One Trick Ponies.


Loves Spam
Feb 26, 2022
Racism! Racist! White Supremacist! Racist! Replacement Theory! Racism!

It doesn't end. I swear that someone could post a thread about the weather and one or more of the usual suspects will somehow inject race into the discussion. This obsession truly is pathological in some individual instances.

That being said I fully understand why the democrats are focused, almost to the exclusion of everything else, on race. They have nothing else to run on. Polls indicate that their perceived base, the black and Latin communities, are abandoning them, and for damned good reason. Inflation is ongoing with no end in sight and inflation is a hidden tax on everyone but the lower you are on the economic scale, the more you're affected. Virtually every aspect of American life is wrapped up in this debacle. Baby formula, bare shelves, gas, you name it. It seems like every day a new domino falls and damages the quality of life as it hits the next domino.

So what do they have left? Race. They're playing every card in the race deck to try to get those core minorities back on the plantation. They are painting everyone that even marginally seems to deviate from their mantra as a racist. They know to their very core that once those voters leave them they will have to go through hell to get them back, or the republicans will have to screw up royally.

There is a serious problem with this tactic. That being that they are going to necessarily alienate would be supporters. They see racism everywhere without, it seems, looking in the mirror, most especially the white parrots of this line who don't seem to realize that they are setting themselves up as the 'overseer's' of the plantation and more and more of the plantation inhabitants are snapping to that realization. But most of all they have forgotten that famous line that propelled
You're complaining that people don't like racism and tell you about it.


Hint- if you hear about racism alot, from multiple unrelated's probably an indicator of something (and it's not them)
But most of all they have forgotten that famous line that propelled ????????????????????????????
Ishtard straight passed the fuck out inside the bottle before he finished his bullshit.

How many threads are in this forum that talk about race and who starts them?

Just curious.
Oh he's just trying (poorly I'll admit) to fill the void since AJ's latest banhammer
Racism! Racist! White Supremacist! Racist! Replacement Theory! Racism!

It doesn't end. I swear that someone could post a thread about the weather and one or more of the usual suspects will somehow inject race into the discussion. This obsession truly is pathological in some individual instances.

That being said I fully understand why the democrats are focused, almost to the exclusion of everything else, on race. They have nothing else to run on. Polls indicate that their perceived base, the black and Latin communities, are abandoning them, and for damned good reason. Inflation is ongoing with no end in sight and inflation is a hidden tax on everyone but the lower you are on the economic scale, the more you're affected. Virtually every aspect of American life is wrapped up in this debacle. Baby formula, bare shelves, gas, you name it. It seems like every day a new domino falls and damages the quality of life as it hits the next domino.

So what do they have left? Race. They're playing every card in the race deck to try to get those core minorities back on the plantation. They are painting everyone that even marginally seems to deviate from their mantra as a racist. They know to their very core that once those voters leave them they will have to go through hell to get them back, or the republicans will have to screw up royally.

There is a serious problem with this tactic. That being that they are going to necessarily alienate would be supporters. They see racism everywhere without, it seems, looking in the mirror, most especially the white parrots of this line who don't seem to realize that they are setting themselves up as the 'overseer's' of the plantation and more and more of the plantation inhabitants are snapping to that realization. But most of all they have forgotten that famous line that propelled

Saying that black voters are too stupid to perceive their own self-interest, and only vote a certain way because they're on a "plantation," certainly sounds like an appealing way to win them over to your side.
It cracks me up that when AJ gets banned, he disappears and pouts for a couple of days before crawling back even more of a broken man.
Saying that black voters are too stupid to perceive their own self-interest, and only vote a certain way because they're on a "plantation," certainly sounds like an appealing way to win them over to your side.
I'm not 'winning' anyone to my side. I'm not a public figure with a public platform and, indeed, the polls seem to indicate that those voters are moving.

Let me posit this question, "Is a conscious effort on the part of politicians to divide society by race, or any other means, in the best interest of society?" And once you go down that path where and how does it end?
The Floyd protests did not result from politicians' effort.
The Floyd protests did not result from politicians' effort.
In a very real sense it did. Individuals saw an opportunity in the Brown shooting to advance an ideology and profit from same. Elected politicians saw a chance to coattail and advance their own agenda from there. Floyd wasn't the beginning.
In a very real sense it did. Individuals saw an opportunity in the Brown shooting to advance an ideology and profit from same. Elected politicians saw a chance to coattail and advance their own agenda from there. Floyd wasn't the beginning.
It was a complete grassroots effort by activists

Politicians could barely keep up

You never specified about any beginning on your statement....moving the goal posts?
Where does it end? Two choices. The Republican path of violence. Or the non-violent path resulting in States leaving the Union. The present Democrat path of trying to get along will never succeed. It only results in the Republican path
Where does it end? Two choices. The Republican path of violence. Or the non-violent path resulting in States leaving the Union. The present Democrat path of trying to get along will never succeed. It only results in the Republican path
Look seaboy, you've been on this path for a while now. And truth be told there are parts of what you profess that I actually agree with. But I look around where the violence is and who is inciting same and I see a disconnect.
You implied any racial division in society was being guided by politicians.

That isn't true
I 'implied' no such thing. I flatly stated that certain politicians are amplifying divisions for their own purposes.
I 'implied' no such thing. I flatly stated that certain politicians are amplifying divisions for their own purposes.
Let me posit this question, "Is a conscious effort on the part of politicians to divide society by race, or any other means, in the best interest of society?" And once you go down that path where and how does it end?
Got it.