OMG! They Lost The Shuttle!

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
The Shuttle is missing, overdue by 15 minutes, lost all data links...still waiting!
I'm watching the film on NBC. There are multiple "trails", as if it broke up, and the various pieces are reentering separately. I hope I'm wrong.
Luscious Lioness said:
It was seen in Texas, over the Dallas/Fort Worth area. They showed pictures of it in the sky.
I think I should go put on CNN
Debris caught on cameras..

They got video of it's breakup on entry....R.I.P. :rose:
It's on CNN. My brother just called and woke me up to tell me to turn on the TV. The shuttle Columbia burned up upon re-entry, although they don't know why yet. The film shows clearly that it broke into various pieces.

Now they said there warnings to people in Texas to stay away from the debris if they find any of it on the ground due to toxic waste.
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NASA has announced that if people in the DFW area find debris on the ground, they should not touch it. Although they've yet to make an official statement that it's lost--just that they lost communications at +/- 9:00am EST (GMT-5)
I can't believe it... Just the other day I relived the whole Challenger thing over again on a thread right here... Fuck, not again... :(:(:(
100 miles south of Dallas.

Now they are giving the names of those on board- 7 of them.
A sad tragedy for our country. :(

RIP!:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

Thanks for the update, LC. Our local radio has not said a damn thing.
There is film of the break up and NASA is warning people in North Western Texas to avoid handling debris.

Bush Administration is calling a "Domestic Event " conference now.
i hate to say this...but there were 6 americans and 1 israeli on board. i hate jumping to conclusions, but i have to ask, could foul play be involved?
I just turned on CNN and I seeing and hearing what your all saying. What a tragedy. I remember When they lost the Challenger.....
paganangel said:
i hate to say this...but there were 6 americans and 1 israeli on board. i hate jumping to conclusions, but i have to ask, could foul play be involved?

You're not alone - they were just mentioning this on NPR.
I'm watching it as i typer... the break up is horrible... four main parts... it's real
CNN is doing a good job of not jumping to any conclusion about this being terrorist related at all. They are focusing on the danger of the space shuttles during re- entry to the atmosphere.

I think we take space flight for granted these days, we forget that there is danger involved. We've forgotten the Challenger and assume all we be well for every mission. This time, it wasn't.