OMG, I just fucked myself raw!

Gilly Bean

Princess Spanky Pants
Aug 29, 2001
Gotta hate when you slip and fall on those damn raw vegtables. :mad:

Oh, hey, V5, what ever your name is, this one's for you. :)
Gilly Bean said:
Gotta hate when you slip and fall on those damn raw vegtables. :mad:

Oh, hey, V5, what ever your name is, this one's for you. :)

Please tell me you captured these beautiful moments on video and are willing to share. LOL.

My perviness is coming out.. I must be hungry. LUNCHTIME!
P. B. Walker said:
whew.. I'm not the only perv.

You say that at lit. It's a more likely happenstance that if you were to say, Whew, I'm the only perv, that it would be true. :D
Re: Re: OMG, I just fucked myself raw!

P. B. Walker said:
Please tell me you captured these beautiful moments on video and are willing to share. LOL.

My perviness is coming out.. I must be hungry. LUNCHTIME!

J.B. said:
nope. I'm a perv.

Let's tie her up, but leave one hand free... and then masturbate each other as we watch her fuck herself raw with a cucumber while watching amatuer porn.
P. B. Walker said:
Let's tie her up, but leave one hand free... and then masturbate each other as we watch her fuck herself raw with a cucumber while watching amatuer porn.

Deal :D
P. B. Walker said:
I thought that oooooochained dude was Raw Humor...

Hells no! lol Beefcake will always be himself. Unfortunately he's been blocked from Lit at work (please don't anyone launch into a rant about the moral points of posting from a place of employment. It's SO done lol)
sunstruck said:
(please don't anyone launch into a rant about the moral points of posting from a place of employment. It's SO done lol)
he should have been fired, they pay him to perform tasks to benefit them, not to set around with a chubby while trying to get into every chicks cyber panties....

oh wait, nm. this has been sooooooo done :p
sunstruck said:
Hells no! lol Beefcake will always be himself. Unfortunately he's been blocked from Lit at work (please don't anyone launch into a rant about the moral points of posting from a place of employment. It's SO done lol)

Ohh... then who is/was ooooooochained ?
J.B. said:
but I have rope and no porn.

Mmm ok. Well I have porn... but I figured you'd be able to pick out better porn for her to watch than me... different wants/needs and all that... :)

Who says I don't think about my partner(s)? LOL.

I definitely have plenty of lube. Doh.
PB I think you should grab about 4 or 5 and we can pick one out.
brokenbrainwave said:
he should have been fired, they pay him to perform tasks to benefit them, not to set around with a chubby while trying to get into every chicks cyber panties....

oh wait, nm. this has been sooooooo done :p

Gawd! You're probably still wearing last year's sweat pants. lol Get with the trends boy!

PB I have no idea who oooochained is. I haven't read much of their stuff. The name turns me off. I assumed they were either a troll or a fluffhead. lol