OMG 6months equals a half a year


Here's your sign
Nov 16, 2001
OMG 6 months is half a year.
I cant believe it I cant believe it. I simply cant believe
Four days from now, april 9 marks 2 special anniversaries
Two years ago I met jenny in Syd's wonderful tub
in lit's chat. That moment will forever change my life.
Thank you so much laurel and Manu,you will never be able to measure how much the opportunity for us to meet meant to us.
Thank you,to all the tubbers for putting up with all our mushiness too.
That time together was nice,really nice

April 9 also marks the sixth month anniversary of the day jenny boarded her plane giving up the world she knows to join me in mine.The moment she landed my world was changed forever.
As my location reads,We have been living in heaven on earth.
Thank you,jenny for your warmth,your love and the happiness you have brought me, a happiness i never imagined before
possible. Thank you,also, to every one in Lit for all your kind words and words of encouragement and for putting up with all our mushiness.
We pulled it off.
Our life together wont have a happy ending because it wont have an ending.

What annoys me is that you two consistently bring out my uber soft side.

Congratulations to you both!
I wasn't around for any of that, but it makes my lil' heart go pitty-pat to read about you and Jenny.

Nice to know that one can find more at Lit than a way to kill time!

Gushing in Gettyburg,
*bump* for the oldtimers who remember these two.

Congrats, by the way. :rose:
Hugs to both of you

from one of your biggest fans. It is funny I was talking to LadyBird today and we were talking about the two of you. So that is why your ears were ringing.

Just let me know when the real wedding is. You know if I am in the states I will do my best to get there.

Congratulations you two are doing something right. :)

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EllieTalbot said:
I wasn't around for any of that, but it makes my lil' heart go pitty-pat to read about you and Jenny.

Nice to know that one can find more at Lit than a way to kill time!

What she said.
Threads like this give me hope. :rose:
Congrats to both of you. It has been an experience even just to read and hear about from you two. Take care, I wish you both all the best. :rose: :heart:
tulip2lipservice said:
I'll edit if you will. Ooppsie.

Hey when can I take ya out to dinner?


Done. :)

Are you going to be in my neighborhood? :confused:
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Oman you are such a lovely, romantic man. Personally, I think you should be cloned.

Tulip and I were talking on MSN earlier today, and mentioned you and Jen, and how we'd both witnessed you falling in love. And what a love you have, it's stood many tests already.

I'm thrilled for you and Jenny, and know that I'll continue to be as your love grows stronger and stronger.

ps...... there's a parcel on the way.
Ditto, to Chey's post!

Cheyenne said:
*bump* for the oldtimers who remember these two.

Congrats, by the way. :rose:

Yeah - but it's PLAYOFF time - the Sens are on TOP - and where's the HOCKEY thread... SHEESH! :rolleyes:

Seriously, Oma-haha'ers - I am so pleased that all is rosy in that small suburb of Council Bluffs.... :D :devil:

I know, you'll let me Offutt the Corner by the UP Locomotives.... ;)
I remember when you two met...everyone in the tub knew that you would get together in RL...hugggs to both of you!!

lots and lots of


thank you all for your wonderful words and memories of jenny and our time together.I just wanted to start this thread because i couldnt keep all the happiness and excitement and love for jenny in,had to let it out,share with the world.

Time does fly!

Both of you deserve much love and happiness. So nice to see you've found it so fully with each other.:kiss:
Ok Oman if the computer breaks this time at least you don't have to stay up all night worrying!;) :D

No seriously, what you and Jenny have found is so very special. I posted on the playground thread reminders of things. But I don't think either of you need any reminders to be honest. You have what you always wanted, each other.

I am so very happy the two of you found each other and honored to call you friends. This is only the beginning. I see many happy years to come.:heart: :kiss:
Thank you, LITers, for all your kind wishes and support


I don't get online very much anymore, but it's truly amazing and wonderful to recognize so many familiar LITers!

Thanks to all of you for your good wishes as Oman and I continue to carry on together.

I don't believe in accidents, and these months have convinced me that I'm finally home.:heart:

Keeping dreams alive, especially in these times, is a lot easier when you're sharing them with a special someone.

Thanks for being that someone, Oman!

Glad you guys met and have each other. Kind of makes some of what we do here worthwhile.
You two always bring a smile to my face :)

Congrats on your anniversary! :rose: