OOC Casting Call; The Lengend of Zelda: Future Atonement


Really Really Experienced
Jun 25, 2002
This is a LoZ RP that invites everyone and anyone.

The year is 2002 (if anyone has a cool acranym to replace AD, then submit it, and we'll use it for the story, okay?:D). The monarchy of the past has been replaced with a democracy (they have Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branches, just like us). Were small villages and hamlets once lived, town and cities now replace them. The Death Mountain Range (now know as Dark Ranges) is still north, where a booming mining industry thrives, where Hyrulian and Goron people work, live, and play. To the east, the the expanded Zora Domain, which now encompasses the ocean, provide an excellent harbor, where fishing and trade industries exsist for all the people of the Hyrule Republic (but beware! There are two types of Zora's, the intelligent and peace-loving ones, and the primative predatory ones). To the west, on the edge of the desert, is the City of Naburoo, city similar to Las Vegas (archology sites can be found throughout the desert, where researchers dig up the past). To the southwest, is Ruto Lagoon (formerly Lake Hylia), which is a great vacationing spot, since one thousand years ago, the lake connected with the ocean, turning it into a tropical paradise. And to the southeast, the Green Expanse (formerly Korkiri Forest), hundreds upon hundreds of square miles of forest provide the lumber industry. Numerous towns and the City of Mido inhabit it. Other cities and towns dot the landscape, but are too numerous to mention. Their are other continents in the world, with foreign countries for the Republic to trade with.

Technology reigns supreme. It has made the peoples lives easier, but in the process, they have lost almost all of their spirituality. Magic (to the people that is) is non-exsistant. Things can now be explained with science. Things such as fairies, the Korkiri, the Master Sword, and the Triforce are ancient mythology written down in books. The lengendary adventures of the numerous Links, Zeldas, and Ganons are just that, lengends.... nothing more than romantic fairytales to tell children at night to put them to sleep.

But the people will soon learn that all lengends and myths have basis in reality.... especially when a great evil is about to be released upon the land once more.

*Phew...* Okie dokie, now that the geography and slight storyplot to get us started is over, let us now tell about the characters.

My character (if you couldn't tell by my avatar) is Link. Here is his stats:

Name: Link (last name unknown)
Race: Hyrulian
Age: 18
Height: 6 feet even
Weight: 180 pounds (muscle)
Blood: O negative
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Dark brown
Birth place: The town of Saria, in the Green Expanse (Still there too)
Info: Lives with his mother Anna. He is a happy young man, who always looks on the brightside of life. Altough he may seem at times to be a goofball, he has a serious side that he only lets out in times of crisis or when justice needs to be done. Being a boy of the forest, he always were's green; green hat (Link's normal trademark sock hat), a green t-shirt, and camo green jeans. Some think that he is so in tune with nature, that he can communicate with animals (which he can). He knows the old legends of his namesake, and, when younger, used to get into wooden sword matches with his friends. This is good.... cause his ancient history will collide with his future, casting him into his destiny.... the destiny to be the Hero of Time!

Whelp.... that's all for me. So come on people..... start submitting your character ideas.... whether they be new, old, or made up.
OOC: And I know.... I mispelled Legends for the topic name. I'll fix that when we begin the actual story, once I get enough people.

On another note.... If I don't reply for a few days, then continue the story till I get back.... I want this to last a while!
I'm thinking I might join. I'm not shure yet.

Also your bio was a little short. In fact your entire profile is short. Didn't tell me a thing about you other then your birth date. Do you live in Vegas by any chance?
Bout the plot. I don't relly like how you eliminated magic. Can we still have charas that use magic?
About the magic.....

Look.... magic is still there.... it's just that the people no longer believe in it.... they rely more on technology and science. And character's can use magic..... after all..... Ganon uses magic.

Did any of you guys read the plot? To cats.... my character lives in Saria, part of the Green expanse (which I even stated in the parenthesis that he still lives there).

And I'll give more plot..... A high member of the Hyrule Republic Congress is the puppet to Ganon..... he uses magic to influence people to bend to his will.... even the President. But the President's daughter Zelda is immune to this. She has magic, she has known it has exsisted for years. She uses it to make a plea to anyone who can help her.... one of those people is Link, who is the Hero of Time. The Congressman gets wind of Zelda cry for help, and unleashes all the monsters from the Zelda series to wreck havoc on the continent until he can summon the dark lord.

Now.... a handful of people (all of you guys) will suddenly be face to face with Moblins and other creatures that used to be myth..... but luckly, faries will come out of the woodworks as well... bestowing on to those few individuals that have the potential to harness their latent magical abilities great gifts and abilities, as well as informing them of lost magical artifacts (which will be in ancient dungeons, just like the games).

