only through government regulations can we grow


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
only through government regulations can we grow the economy. government is all things good, and can only lead America out of a recession and into the promise land. government knows all, government is smart, government is nice, government is all things good......



except for government employees that need a union to protect government workers from "government"

wtf you obama idiots
only through government regulations can we grow the economy. government is all things good, and can only lead America out of a recession and into the promise land. government knows all, government is smart, government is nice, government is all things good......



except for government employees that need a union to protect government workers from "government"

wtf you obama idiots

I am pissed at Government hypocrites who force us to participate in Socialist programs like Obamacare, but they don't have to.

I am pissed at Government hypocrites who force us to participate in Socialist programs like Obamacare, but they don't have to.

AMEN! It has always been do as I say not as I do. If all the government employees had to live like the general public and follow the same rules we all would be better off.
I am pissed at Government hypocrites who force us to participate in Socialist programs like Obamacare, but they don't have to.

AMEN! It has always been do as I say not as I do. If all the government employees had to live like the general public and follow the same rules we all would be better off.

well said!

feel like America needs a TV show, "Government knows best!"
I am pissed at Government hypocrites who force us to participate in Socialist programs like Obamacare, but they don't have to.

What the fuck are you talking about? No, really, I want to know.
Because I have no idea what you're talking about and I don't think you do either.

So how about explaining. Good Luck.
I am pissed at Government hypocrites who force us to participate in Socialist programs like Obamacare, but they don't have to.
For the OP, great satire

As far as Congress exempting itself, that's yet another reason Obamacare is being challenged in the courts as unconstitutional. The Constitution clearly states in simple direct language that no laws, taxes, or regulations that govern the people may exempt members of the government. When you actually read the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, you can tell the Founding Fathers were seriously pissed over 2 issues: mercenaries and abuses by the noble class, which specifically includes nobility being exempted from taxes and regulations. Until people start holding their politicians accountable by voting them out of office, the same corrupt maggots will continue to leach off of us
Clearly, there is a role for government to regulate things. Assuring safety of the food supply. Certain basic environmental regulations. Regulating trade and financial things. Assuring fair banking policies, certain labor regulations (ie. child labor). Making sure the stock market is fair. And of course government's rightful role of defense and infrastructure which benefits every citizen. But I do wish government was more limited in its scope.
Even something like Social Security. Isn't basically the government saying to the people ,"We don't believe you can take care of yourselves."? Personally, my retirement would be FAR more secure if I had all the money I've paid into Social Security. Welfare should be a very short term safety net, not a means of total support that ensnares people for generations. Private charities are the way to go. Accepting charity from your neighbors is a huge motivator. Welfare doesn't feel like charity. No bailouts and subsidies. Much lower taxes.
The governments admit it fucks things up. "It's Bush's fault, It's Obama's fault, It's Clinton's fault, It's FDR's fault".
Take the current administration and its minions. How are they qualified to manage things.
I'm afraid the ACA is going to be a stunning clusterfuck. What good is cheap care if you can't access it?
Clearly, there is a role for government to regulate things. Assuring safety of the food supply. Certain basic environmental regulations. Regulating trade and financial things. Assuring fair banking policies, certain labor regulations (ie. child labor). Making sure the stock market is fair. And of course government's rightful role of defense and infrastructure which benefits every citizen. But I do wish government was more limited in its scope.
Even something like Social Security. Isn't basically the government saying to the people ,"We don't believe you can take care of yourselves."? Personally, my retirement would be FAR more secure if I had all the money I've paid into Social Security. Welfare should be a very short term safety net, not a means of total support that ensnares people for generations. Private charities are the way to go. Accepting charity from your neighbors is a huge motivator. Welfare doesn't feel like charity. No bailouts and subsidies. Much lower taxes.
The governments admit it fucks things up. "It's Bush's fault, It's Obama's fault, It's Clinton's fault, It's FDR's fault".
Take the current administration and its minions. How are they qualified to manage things.
I'm afraid the ACA is going to be a stunning clusterfuck. What good is cheap care if you can't access it?

There is a limited role for government to maintain a system of laws that punish those that harm others through their actions or neglect. Using regulation as a prophylactic to prevent harms has a damning effect upon Liberty and directly attacks Capital creation and accumulation eventually strangling an economy because no regulation actually protects and therefore with every failure to safeguard, a new round of crystal-ball regulation is required and this byzantine structure then requires a bureaucracy to manage it and once that organism grows to a certain size, as we have seem much recent example of, it merely thumbs its nose at the government of the people that was formerly master, but now turned vassal.
When Government gets so powerful that its purchase price is cost effective, even imperative, to business, then business will purchase government indulgences.
A_J, the Stupid

The Senate’s immigration bill contains a tech industry handout for some companies like IBM and Accenture. It would virtually eliminate competitors in the market for highly-skilled immigrant labor.

