"On the Job" Story Event 2023


Literotica Guru
Jun 25, 2008

"On the Job" 2023

It's one of the most common fantasies in the world. You see someone sharply dressed, diligently performing a task with the utmost professionalism. Maybe it's your boss or co-worker. Or maybe it's the person serving you.

But of course, sex is always in the back of your mind.

On April 24th, Monday, right here on Literotica, those themes will be explored in all their beautiful glory.

Because who doesn't desire sex in the workplace?


- The ENTIRE story must happen at a place of employment
- At least one character must be an employee
- Doesn't have to be one scene. Make as many scenes as you want.
- Examples include; a retail business, a professor at college, an airline employee at the airport or airplane, a hotel attendant, and of course an office worker. etc...


The posting period is between April 16 - April 23

Final list to be posted on April 24, Monday

Posting Info

Use "OnTheJob" in your Notes section when submitting.

Technically this event is open to everyone, but signing up in this thread helps give an idea of how we can spread the stories out.

Category / Participants:

Erotic Coupling:




First Time:

Gay Male:



Loving Wives:

Mind Control:


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Hi, maybe I`m just a fool, but I really do believe there may be a friendship between two coworkers (a woman and a man) and they help and protect each other without sexual benefit.
May I submit a tale with her jealous husband wondering about all those rumors of, "work spouse" idea?
No cuckolding because is not my cup of tea.
Dammit. I just wrote and published a story that would have been perfect for this category a few weeks ago lol
Hi, maybe I`m just a fool, but I really do believe there may be a friendship between two coworkers (a woman and a man) and they help and protect each other without sexual benefit.
May I submit a tale with her jealous husband wondering about all those rumors of, "work spouse" idea?
No cuckolding because is not my cup of tea.
I don't see why not, but I can't see how you'll fulfil the Lit requirement of two fucks per page (2FPP) with that premise. I think the tension that can be generated between 'just friends at work' and a suspicious spouse can be interesting. If you want a score over 4 then stick with 2FPP - anything less will get you 1-bombed from guys angry that you spoiled their wank. :cool:
Wow, Sticky! What's going on; want to talk about it? Sure you can get a score over 4 without excessive sex? And even so, for most of us, a good story is more important than a good score (even if, at first, it may not feel like it). Don't start discouraging others!
I'm not discouraging, just forewarning. I'm not particularly obsessed with scores and it's not my place to finger wag about Lit themes but it is a sex site first and foremost and the poster seemed a genuine sort of guy. And he's Norwegian and they're kinda hot for starters.

Lets be honest - the premise here is
- cute girl with a big tits and cute ass is bullied by her boss
- nice guy, who she's ignored because he collects postage stamps for a hobby, offers a shoulder
- she pours her heart out over a coffee
- they discover a mutual interest in coated 135gsm paper
- she notices he has a huge dong
- they adjourned to his place and have 2FPP at his place where the walls are decorated with 1st edition stamps
- she realises he's sitting on a fortune in rare stamps
- they cash in his collection, sail to sunset
- the end
Fuck - maybe I should write this myself?! :ROFLMAO:
*sigh* okay - I'll put my hand up. I shouldn't post when I'm having a bad day. Carry on :)
I thought Norwegians are cool and unfathomable? But what do I know about that...

Funny, how people can see things differently.
I agree with the big tits and the stamps, but for sure, their mutual interest has to be in hand-made paper.

Reason for the girl to be bullied by her boss turns out to be a chastity belt, and he can sympathise all too well. By showing his cage, the ice is melted, and they start sharing experiences. It hurts, not being able to release the pressure built up by painting their stories, but oh my, do they like the way it hurts! Sure, they're not made for each other, but they do share something their true partners will never understand.
Okay - we can write this together! It's a winner :D
May I submit a tale with her jealous husband wondering about all those rumors of, "work spouse" idea?
No cuckolding because is not my cup of tea.
You might write the story with the wife fantasizing of an affair, then after days of such daydreams and the husband becoming suspicious, she realizes it's wrong and enthusiastically fucks her husband.

I don't see why not, but I can't see how you'll fulfil the Lit requirement of two fucks per page (2FPP) with that premise. I think the tension that can be generated between 'just friends at work' and a suspicious spouse can be interesting. If you want a score over 4 then stick with 2FPP - anything less will get you 1-bombed from guys angry that you spoiled their wank. :cool:
He could still meet your 2FPP metric!
You might write the story with the wife fantasizing of an affair, then after days of such daydreams and the husband becoming suspicious, she realizes it's wrong and enthusiastically fucks her husband.
It all has to take place within the workplace; that's not necessarily a limitation, just be aware when writing. If the wife does decide to, she should bring the husband to the workplace. That may limit how you write, so plan ahead.
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Thanks for having this again. I missed the challenge last year but had a lot of fun with it in 2021. In that story, At Closing Time, a lecherous robber with a gun surprises Ned at the end of the workday to spoil his evening and possibly his plan for his girlfriend and his future. There was a reference in the story to Mr. K, Ned’s boss, and Mrs. K, Ned’s favorite MILF, having a tryst in the store in their younger days. I’ll see if I can put something together for it.
I don't see why not, but I can't see how you'll fulfil the Lit requirement of two fucks per page (2FPP) with that premise. I think the tension that can be generated between 'just friends at work' and a suspicious spouse can be interesting. If you want a score over 4 then stick with 2FPP - anything less will get you 1-bombed from guys angry that you spoiled their wank. :cool:
I've written several stories with 0 (FPP) that have been well received. The natives are not as morally challenged as we suspect. Many commented they couldn't believe they'd read a sexless story and enjoyed it.

