dummy's head got bitten off by the bear trap he had attacked ot said handle, but the prototype needed more work. He isn't one to back away from a fight but he prefers to keep his distance if needed and he has no quarrel in playing dirty if needed.

Sexual Fetishes

Kerloch has a wide array of things he likes to do, threesomes, deepthroating, anal, bareback, tit fuck, experimental potion sex, impregnations just to mention a few. He's managed to impregnate around fifteen different species of women. He doesn't really like to be treated like a weakling or idiot, he has a great deal of pride, and he's not bisexual or gay, he keeps to the female gender.
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Well, since it looks like KoD is back, would you guys still like to go through with my rpg thread? Let me know, if not, that's cool too.
Well it would be silly to use the same characters for two different rps, how about we just make new ones?
On the other hand the revival of KoD's thread might be rather short lived. In that case resuming the original plan does not sound like the worst idea.