On the run (Closed)


Jun 9, 2003

Jaidyn Grant
AKA Jade

She had been driving for hours another day another state line between them. She had not had that much money when she started out but now it was getting close to gas for the car or food for her. She pulled off the road into the gravel and desert parking lot of a little hole in the wall of a diner and bar called Jake’s. She saw a few motorcycles cars and an RV that looked like it may have seen better days but was a well loved “Home” for someone. She parked the cuda and pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail trying to rein the slight natural curls in a little. Walking in she glanced around quickly scoping out the safest place to be to try to get a little bit to eat.

Once she sat down it was like lions closing on prey. Three of the bikers began closing in around her till the old woman behind the bar quickly cocked a fairly brutal looking tactical shotgun.

What have I told you about hunting in my diner boys… I will mail you back to Duke in a potato sack now back off or piss me off one more time Van… Joe you supposed to have a hold on these two but you seem to be encouraging them… now BACK OFF!

All three of them quickly went back to the pool table and saw nothing but the pool table after that. Clearly this woman was not someone they were willing to mess with even if they did out weigh her by at least a half a ton of fat leather and grease. Jaidyn nodded a silent thank you to her and quietly ordered a burger and fries. The old woman knew the look well of someone on the run and told her the meal was on the house and to stay as long as she wanted to. She also told her about the small town just a mile or two down the road and that she was welcome to stay a few days if she wanted perfectly safe and she could always use some help around the diner.

Jaidyn simply nodded to her saying something about thinking about it and then glancing quickly back towards the door hearing the spring snap the old wooden screen door closed sharply.


Mark had been driving for hours. His beat up old convertible was taking him wherever he pointed it, and right now it was due south. He had no idea where he was headed, but it was away from his past. He had to find a place that was isolated from the outside world for a while. He had to let things calm down.

He was from the wrong side of the tracks. However, he had been working for the wealthiest man in the county. He was also the mayor of the town..... And the local crime boss. Mark worked in the meat packing plant that the guy owned, but, unfortunately, had stumbled upon the mayor beating the shit out of someone who owed him money. Mark thought it was in his best interest to get out of town.

Mark drained his bank account of the little money that was in it and started driving. He was enjoying driving with the top down. It made him forget what he had to be worried about. He had to stay under the radar......making sure he couldn't be found. Eventually, they would stop looking for him.

He needed gas and something to drink. A bite of food might be good too. He noticed a greasy spoon with a filling station and decided to pull in. He pulled up to the pumps and got his gas. Then he parked the car next to a group of motorcycles. Seeing the bikes there told Mark that this was probably a place to avoid, but, at that point he early wasn't too concerned. He walked inside, letting the door close sharply behind him. He looked around...saw the bikers and a few others... He noticed the woman who looked out of place and wondered what she was doing here. He then walked over and sat at the counter. He nodded at the woman behind the counter. "May I have something cold to drink please. Sweet tea if you have it."
The older woman moved from Jaidyn and walked over getting him some sweet tea and nodded with a motherly smile. She glanced over to the bikers seeing that only one of them even dared look up and the minute her sharp eyes landed on his he quickly turned his entire attention back to the pool table. The brutal looking Shotgun still in plain sight till the bikers left and the motherly older woman looked to Jaidyn and spoke.

Don't worry bout those boys... I will talk to their leader if you chose to stay and they will leave ya alone... or if ya need it they could help ya...

you both look like you all could use those meals... so on the house. So what brings you both way out here in the middle of no where?

She gave a knowing smile and a nod as she continued...

Its gotta be all this beautiful scenery and posh dining establishments such as Jake"s here.

She chuckled and went about cleaning up some. She had seen people like them all the time in here... everyone in their own way was always running from something. Thats why they had a local biker crew and half the people in the little desert two a couple miles down the road. She took a level of pride in being the first person to help all of them since the road outside was really the only way in or out of town.
Mark looked at the woman and smiled. "Ma'am, I appreciate your kindness, but I do not want you to give me anything for free. You work too hard to be giving anything away. I will pay for my meal and the lady's meal, and I would consider that to be an honor in your welcoming establishment."

He had never been close to his mom. In fact, he had never really been close to anyone. He practically raised himself, because mom was always out running around, so, when he encountered a woman who acted motherly, he appreciated it and would protect her in any way he could.

Mark knew that the woman would resist his offer, but he looked at her in a way that said that he really needed to do it. It wasn't just something that he wanted to do. He was pretty sure that she understood.....in fact, he knew she did. "I am just passing through on my way to who knows where. I needed a change of scenery, and as I was passing by this looked like the perfect place to fill my tank and my stomach. I didn't realize how great the company would be here."
The older woman nodded and smiled to him and went on about straightening up the place a little.