I did start a story two years ago for this event and never finished it. Maybe this year!
I wrote for the 2022 challenge with "Trusted Employees - On The Job" to entertain the trolls in Loving Wives. That story made it to 4.01 with 239 raters (good for consensual swingers in that category). Maybe I'll see if I can get to 4.02 with a 2023 story.

Maybe I'll have the swinger wife suspecting her geek husband of having an office affair (violates their personal swinger rules), then she'll surprise him by visiting him at his office for a "quickie".
I'm not discouraging, just forewarning. I'm not particularly obsessed with scores and it's not my place to finger wag about Lit themes but it is a sex site first and foremost and the poster seemed a genuine sort of guy. And he's Norwegian and they're kinda hot for starters.

Lets be honest - the premise here is
- cute girl with a big tits and cute ass is bullied by her boss
- nice guy, who she's ignored because he collects postage stamps for a hobby, offers a shoulder
- she pours her heart out over a coffee
- they discover a mutual interest in coated 135gsm paper
- she notices he has a huge dong
- they adjourned to his place and have 2FPP at his place where the walls are decorated with 1st edition stamps
- she realises he's sitting on a fortune in rare stamps
- they cash in his collection, sail to sunset
- the end
Fuck - maybe I should write this myself?! :ROFLMAO:
*sigh* okay - I'll put my hand up. I shouldn't post when I'm having a bad day. Carry on :)
Sorry for the absence, my wife's relatives have been sucking every minute of my day for two weeks now. And tonight is New Year's Eve--I only have a few minutes.
What can I say? I didn't know about the 2FPP rule: one of the best stories I read was https://www.literotica.com/s/death-and-the-single-girl by Anitole, and there weren't many Fs.
I'll never be that good ... but, if the purpose of the game is to include lots of banging, maybe I could write a story in which a group of cheerleaders celebrate together with a football team, to the tune of a bang every three lines (and a few roasts on the spit).
That's a workplace, too, isn't it?
Just kidding. I have not been discouraged (I am old and no one discourages me anymore) but I would encourage stickygirl to write an own tale--it seems to me that the structure is solid and the characters clear in the mind.
Yet-are we sure that popularity and stars are the ultimate goal? I'm interested in delving into an idea, even with a small crew of readers-some of the ideas are strange, far from the mainstream flow, but that's exactly why I write. Otherwise we'd all write "50 Shades" and get rich the same way.

Translated with DeepL
… (snip)

- The ENTIRE story must happen at a place of employment
Getting caught on the boss’s desk, a conference room, the executive bathroom, the regular bathroom, the gym showers, in the elevator, in the stairwell, in the parking lot or parking garage, etc. has certain risks to one’s continued employment status.

Can we at least go to our houses once we get lucky?
Wow, Sticky! What's going on; want to talk about it? Sure you can get a score over 4 without excessive sex? And even so, for most of us, a good story is more important than a good score (even if, at first, it may not feel like it). Don't start discouraging others!
You're being tongue-in-cheek with us. Stickygirl was obviously doing that.
I'm not discouraging, just forewarning. I'm not particularly obsessed with scores and it's not my place to finger wag about Lit themes but it is a sex site first and foremost and the poster seemed a genuine sort of guy. And he's Norwegian and they're kinda hot for starters.

Lets be honest - the premise here is
- cute girl with a big tits and cute ass is bullied by her boss
- nice guy, who she's ignored because he collects postage stamps for a hobby, offers a shoulder
- she pours her heart out over a coffee
- they discover a mutual interest in coated 135gsm paper
- she notices he has a huge dong
- they adjourned to his place and have 2FPP at his place where the walls are decorated with 1st edition stamps
- she realises he's sitting on a fortune in rare stamps
- they cash in his collection, sail to sunset
- the end
Fuck - maybe I should write this myself?! :ROFLMAO:
*sigh* okay - I'll put my hand up. I shouldn't post when I'm having a bad day. Carry on :)
One could probably develop software - not necessarily full AI - to write a plausible version of this. A digression: I think rare postage stamps are mostly not as valuable as some people believe they are.
This rocks! A Whole extra day this year too!!!
And I had a great idea come up this morning for this event - "BASED ON A TRUE STORY!" (very loosely based)
I don't always catch on to some neurotypical weirdness! I'm trying to learn
It is possible that this RubenR person is completely serious. Sometimes you just have to guess what people on these boards really mean to say.
Okay, here are two ideas based on some reality:

A manager of an in-office team gets a flag for internet usage of one of his staff. She's newer, out of college, and googling things like: "How to seduce my boss" and "Office flings." What steps does he take next?

An office team turns over from in-office employees to remote employees around the country. Only a few employees are left at the office and one, a woman, decides to try an OnlyFans with her posting sexy pics at work. She enlists the help of her (male? female?) coworker to help with the photography. It may lead to more.
I like the idea of a story about an Uber driver, which takes place entirely in his or her car. I haven't come up with the story yet, but I like the idea.
Getting caught on the boss’s desk, a conference room, the executive bathroom, the regular bathroom, the gym showers, in the elevator, in the stairwell, in the parking lot or parking garage, etc. has certain risks to one’s continued employment status.

Can we at least go to our houses once we get lucky?

Nah, just fuck the boss, you’ll be fine.
Okay I'm in. Didn't seem like my bag but ideas seem to happen. And this is a fun one.
Fucking at work is frowned upon or outright forbidden right?
What if, what you did on your break time is your business?
This will be in Erotic Couplings.