I never meant to imply that magic would not be used at all in the story..... just that, like our own world, it's viewed as cheap parlor tricks instead of known fact.

So please.... join up..... and find some more people (men and women alike). Till you guys reply.... take care!
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I would love to join. Is the part of Zelda still open? I am a huge fan of the entire series and would love to be a part of this thread. Let me know!
*Looks up to the sky* Thank you God.... more people seem to be joining.

Yes.... Zelda is still open...... In fact, your the only female cast member at the moment. So just read over my plot notes, then post your character's stats. And welcome to the trend:D
Heres my char:

Name: Zelda
Age: 18
Hair: Golden Blonde
Eyes: Bright blue
Height: 5'8
INFO: Daughter of the president Zelda knows of the treachery unfolding within the congress. She sent out a distress cry using her magic for the true heroes that would once against help save their world. She prays that someone will hear her and come to her aid. Without the Hero of Time however all may truly be lost.
Bio:Grew up in the mines of the death ranges. Was brought up in the art of making bombs and some other weapons. He wears no clothes. His past times are blowing stuff up and rolling as fast as possible.
Suiko, you miss interpeted me. I read your charas bio, when I asked where you live I wanted to know if you live in Las Vegas. I don't know why but some how I got th hunch you lived out here so I was a little curious.

I will probably join but I needed to work on a chara first. Chances are I'll be playing out of gender so there should be two girls in the thread.
Welcome aboard, Gohan18!

Opps... hehehe, sorry cats. No... I don't live in Vegas... I live in Georgia (which is why my character lives in a area of Hyrule which is surrounded with forests). The reason I used the Las Vegas was to give an example of the desert city Naburoo; you know, a place of gambling, prostitution, and anything else that you can associate with Sin City. If anyone is from Vegas, don't be offended please.

Hope that clears things up cats. Hope to have you on board.... our grand total so far is 3. Take care all and have a nice day!
Suikodude007 said:
Welcome aboard, Gohan18!

Opps... hehehe, sorry cats. No... I don't live in Vegas... I live in Georgia (which is why my character lives in a area of Hyrule which is surrounded with forests). The reason I used the Las Vegas was to give an example of the desert city Naburoo; you know, a place of gambling, prostitution, and anything else that you can associate with Sin City. If anyone is from Vegas, don't be offended please.

Hope that clears things up cats. Hope to have you on board.... our grand total so far is 3. Take care all and have a nice day!

I'm offened. You have grossly been misimformed about vegas. Fist off there is no gambling in New Mexico. Next the prostitution isn't aloud with in the city limits. Next sin city is Las Vegas Neveda.... oh you ment that Las Vegas. Well the same rule aplies to Porstituion, and the Las Vegas Strip is actully out side the city. The casinios had to rip off the locals some how. Its alo one of the fastest growing citys in the US amazeing for one that already has over 4 millain people. Come and vist some time.

I really didn't need to say all that but I wanted to. Now my promised Chara.

Name: Cresent Flame
height: 5'9"
weight: 160lbs
eyes: Blue
hair: Red
race: hyrulian
Location: Naburoo's ancheint temple
skills: The same chain Sheik uses in super smash brothers. (God I love that thing.) As well as a mace. Trying to learn magic.

Bio: Fate, the one thing that has lead her life. Fate has chosen here although she thinks fate has chosen wrong, she might be proven wrong. Cresent was born into the Flame fammily, she was considered weak and useless except for she could marry some one of value, that what her family thought of her. She moved from Hyrule to Naburoo with her family. That where there involvement ends.

She found herself on the streets and then in the desert all alone. How ever while in the deserts she unlocked something. he stumbled into a temple long lost in the sands. Once inside she began to search for food and water. In evertinly she opened up the faries world. One farie stayed by her side. Lee, haveing known that if the faries have woken it won't be long til something else wakes, something evil.

She has been training off and on for the last year and now once again finds her self in the temple with Lee. (Lee hasn't told her of the evil yet. go figure she never asked.)
Zora (inteligent kind)
He's a strong fisherman, who has lived most of his life near the water. Nothing wrong with that.
I don't think of making him some weird kind of secret fate or anything, that will probably come later, lol, for now he's a small time fisherman in a small town who's kind of bored and looking for adventure (sigh, aren't they all?)
Like I said cats, no offense was intended.... I didn't mean to show my ignorance, ok? (And I did not know there was a Vegas, New Mexico.... I only thought there was Las Vegas, Nevada. Ya learn something new everyday) Glad to have you on board. (And we'll leave the gambling/casinos in Naburoo..... minus the prostitution, ok?). And nice character profile.