Well if either of you need a place there is a house just a little closer to town thats available... I don't ever get out there any more to take care of it and it could use some nice life in it again... even temporary... exchange rent out for work around here and fixing the place up. its got a few bedrooms couple of them upstairs and a couple down stairs. Can even help stock up some food in it from here too.

Jaidyn listened to her and bit her lip. Its not like her past would care to look for her with his latest target of attention. She actually almost pitied the girl... maybe she would have felt more pity if the girl was not willing to accept and endure his attentions and attitude flips.
Mark listened to what the woman had to say. The thought of helping her out by fixing her place up a little was intriguing. He had no idea what the attractive woman beside him's story was, but he knew that he was interested in the offer the woman made. Even if it was only for a couple of weeks.

What the hell. Nobody would look for him here. He had driven in so many directions that they couldn't even stumble on this place by accident. It would also give his beat-up car a little rest. "Ma'am, that is a most gracious offer. If you truly mean it, I would love to take you up on the offer. You just tell me what you want done to the place and I will be happy to do it. I am pretty good with my hands."

He took a long drink from his sweet tea and looked in her direction. He wasn't sure why, but he was really excited about the opportunity that had presented itself. He wasn't sure about the pretty woman and whether she would accept... It would just be a bonus to have someone that attractive around while he was working on the house.
Jaidyn knew that she would feel safer with someone around as she nodded. The house sounded like it had enough room that they would have their own space and all and the old woman was clearly very protective type and seemed to have a fairly decent understanding of that shotgun and not afraid to take on guys much bigger than the young man who also accepted the offer.

Yeah... okay... I could paint or whatever... This would give me a break from the road and constantly being couped up in the car.

The older woman smiled and slid the keys down the bar to them and went about her cleaning and packaging up some food for them to take with them to last a few days.
Mark finished his tea, and turned to the woman next to him. "Hello, my name is Mark. It is nice to meet you. Please don't worry. I can sleep on the floor at the far end of the house in order to stay out of your way. Even the floor will beat the hell out of sleeping in my car."

He slid the keys to her. "You take them. I don't want anyone to find me with anything that looks like I have taken up any kind of roots. That would bring some undesirable people in this direction, and she is too nice a woman to expose to that."

Mark turned and looked around the diner. It was something that he had taken to doing while he had been on the run. He took notice of everything and everyone. If someone looked familiar, he knew he had to get on the move and get away from them. Here, however, he didn't the anyone looked familiar. The bikers were a little worrisome though. They would sell anyone out for the right amount of money.
I... I'm Jaidyn... She did say there were a couple bedrooms on each floor so Seems like we could each have a room of our own...

She bit her lip taking the key she had not thought about him looking for her... she did take the cuda but with all she had been through she figured he owed her in some strange way... she left everything else to him just taking her freedom and the one car she had always loved.

She does seem really nice and...

She saw him eye the bikers.

They are scared to death of her so they should not be a problem.
"Trust me, I am not worried about them. I have had to deal with much worse, and it appears she has them under her thumb." He smiled at Jaidyn. She seemed friendly enough. Of course, he wasn't looking for anything. He was here by coincidence and was only going to be here for a relatively short time.

Mark looked to the woman. "What do I owe you for the meals and drinks." He took some money out of his pocket. He was not going to let her forget about him paying. He put two twenties on the counter and looked around the diner one last time.

Then he looked at Jaidyn and said to her, "I'll follow you to the house. Once we get there maybe we can figure out a plan for what we can do to help fix up her house. Something about her makes me want to help her out with the house."
Jaidyn nodded and chewed on her lower lip for a moment nervously before standing.

Whenever you are ready...

The old woman sighed and took the money handing him his change with a don't push it. She was not going to accept any tip and that was final. Telling exactly where the old house was and sent them on heir way. Jaidyn walked over to the cuda and looked around to see where he walked to so she knew what car would be following her.
He wasn't happy that she gave him change, but he knew that he shouldn't try to force the issue. He thanked her as he headed toward the the door. He followed Jaidyn out and watched her get into a sweet ride. He walked over to his convertible and climbed in.

He followed Jaidyn out of the parking lot and headed down the road. Mark looked in the rear view mirror rot see if anyone was following him. He was always on edge and he would be for some time to come.

Mark was convinced that being out here in the middle of nowhere would help cool things off. As long as he stayed off the grid he would be fine. Being able to work around the house would keep his mind off of what he was worried about. It would also be good to have someone to talk to.
Pulling up to the old house with wrap around porch and Victorian decor she was reminded of some.of the old farm houses she saw growing up. She almost smiled as she pulled up to the house and got out of the car. Hearing a souped up pickup truck barrel past them caused her to freeze dead in her tracks for a moment till it vanished down the road. Still she made quick tracks into the old house and out of the open area.