Multiple sources close to the immigration debate have told Breitbart News that the provision is a key reason the corporate titans helped build support for passage of the immigration bill in the Senate. They fought hard to pass the law in the Senate and have been strategizing to get final passage in the House.

At issue is an overlooked change to the H1B visa system, used primarily by technology companies seeking foreign scientific talent. Companies like Cognizant Solutions, based in New Jersey and Tata Consultancy, based in India, bring foreign engineers into the country on H1B visas and then contract out their services to small and medium sized businesses that need help with specific projects.

Companies like these act almost like third-party human resources departments for businesses not big enough to recruit H1B talent from overseas in specific Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields. As such, these companies are big competitors to IBM and Accenture, who also provide technology services, but with a different business model. Because some of these companies operating in the US are headquartered in India, the business press refers to them as "Indian IT Industry."

The Senate passed amnesty bill, however, would change the law to prohibit an H1B visa being issued to an employee of a company that contracts out technology services to other businesses. Companies like Congnizant and Tata would have their entire business model prohibited by federal law. IBM and Accenture, who ironically do a significant amount of their services work overseas, would gain valuable business as a result.
The Logical Beauty of Libertarianism

[The Brazilian Philosophy Magazine Dicta & Contradicta interviews Hans-Hermann Hoppe. July 15, 2013.]

Would the change from a statist to a libertarian society help or hinder the production of high culture?

Hoppe: A libertarian society would be significantly more prosperous and wealthy and this would certainly help both low and high culture. But a free society — a society without taxes and tax-subsidies and without so-called “intellectual property rights” — would produce a very different culture, with a very different set of products, producers, stars, and failures.

You see a causal link between a society’s form of government and its moral values and social development. Do you see a similar link between type of government and aesthetic standards and quality of art and entertainment?

Hoppe: Yes I do. Democratic state government systematically promotes egalitarianism and relativism. In the field of human interaction, it leads to the subversion and ultimately disappearance of the idea of eternal and universal principles of justice. Law is swamped and submerged by legislation. In the field of the arts and of aesthetic judgment, democracy leads to the subversion and ultimately disappearance of the notion of beauty and universal standards of beauty. Beauty is swamped and submerged by so-called “modern art.”
For the OP, great satire

As far as Congress exempting itself, that's yet another reason Obamacare is being challenged in the courts as unconstitutional. The Constitution clearly states in simple direct language that no laws, taxes, or regulations that govern the people may exempt members of the government. When you actually read the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, you can tell the Founding Fathers were seriously pissed over 2 issues: mercenaries and abuses by the noble class, which specifically includes nobility being exempted from taxes and regulations. Until people start holding their politicians accountable by voting them out of office, the same corrupt maggots will continue to leach off of us

Our revolution was the result of the exact policies and practices our modern government and elites execute against the proletariat and middle class. I define proletariat as those who earn paychex, and middle-class as the self-employed. These are the historical definitions.

The bottom line is: The Kenndys and Bushes et al keep making babies, and each of those babies is endowed with a trust and a seat in the House of Lords.
I am pissed at Government hypocrites who force us to participate in Socialist programs like Obamacare, but they don't have to.

No government employees are exempt from Obamacare. You were lied to.

You're referring to the Grassley amendment. Republican Senator Grassley stuck an amendment into the ACA that made congressional staffers (not congress because 100% of Republicans love their federal health plan) lose their very good health benefits and have to go to exchanges. The amendment was inserted with no other purpose than to screw up the bill and make it harder to pass.

But it passed anyway and then congressmen and senators of both parties felt bad for their much lower-paid staffers and predictably repealed the stupid amendment that shouldn't have existed in the first place. Grassley is an idiot.

Now staffers have the exact same standing as everyone else in the country under the ACA. They're not exempt, they still have to have health insurance or pay a tax like everyone else.
For the OP, great satire

As far as Congress exempting itself, that's yet another reason Obamacare is being challenged in the courts as unconstitutional. The Constitution clearly states in simple direct language that no laws, taxes, or regulations that govern the people may exempt members of the government. When you actually read the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, you can tell the Founding Fathers were seriously pissed over 2 issues: mercenaries and abuses by the noble class, which specifically includes nobility being exempted from taxes and regulations. Until people start holding their politicians accountable by voting them out of office, the same corrupt maggots will continue to leach off of us

A Year After Supreme Court Ruling, Obamacare Is Still Constitutional, Nation Still Hasn't Imploded

The Huffington Post | By Nick Wing Posted: 06/28/2013 2:12 Obamacare supreme court ruling

A year ago today, the Supreme Court handed down its decision in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, ruling that the individual mandate provision of Obamacare was constitutional. The news sent a shockwave through the political world, and for many on the right, that shockwave was apocalyptic. The end of freedom, and perhaps the entire nation, was near, many warned. With that day a year in the rearview, here are a few predictions and statements that have fallen short.

