"On the Job" Story Event 2024


In the notes to admin, is it ON THE JOB or is it ON THE JOB 2024? Every support thread I wrangled had the year in the Notes to Admin
I'd just copy/paste exactly what Heyall put in the first post.
I'd just copy/paste exactly what Heyall put in the first post.
You know as well as I do that when we make these threads that we copy past from last years post and update the dates, but I got burned for not putting a year in the notes to admin in one of my threads. I just want to make sure this is cool with Laurel.
You know as well as I do that when we make these threads that we copy past from last years post and update the dates, but I got burned for not putting a year in the notes to admin in one of my threads. I just want to make sure this is cool with Laurel.
True, but you can blame Heyall if it's wrong. šŸ˜
Put both in the notes to admin and if you have a few extra tags, put both there as well.
I can't wait for this one to go up. I love writing Discworld stories... but there's not a lot of readers of them out there.
I am taking a break from a runaway Valentine's Story that is turning into a Nude Day story. I saw this challenge and have what I consider to be a clever story of a poet 'on the job'. But within this category, I would appreciate comments on how to handle a boss-underling relationship, or the perception of a superior-inferior relationship, in terms of sexual relations. News from around the world is full of condemnation of such relationships, yet this challenge would appear to be fertile ground, versus a pairing of equal co-workers.
I would appreciate comments on how to handle a boss-underling relationship, or the perception of a superior-inferior relationship, in terms of sexual relations. News from around the world is full of condemnation of such relationships,
Incest has been condemned in practically every culture throughout history yet it is the most popular category here. Write your story the way you want and as long as it doesnā€™t violate site rules, Iā€™m sure you will find interested readers.
I finally came up with promising plot idea, and I got so excited about it that I managed to frantically type in like 4k words in a single sitting, which normally doesn't happen to me. And I'm super happy with the result so far, although I'm only getting to the fun part now.

It's gonna be an EC is a pretty standard contemporary workplace, but one that seems to be very underrepresented in the genre. Definitely hot, and hopefully also funny where I intend it to be ;)
A priestess who catches two thieves robbing her temple, does that count as "on the job"? Particularly if the thieves are the main characters, but the priestess is the POV character.
You know as well as I do that when we make these threads that we copy past from last years post and update the dates, but I got burned for not putting a year in the notes to admin in one of my threads. I just want to make sure this is cool with Laurel.
I always put an intro "This story is for the such-and-such challenge etc" before kicking off my tale. I feel this always makes it a bit more obvious for Laurel, and perhaps draws other readers to the challenge who have come to my story via category or tags...not that I have a shit-tonne of readers or anything...šŸ¤Ŗ
I always put an intro "This story is for the such-and-such challenge etc" before kicking off my tale. I feel this always makes it a bit more obvious for Laurel, and perhaps draws other readers to the challenge who have come to my story via category or tags...not that I have a shit-tonne of readers or anything...šŸ¤Ŗ
You can have my "Fan club!" Some members have been known to score me as high as 3 (I think he was feverish that month)
Laurel has named Sweeps after them.
I always put an intro "This story is for the such-and-such challenge etc" before kicking off my tale. I feel this always makes it a bit more obvious for Laurel, and perhaps draws other readers to the challenge who have come to my story via category or tags...not that I have a shit-tonne of readers or anything...šŸ¤Ŗ

I may 'borrow' this - mainly as I am too tired to think of anything remotely as good.