She.looked around at all the beautiful old furniture covered in sheets as she removed the sheets one at a time. Spotting the old painting easel she smiled and traced her fingers over the long dried remains of the art this piece of history has seen. Then making her way to the kitchen and the lovely view of the canyon looking wall of rock in the distance. She got lost in the beauty for a moment as she just stood there staring out the window.
As they drove up the road he could see a large house in the distance. He hoped that was where they were headed. The house looked beautiful, and, as they got closer, it got even more so. Despite a little wear and tear, the place was fantastic.

Mark pulled his car around behind the house. He walked up on the porch and slowly walked around taking in all there was follies around. He leaned on the porch railing and took a deep breath. It was going to be a good place to stay.

Mark turned and walked inside. He saw some of the furniture was covered, and some had their covers removed. He slowly walked around the first floor. This place had so much character. He was going to enjoy bringing out that character.
She heard him enter and was quickly pulled from her thoughts as she turned sharp to see where he was and make sure it was him. She smiled trying to hide her nervous reactions and turned back to the window.

So beautiful here... This view is amazing...
He walked over and stood next to Jaidyn. "Yes, it is beautiful. This entire place is incredible, and the views only accentuate it. I am going to really enjoy my time here."

He walked inside and went up to the second floor. H walked from room to room checking everything out.......looking at the woodwork and the detail that went into the building of this house.

Mark looked out one of the bedroom windows. He looked up and down the road. He felt confident that he was safe here, but that did not stop him from checking for anyone or anything suspicious.

He went back downstairs to find Jaidyn. She was still outside looking at the incredible view. He moved next to her and leaned on the deck rail. After a couple of minutes he said to her, "what do you want to do first?"
Guess we should figure out which room you want and which room I want and get whatever stuff we have in here maybe and the rest of the food she sent.

She glanced over at him and shrugged. Her eyes watching his for a moment before looking back out at the distant rock wall cliff face. It was the first time she felt free in a long time. She didn't want to think about that ending IF he chose to try to hunt her down.
"That sounds like a plan. It won't take me long to bring stuff in. I don't have much more than what I am wearing." He chuckled a little. He was really traveling light. He hadn't taken the time to grab anything when he left town, and he did not accumulate much as he travelled.

"I am not real picky about the rooms. You pick whichever room you want and I will choose after that. Like I said, anything is better than sleeping in the car. I will a then e other food she sent over. I will plug in the refrigerator, and put it in there."

Mark followed her as they headed to their cars. For the first time, his eyes moved over her and he liked what he saw.......a lot. Once again, he looked around..... Yes, he had become a little paranoid.
She nodded and went to look at the 4 bedrooms. She found one on the second floor that she liked and went to get the one little bag she had grabbed of only her favorite things that had nothing to do with what she left behind. It was a decent sized room with a big soft bed and a little chair and two seater couch near the window with that same view that she loved from the porch off the kitchen. She also liked that the bathroom right across the hall.
Since Jaidyn had chosen one of the bedrooms upstairs, Mark took the lone downstairs bedroom. This would serve two purposes..... first, it would leave distance between them and thus he would not be seen as a threat by Jaidyn..... secondly, it gave him a vantage point where he could be aware of anyone trying to enter the house.

After plugging in the refrigerator and stashing the food that was sent with them he went into his bedroom and sat on the bed. It had been a long time since he had slept in a bed, especially one as comfortable as this. He decided to take a long hot shower. He undressed and walked into the bathroom...turning on the water and making it very hot. He was going to enjoy this.
She wandered down stairs and outside walking around a little thinking about what she could do to the yard and porches and all that. She glanced around was she free... had she finally found the best time to get away and forget him and her past? Or would he get tired of the latest plaything and hunt her down?
Mark lingered in the shower. It had been too long since he had felt relaxed enough to take his time in a shower. He wondered if he was getting to lackadaisical. He had to stay on edge to make sure he wasn't caught off-guard.

After turning off the shower, he stepped out and troweled off. When he was finished he wrapped the towel around his waist and went into his room. He decided that he should look for a washer and dryer and clean the few clothes he had with him. He grabbed them in his arm and set off to find the laundry room.
Wandering back in she saw him tracking down the laundry room and was glad to see they had one. She walked to the kitchen and found some dishes and washed out a glass and got some water to drink. She was not sure how this arrangement was going to work and if she should ask him anything about himself or just stay silent
H dumped his clothes in the washer. There was no need to separate them. H didn't care as long as he finally got clean clothes. He saw Jaidyn walk by and started to wonder about her. She was very quiet. She didn't share anything. He wondered if there was something she was running from. Of course, that would be something they had in common.
She had curled up on the couch sipping the water looking around what would be home for now and smiled a little. She already had ideas for a garden and other landscaping and was in a way looking forward to fixing this place up to call home.