Congress hasn't repealed Obamacare.

The immediate reaction from many conservatives was to encourage Republicans in Congress to press even harder for a legislative repeal of the law. Having already attempted unsuccessfully to repeal the law on 31 different occasions at the time, what were a few more? Over the past year, they've tried at least five more times. It hasn't worked.

Republicans were not moved to victory.

Some Republicans responded by announcing that the only way to right the supposed injustice of the judicial branch doing what the judicial branch is designed to do was to ensure that Mitt Romney defeated Barack Obama last November. American Conservative Union President Al Cardenas determined that the Supreme Court's ruling would be "our most significant rallying cry for a November victory." The momentum didn't last. While Republicans fared well in House races -- thanks in large part to redistricting efforts spurred by their successful victories in state elections years prior -- Obama won decisively, ensuring that Romney would not have the opportunity to dismantle his health care law.

Liberty hasn't vanished from America.

Some were quick to respond to the court's decision with eulogies mourning the end of a great nation. Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R) tweeted, “This is a dark day for the American people, the Constitution, and the rule of law. This is a dark day for American liberty.” Ben Shapiro of Breitbart took a similar tone with a tweet declaring that “This is the greatest destruction of individual liberty since Dred Scott. This is the end of America as we know it. No exaggeration.” Since then, the liberty police have not been deployed to round up all the freedom and lock it in cages. In fact, considering other developments that have come to light in recent months, our health care freedoms are looking pretty good right about now.

A second Civil War hasn't been started.

For Matt Davis, former spokesman for the Michigan Republican Party, armed rebellion seemed like a good option:

If government can mandate that I pay for something I don’t want, then what is beyond its power? If the Supreme Court’s decision Thursday paves the way for unprecedented intrusion into personal decisions, then has the Republic all but ceased to exist? If so, then is armed rebellion today justified?

Luckily for the rest of the nation, the concept of making people purchase health insurance has apparently not proven a good-enough reason to take up arms against their government.

The Supreme Court still gets to decide if things are constitutional.

Perhaps to chagrin of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). Here's how he reacted to the court's ruling:

Just because a couple people on the Supreme Court declare something to be 'constitutional' does not make it so. The whole thing remains unconstitutional. While the court may have erroneously come to the conclusion that the law is allowable, it certainly does nothing to make this mandate or government takeover of our health care right.

While he can argue about right and wrong, the Supreme Court does get to rule on the constitutionality of laws. This power remains within the court's purview even when its decisions upset us.

Obamacare isn't "failing to curb health care costs."

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) lamented the survival of Obamacare last year, saying that it was "both failing to curb health care costs and forcing up to 35 million Americans to lose their employer-provided health insurance."

Putting aside the rampant skepticism about Obamacare causing employers to drop their employees' health insurance, recent reports have shown the overhaul actually succeeding in slowing the growth of health care costs.

Annie Lowrey breaks down the findings of a CBO report from earlier this year:

In figures released last week, the Congressional Budget Office said it had erased hundreds of billions of dollars in projected spending on Medicare and Medicaid. The budget office now projects that spending on those two programs in 2020 will be about $200 billion, or 15 percent, less than it projected three years ago. New data also show overall health care spending growth continuing at the lowest rate in decades for a fourth consecutive year.

"Socialist cancer" is neither socialist nor cancerous.

Before torpedoing his career with statements about "legitimate rape" and reproductive magic, Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) was hating on the Obamacare ruling.

"Today America is threatened with a stage three cancer of socialism, and Obamacare is exhibit 1," Akin said in his response to the court's decision. The problem with Akin's diagnosis is that this "socialist cancer" has been absolutely terrible at redistributing wealth, which is supposed to be one of its primary symptoms. In fact, according to a recent study, the top 1 percent of households by income captured 121 percent of all income gains between 2009 and 2011. Perhaps we shouldn't expect too much medical accuracy from a man who claimed that women had the power to terminate pregnancies at will.

Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-Ohio).

Schmidt has since moved on from Congress, but her shrill and short-lived celebration over what she mistakenly thought was Obamacare being ruled unconstitutional will survive, much like the law itself, as a tax. On your ears.
One Wing Nut proves that this thread is bunk, since the grassley amendment was basically thrown out, while others are saying that it's not true.

I swear, if you put these GOPers on a porch they'll yell "Get off my lawn" even if there's nothing there but dirt!