PmTick, I know you'll come up with something.... I've been in a few trends with you, and your an excellent writer.

The same for you poohlive.... so welcome aboard!

Now all we need is villians/villianesses.... I can probably find some people who enjoy doing those kind of RPs, but if any of you know anyone who might enjoy this RP, then invite them... there is no limit to the amount of people who can join. Till next time.... have a nice day yall!

(P.S. As I said before..... sorry for offending you cats)
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I wasn't offended. I have a strange sese of humor and have a hard time conveying it threw the net. My life is all about tone of voice and smileing.... such things can't be done on this site so I normally wright before I think. It has goten me in trouble from time to time. But an apology aways seems to fix things.

If needed I can try makeing my chara into a villain. But it'll be a non evil one. So I'll have to find some way to force her into the situation or havew some one trick her or what not. It's a little work but I could do a villain.
Ok people.... we now have a partial villian (cats's character), but we still need normal villians/villianesses, such as the Congressman and Ganon (or Ganondorf if you prefer his Gerudo name), so anyone who is just viewing, come on in!

And cats, it's cool, the only way your going to piss me off is if you offend me directly (ex. calling me dumbass or any such term will cause me to rain down a plague of Barneys on a person lol). And on another note cats.... is your charater overweight... cause 160lbs for aa 5'9" woman is obese... just get back to me on that one please, it's cool if she is, just I get confused easily at times.

Welp, cya later folks!
Really? Um, well know she's not supose to be obese but, I know sevel girls that are shorter and way 150. I was just trying to come up with a more unique number for weight. Do I really want to call him a dumb ass... I think a rain of barneys is to dangerous to risk.... I won't call him one then.

She's a healthy build not over weight but not under weight just tipical run of the mill looks. What ever weight is comon for that height just make her it. I'm willing to do a villian but not a fat villain.

Don't worry folks, I'm currently looking for more people to join, whether as good or villianous characters.

If any of you know anyone, then ask them to join.... the sooner we get more people, the sooner this story gets up and on the way.

Peace folks,
Alright Sukio, how's this for a villian:

Name: Kackle, king of the poes

Age: 2077



Appearance: Kackle is king of the poes and presides over them in the forgotten cemetary. He reads his opponents minds and uses their worst fears to alter his appearance. For example, if someone is afraid of spiders, he appears as a giant spider.
His natural appearance is that of a tarnished yellow skeleton in tattered jester's clothing.

Background: Long ago, Kackle was the leader of Hyrule's favorite traveling troupe, the Bosha Tetts. The entertainers were sent to the Goron village by the king to perform in the name of peace. Kackle had never been outside of Hyrule and consulted a fortune teller who told him if he went on this trip, he would never return to Hyrule alive. Despite the warnings, the troupe left for the Goron village.

On the way, they decided to take a shortcut through the lost woods. It was there the Bosha Tetts were ambushed and killed by a pack of wild Moblins. Their bodies have never been recovered.

Because Kackle's spirit was never laid to rest properly, it wandered the countryside, becoming angry at the king of Hyrule for sending him to the Goron village. He vowed to exact revenge on Hyrule in hopes of rectifying his own death.

I have a few ideas I'd like to talk to you about Sukio. I also found this great website for Zelda info, if anyone needs it: http://www.ganonstower.com
I've figured out how I'm going to be a villain. It'll become clear in the first post. And the set up I'm going for should keep me from switching sides for quite a while if I ever switch sides.

I have an item I would like to get pretty quickly after the start. It was in the first Legend of Zelda but I don't think it's been in any sense.

The Magic Key, it unlocks any key door. (Which I will relock after I go threw.) I don't plan on haveing it work on chests though so if the big keys get involve that is an exception.
That's great PmTick! I knew you would come up with something! And whatever it is that you want to talk about with me, then PM me please. When I get home this afternoon, I'll get the actual trend started (but that's a maybe as I don't know what all I have to do this afternoon). Welcome to the trend!

And cats, go ahead and use the item... I haven't played the original Zelda in ages, so that is a unique item for a character to have. Welp... till next time ladies and gents, cya!
Thanks, I have a slight update. The magic key was in Link aswell. I've never really played that one so.... I didn't know. Sorry..... I feel like such a fool. I think I'll go to a corner and play with a ball of yarn now. By myself..... all alone.
I'm starting to get impatent waiting for the thread to start...... That means I've probably done to much thinking already..... Not a good thing.

For the lack of a better word "Bump".