OOC -casting call for "Continuing Education"


Purveyor of Pleasure
Nov 21, 2001
it seems like my original class may have gotten lives during the year i've been missing in action, so if anyone wants to jump in, feel free to just show up at class, and make waves . . .
not sure how much time
i could give it
but if there's enough of us
i'd love to throw some
sex into the education
Kandi said:
not sure how much time
i could give it
but if there's enough of us
i'd love to throw some
sex into the education

Kandi, i would love to see you here
but i also understand if you're over committed
it's easy to get that way here

i don't know, maybe now isn't the right time for this
cause the response has so far
been underwhelming
but let's see where it goes

it's my own fault for getting so wrapped
up in real life for so long
i'll let you know if we draw a crowd
or just jump in if you see the thread start moving
it's a thread where there's always room for anyone
as always

we're looking for writers
who have characters they need to
get out of their heads

pretty please :rose:
answered the call

Hi. Just posted. Ball's in your cyber-court.

Regards, Perdita
well, thanks, perdita, BRM, and neon. it's nice to see some new faces here, and i welcome as many more as want to mix it up in this unorthodox classroom. we're back in class now, and let the chips fall where they may.