
Congratulations. I can't imagine, but can only hope.....:D
I realized the other night that i'd hit the 6000 mark. It took me 20 months.

Amazing that the first thousand was in one month.
I hit 5K a couple days ago. But I've only been here for nine months; you've been here for nineteen. So who has no life?

freakygurl said:
*looks at her post total and registration date*

*hides in the closet*

Come out of the close, freaky.

There are people here with more posts than you who registered less than a year ago. You have nothing to be hiding about.
teddybear4play said:
I hit 5K a couple days ago. But I've only been here for nine months; you've been here for nineteen. So who has no life?


Good point TB4p! It just seems like a lot, heck I should be up there way over 10,000!:D
morninggirl5 said:
Come out of the close, freaky.

There are people here with more posts than you who registered less than a year ago. You have nothing to be hiding about.

That's true.. and my daily average isn't near as high as it used to be.

I've cut my Lit time down a lot.
I will never be sure when I will reach the next thousand and so on. I can only come here sporadically. So some days I may have 60 posts and then none for a week
I'm thinking I can hit 10,000 by July...

That is a sign of no life! :rolleyes:

(No offence to the ones with 10K of course)
It's kind of sad because it's taken me three years and I haven't even hit 2000 yet. :( Congrats anyway.
Congrats Plasticman....

...and Chicklet (*waves hello*)

... and TB4P!!!

Woooo Hooooo!