One Final Hope Emerges


Dec 19, 2012

Based on the video game series 'Mass Effect', Commander Shepard survived the last battle of his career and settled down with a girl back on Earth. Now we see the next generation of young Soldier's, Engineer's, Adept's, Infiltrator's, Sentinel's and Vanguard's come to light; Commander Shepard's own daughter included. The Commander still to this day keeps in touch with his former squad members, the likes of Joker, Ashley Williams, Liara T'Soni, Miranda Lawson, Mordin Solus, Tali'Zorah, Garrus Vakarian, Jack and others. There's a new threat coming to Earth and other surrounding planet's but this time the Reaper's are gone.

Olivia Shepard wasn't your average girl, not with a name like 'Shepard' at least. She, however, would tell you differently. She had no means to carry on the Shepard Legacy as her father had once done. She didn't possess any vigor to fight nor means to do so. As far as she saw it, she was just your average girl trying to find herself on Earth.

Unlike her father, Olivia didn't share the same likings for aliens as he had done whilst Commanding the Normandy and that's what made them so different. She had met his former squad team before and most had consisted of such creatures. She had kept mostly to herself that day, making friends with the likes of Ashley and Joker and their children weren't so bad either, but not going as far as to even talk to the others. She knew this disappointed her father more than her not joining in on the fight that would ensue any day now. He had attempted to train her himself but Olivia was having none of it. She knew how to defend herself but that was all she allowed him to teach her. At least her mother understood her decisions.

"I'm going to the park, mom. I won't be too long, a couple of hours give or take. I'll be back for dinner. Tell dad I'll make it up to him when I get back, he'll know what I mean." If only Olivia knew that she wouldn't be seeing her mother or father again for a very long time as she closed the front door shut for the last time in a long while.

43 minutes later...

Fire everywhere, gunshots exploding all over the place, heart beating fast, fingers numb. Olivia cowered under the skateboard's half-pipe, scared senseless as to what was going on around her. Time and time again her father had warned her of what was to come and how he was too old to help with the next war but never had she quite believed it until now. Her body shook violently, her eyes darting from left to right as she gripped tightly onto the pistol her father had handed down to her from his time Commanding the Normandy. She always kept it with her, no matter how much she didn't believe the rumors.

Olivia knew that if she ever got to see her parents again that she'd never take them for granted ever again. Home was a good half an hours walk from where she was in the park but there was simply too much havoc being created around her for her to risk moving now. She wasn't a solider, she knew nothing of combat but as time ticked on, she knew she'd have to learn 'on the job' so to speak and that she'd need to learn fast if she had a hope in hells chance of seeing her family and friends again.


Okay, so I've wanted to write something with a Mass Effect feel for a while now, hence why I'm here writing such a thing. I hope the big ME fans will join me in this RPG and that we all have fun doing so!

Rorick Alenko

Many had told Rorick he was the splitting image of his father and like him he was gifted with short dark hair and brown eyes. Unlike his father however he wasn't exposed to the harmful effects of element zero.

When he was born his father had him tested for any genetic disparities. At the time, none were found but they did speculate biological anomalies could occur later down the track. As a precaution they suggested that he should be continually monitored for the possibility of a change in his genetic structure. His father declined the offer wanting Rorick to have a normal life like he never had.

Rorick was spending a relaxing weekend on his new gaming console; he'd almost finished the level he was when he got the call. It was Olivia, she wanted to meet up with him at the usual skate park. He agreed and after getting properly dressed he gathered his board to meet her.

"Hey Mum, Dad, I'm off to meet Olivia at the skate park I should be home later this afternoon."

Rorick and Olivia had been friends ever since they were small. With their parents keeping in touch all the time it was only natural that they would too become close. They went to the same schools and enjoyed the same recreational activities.

He was just finished showing her a new 360 on the half pipe when the shooting started. He couldn't see nor care at this point where it was coming from he just knew it he had to stay low. His father had only taught him the very basics of combat survival techniques and right now he was relying on every single one of them.

Rorick leapt to the nearest park bench and ducked under it. He spied Olivia huddled behind the half-pipe, she looked frightened but he could see her tightly gripping her father's pistol. Rorick made a commando crawl dash to her position keeping his body low as not to attract any unwanted attention. With careful maneuvering he managed to get to her undetected.

"Are you okay?" he asked with concern. "What the hell is going on Liv?"